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The Roundtable / Re: Tractor Gun Rack Ideas?
« Last post by Jim147 on Today at 02:11:45 PM »
I used a scabbard until it got messed up. My model 60 fit tight enough that i left the top open and just reached over my shoulder when needed. I can't remember brand or where I got it but it was soft side with thick padding, and I had it mounted where if I hit scabbard on something the tractor was wreaked.
The Roundtable / Re: How was your flight?
« Last post by Ben on Today at 02:09:21 PM »
^^^I actually count the number of rows to the emergency exit front and back from my seat.  I figure if I am evacuating in the dark, upside down, or otherwise disoriented, I can still feel for the seats and count.

That's exactly what they teach at ASTC school. It's all about reference points, and for stuff like helos, apparently most of the crashes end with you being inverted. In fact the dunkers (at least the ones I was in for initial and refresher) are designed to only sink inverted, and you have to do at least a couple of iterations wearing a flight helmet and blinders to train you for finding reference points in the dark.
The Roundtable / Re: Tractor Gun Rack Ideas?
« Last post by K Frame on Today at 01:35:17 PM »
We already knew that Left-wing women were crazy. It seems like they're bragging about it with this:
The Roundtable / Re: How was your flight?
« Last post by MillCreek on Today at 01:26:50 PM »
^^^I actually count the number of rows to the emergency exit front and back from my seat.  I figure if I am evacuating in the dark, upside down, or otherwise disoriented, I can still feel for the seats and count.
The Roundtable / Re: Tractor Gun Rack Ideas?
« Last post by BobR on Today at 01:16:15 PM »
That is the way it works. I had a friend that had about 40 acres in alfalfa and he would get a ground squirrel problem. I would go out, set up and get maybe 5-10 over the course of a few hours. He could go out on his tractor and whack a dozen or more in the same time frame. He used a 20 gauge on his tractor.

The Roundtable / Re: Tractor Gun Rack Ideas?
« Last post by Northwoods on Today at 12:53:31 PM »
Make sure the scabbard is nicely padded to absorb shock and vibration loads.  Particularly if you have optics mounted.
Politics / Re: Maybe we should just start a The World Has Gone Mad thread
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 12:53:15 PM »
One of the best twitter community notes in the history of community notes.  :rofl:

That's a burn

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