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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #250 on: June 28, 2014, 01:25:03 PM »
the first line of the Huffpo article you linked on adoption: (bolding mine)

The legal battle between Catholic Charities and the state of Illinois over the organization's state-funded adoption and foster care contracts,

You take the King's Shilling........

The contraception thing is similarly not clear cut.  Catholic contractors were looking at being forced to provide their service in compliance with federal law. and I also haven't heard where that stands.

Neither issue is remotely the same as being forced to carry out a religious ceremony.  Catholic churches aren't being forced to carry out Bar Mitzvah's either.


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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #251 on: June 28, 2014, 01:57:17 PM »
All churches and various religious institutions are creatures of the state, corporations. They will all eventually be reigned in and made to conform. Religious liberty be damned.

Gods Kingdom is not going to come to pass nor be be promoted by any legislation (or lack thereof) IMHO. I completely reject the notion that God calls believers to be cultural warriors by way of the legislative process.

Believers and unbelievers alike should vote for men and women who cherish life, promote liberty (defined as individual freedom from government interference) and protect private property.


For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity, that they may be without excuse. Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.


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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #252 on: June 29, 2014, 11:27:24 AM »
All churches and various religious institutions are creatures of the state, corporations. They will all eventually be reigned in and made to conform. Religious liberty be damned.

Yep.  Tax exemption will be the fall of well organized religion in this country. 

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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #253 on: June 29, 2014, 11:39:48 AM »
Yep.  Tax exemption will be the fall of well organized religion in this country. 

As originally envisaged, it was a tool to keep gov't out of religious institutions.  "Power to tax is the power to destroy" and all that. 

Subsequent "innovations" in constitutional thought and gov'tal practice have demonstrated that there is no set of laws that will restrain the progressive death cult from seeking to impose its will on all.


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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #254 on: June 29, 2014, 12:26:31 PM »
Yep.  Tax exemption will be the fall of well organized religion in this country. 

Uh, OK. You think we should be taxing churches? Or other non-profits?
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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #255 on: June 29, 2014, 01:51:04 PM »
>Gay "marriage" isn't about accruing the benefits that actual marriage has from the government. It is about a means to force social acceptance on those hateful! Christians.<

Ummm... no.
Actually, mak's quoted statement pretty well reflects what a local gay marriage activist said to the media after their recent court victory. They said that the ruling was a good start, but the real goal is to change the way people think.


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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #256 on: June 29, 2014, 03:58:03 PM »
They said that the ruling was a good start, but the real goal is to change the way people think.

They are, not necessarily in the way they wish.  A lot of people who previously had a live and let live attitude are increasingly seeing the activists as enemies.


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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #257 on: June 30, 2014, 01:21:10 AM »
>Subsequent "innovations" in constitutional thought and gov'tal practice have demonstrated that there is no set of laws that will restrain the progressive death cult from seeking to impose its will on all.<

That urge to "impose their will on all" exists on both sides of the political spectrum. It's a human thing

>Actually, mak's quoted statement pretty well reflects what a local gay marriage activist said to the media after their recent court victory. They said that the ruling was a good start, but the real goal is to change the way people think. <

I was addressing how it started. Not where it seems to be going (or how a few fringe idiots want to take it).

You see the very same thing in the Feminist movement: started as equal rights (which is hard to argue against), and has moved off into lala land...
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What was that about a pearl handled revolver and someone from New Orleans again?

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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #258 on: June 30, 2014, 01:40:59 AM »
>Subsequent "innovations" in constitutional thought and gov'tal practice have demonstrated that there is no set of laws that will restrain the progressive death cult from seeking to impose its will on all.<

That urge to "impose their will on all" exists on both sides of the political spectrum. It's a human thing

>Actually, mak's quoted statement pretty well reflects what a local gay marriage activist said to the media after their recent court victory. They said that the ruling was a good start, but the real goal is to change the way people think. <

I was addressing how it started. Not where it seems to be going (or how a few fringe idiots want to take it).

You see the very same thing in the Feminist movement: started as equal rights (which is hard to argue against), and has moved off into lala land...

Interesting notions belied by statements made by the activists themselves at the time.  Been reading up on some of the statements and literature put out from a few decades back.  I'll post links later if you want. 

Point being, it is not some fever dream of Phyllis Schlafly and Ralph Reed.  It is just folks paying attention and taking folk at their word. 


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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #259 on: June 30, 2014, 03:16:18 AM »

So... does that mean that Rev and I get to take the fringe of Christianity as speaking for everyone of your faith, that we need to repent and convert or be killed (or at least be second class)? Because those folks are out there, just as much as the fringe of the gay marriage movement are.

Or can we look at this as "reporting made to stir stuff up", as it probably is?
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What was that about a pearl handled revolver and someone from New Orleans again?

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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #260 on: June 30, 2014, 10:45:21 AM »
we need to repent and convert or be killed (or at least be second class)?

That much is readily apparent.  Until you accept the superiority of Safariland Comp IIs, you have chosen to relegate yourself to a very risky second class.


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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #261 on: June 30, 2014, 11:29:39 AM »
I said it that way because I read about it years ago and thus don't have a citation handy for it.  I also can't find it right now via various google searches.  The problem is that in cases like hospital visitation there are facilities with a history of stonewalling non-relatives, paperwork or not, unless they were rendered 'a relative' by marriage.  Now, I know this opens the hospital up for lawsuits, but which would you rather have - visiting your dying loved one, or a lawsuit for being denied said visitation?

Ergo, $500/hour lawyer or not, in some ways the marriage certificate was more powerful than the contracts.  Easier certainly, you just need to haul 1 sheet of paper, not dozens.  The problem with filling out the free forms is that they're more likely to be challenged than ones drawn up or at least reviewed by a competent lawyer.

Hospitals have a long history of violating the wishes of their patients gay and straight, that's a hospital problem not one relevant to this discussion.

As for 'talking points from the DNC', that's outright unfair, as I have nothing to do with them.  I've come to my own beliefs by myself, thank you very much.  Get onto some different topics and I'm right with you guys. 

So you decided that anyone who opposes gay marriage is just a homo-hating neo-Bull Connor all by yourself? I actually respect that less than if you were just parroting the talking points. I also note who eager you are to central plan the economy, as long as it's being done your way.

As for everybody being treated 'equally', I'm going to go right back to racism.  Because I see your argument as the same whether you say 'opposite sex' or 'different race'.  Equal protection, right?  But is it equal protection when Susie can marry John but not Wanda, but John can marry Wanda?

There is no difference between people of different colors. There is a difference between men and women. Either you're the racist and think skin color is a valid difference, or you have some weird views on biology

Close relatives marrying - a sticky widget indeed, especially if the 'couple' is an obviously non-reproductive one so you can't argue 'health of the children!'.

Why is that a problem for you? They're consenting adults, who are you to judge who they choose to have sex with? Get out oft heir bedroom! Stop being just like a racist!

I understand that many people think that homosexuality is wrong based on their religious documents.  I'll respond that our interpretation of them alters over time.  Most Catholics use birth control at some point in their lives despite mandates of their church.  The Bible has been used to both condone and condemn slavery.  The Koran to variously sentence rapists to death or to stone the woman who was raped. 

You don't like religion, check. I suppose that's an insight into why you view "slightly different paperwork" as a horrific affront to basic human rights, but "squashes religious liberty" as not worth considering.

I'm not arguing that churches be forced to conduct gay marriages.

That's why they call them "unintended" consequences.

But you should already know that there are various sects of various major religions that are perfectly willing to recognize the marriages, and THAT turns opposing gay marriage into a religious fight.  One could say supporting it as well, but how many gays want to get married for the mostly non-religious 'married' part, to include benefits and tax advantages compared with people who oppose it for non-religious purposes?

This is a jumbled cluster of nonsense that's not worth responding to.

For the record I support SSM but also support the ability of religions and small businesses* to not support it.

Oh, and my commander is not only gay, but gay married.  His spouse enjoys an increasing number of benefits that an opposite sex spouse has traditionally received for decades, but he fulfills the same 'duties'**, so doesn't he deserve the same benefits?

*I handle large corporations different than small family owned businesses with the viewpoint that you can avoid the latter, but the former is much more difficult.
**Key spouse membership, various functions, political stuff.

You'll get the first, but not the second.
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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #262 on: June 30, 2014, 11:36:15 AM »

>Also, as you yourself have pointed out, if this was truly about equality before the law then they'd have called it a civil union and avoided the worst of the controversy. Here in Seattle civil unions that were exactly the same as a marriage but not called that were passed into law. But that wasn't enough, because equality before the law is a pretext to get the folks who wouldn't necessarily be comfortable with social engineering at gun point to go along with it.<

Do try to read all the words. "The gay marriage movement started...". Key word there that you're ignoring: "started".

1. I would contend that mainstreaming and destigmatizing homosexuality was always a key motivation of many of the proponents of gay marriage.
2. Even if that's not the case, I care less about the historical roots than I do about what the movement actually is and is doing today.

Yes, it has moved on to try and "claim" the title of marriage. And honestly, I'm not invested/involved enough to tell tell anyone why they've made that move. Personally, completely remove the term "marriage" from the legal lexicon: make 'em all "civil unions", defined as "a cohabitation agreement between any two or more consenting adults, which confers certain legal rights..."

Certainly, it seems that every person I've talked to who's against it will bring scripture into the argument. As soon as you can find it in the original Norse runes where I am told that homosexuality is wrong, you'll have a leg to stand on. Until that point, what your holy book says about the subject means bupkis to me (and to many others, as well).

As an adherent to an extreme minority religion, it'd really be in your best interests to safeguard free practice of religion. The movement (however it may have started) is now more about punishing people who don't agree and social engineering at gun point than about protecting gay couples from the horror of filing different paperwork. Sure, it's all fun and games when it's just the icky Christians getting forced to violate their beliefs, but that dog will turn and anything you let your allies do to us will at some point be done to you.

>Also, actual question. Why only sexual relationships? Why not platonic partner contracts that convey the same rights as marriage? Why are we ok with discriminating against the asexual?<

I would be perfectly fine with that. What I said above says nothing about sexual relations

So marriage is essentially meaningless, and any group of people who wish to align for tax or inheritance or any other reason should be able to be "married"? This is your contention?
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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #263 on: June 30, 2014, 11:37:09 AM »
A church can no more be forced to perform a gay wedding than a Jewish or  a Buddhist one. The only example of this actually happening is Denmark, which is a monarchy with a state church and the parliament legally being a legislative organ for the church. In other words, it's also completely irrelevant to US, because the legal and political system there is about as removed from ours as possible.

What I think you mean here is, it can't yet.
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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #264 on: June 30, 2014, 11:56:07 AM »
What I think you mean here is, it can't yet.
Oh, sure. It will definitely happen.  Right after we get a king and a state church, and Congress becomes the official rule making body for that church.   

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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #265 on: June 30, 2014, 11:59:45 AM »
Oh, sure. It will definitely happen.  Right after we get a king and a state church, and Congress becomes the official rule making body for that church.   

20 years ago, gay marriage was this crazy unthinkable thing no one took seriously. Folks laughed at it, "That can't happen here!"

But no, I'm sure that the same .gov that has a historty of violating rights would never seven dream of doing so in this one area. We can totally trust the feds to have our best interests at heart.
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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #266 on: June 30, 2014, 12:11:26 PM »

So... does that mean that Rev and I get to take the fringe of Christianity as speaking for everyone of your faith, that we need to repent and convert or be killed (or at least be second class)? Because those folks are out there, just as much as the fringe of the gay marriage movement are.

Or can we look at this as "reporting made to stir stuff up", as it probably is?

Taking the foundational activists of the homosexualist and feminist movements at their word is as legitimate as taking Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul,(and the other NT writers) at their Word.  Tracing the foundational beliefs over time is also legitimate.

Problem is, most non-Christians are so ignorant of small-o orthodox Christianity and what the Bible actually says they don't know when some Christian is talking from the Word or from their fourth point of contact.  Or when some non-Christian tries to cite scripture from either abject ignorance of theology & context or from ill will.

« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 12:15:31 PM by roo_ster »


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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #267 on: June 30, 2014, 12:16:32 PM »
That much is readily apparent.  Until you accept the superiority of Safariland Comp IIs, you have chosen to relegate yourself to a very risky second class.

Is not the Holy Trinity of speedloaders the H the K and the S? 


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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #268 on: June 30, 2014, 01:16:40 PM »
Is not the Holy Trinity of speedloaders the H the K and the S?

Only if you're trying to load your pocket.  I prefer to get the rounds into the gun.

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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #269 on: June 30, 2014, 02:09:00 PM »
20 years ago, gay marriage was this crazy unthinkable thing no one took seriously. Folks laughed at it, "That can't happen here!"

But no, I'm sure that the same .gov that has a historty of violating rights would never seven dream of doing so in this one area. We can totally trust the feds to have our best interests at heart.

So, what legal mechanism is there for them force a church, any church, to do anything?
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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #270 on: June 30, 2014, 02:19:49 PM »
So, what legal mechanism is there for them force a church, any church, to do anything?

Does your church own a building? Does it ever allow any non-church functions there?

Oh look you're a public accommodation so if you won't allow a gay marriage ceremony you're discriminating.

Come on, this is the .gov that found a way to use the Interstate Commerce Clause to regulate someone growing their own food. There's always a way.
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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #271 on: June 30, 2014, 03:28:54 PM »
Does your church own a building? Does it ever allow any non-church functions there?

Does you pastor ever officiate a wedding for anyone not a member of the church?

Does your pastor ever officiate a funeral for anyone not a member of the church?
I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought


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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #272 on: June 30, 2014, 03:31:12 PM »
Those are just easy, low hanging fruit before we even get to the outright tyranny already seen in Canada.
I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought

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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #273 on: June 30, 2014, 03:40:18 PM »
Does your church own a building? Does it ever allow any non-church functions there?

Oh look you're a public accommodation so if you won't allow a gay marriage ceremony you're discriminating.
I thought we were talking about a church performing a gay wedding rather than renting out space for one. Those are not the same thing. I'm pretty sure a church can't have a hall for rent to whites only, and I'm not entirely sure I have all that much of a problem with that.

Don't want people you don't like getting in, make it private. Like, say, restricted to parishioners only. A lot of churches do, anyway.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 03:44:20 PM by White Horseradish »
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Re: Texas GOP party platform: You can pray the gay away!
« Reply #274 on: June 30, 2014, 03:44:14 PM »
I thought we were talking about a church performing a gay wedding rather than renting out space for one. Those are not the same thing.


I admire your abiding faith in the's desire to promote religious freedom.
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