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The Roundtable / Re: More on the EV boondoggle
« Last post by Angel Eyes on Today at 11:26:54 AM »
I read in the Seattle media today that EV chargers in Seattle are being stripped for their copper.  People are using battery saws or angle grinders to slice through the cable.

Not just happening in Seattle.
The Roundtable / Re: More on the EV boondoggle
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 11:00:52 AM »
Well at least they're using electric tools and not evil gas powered ones.

Being a bicyclist, I have seen many videos of miscreants using the Makita, et al, battery angle grinders to slice through the U-locks, chains, cables, etc. to steal bicycles.  Amazing how fast they are.  The industry is coming out with grinder-resistant locks and I am watching that with interest.

I was making a joke about everything needs to be electrics or you're destroying the earth =D

I have several such tools and they can make short work of cutting through things with the right attachment
The Roundtable / Re: More on the EV boondoggle
« Last post by zahc on Today at 10:59:22 AM »
Just another reminder that we can't have nice things, including environmentalism, if we don't have law and order. The coastal states will eventually have to come to grips with the reality that none of their utopian visions matter if they don't have a functioning society as a pre-requisite.
The Roundtable / Re: More on the EV boondoggle
« Last post by MillCreek on Today at 10:55:18 AM »
Well at least they're using electric tools and not evil gas powered ones.

Being a bicyclist, I have seen many videos of miscreants using the Makita, et al, battery angle grinders to slice through the U-locks, chains, cables, etc. to steal bicycles.  Amazing how fast they are.  The industry is coming out with grinder-resistant locks and I am watching that with interest.
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 10:43:55 AM »
New Trump ad out featuring a grinning Biden when asked about Trump saying he's a politician prisoner and that he blames Biden.
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 10:39:03 AM »
New York Prosecutor Says Nobody In America Is Above The Law He Made Up To Convict Them
The Roundtable / Re: Titanic tourist sub goes missing
« Last post by HankB on Today at 10:27:30 AM »
. . . IIRC Optical glass has a very high refractive index for lens purposes.  I vaguely recall that "optical" glass had lead in it and the lenses were advertised as containing lead.  I also recall that lead lenses were soft and easily scratched.   . . .
Depends on the type of optical glass. They put all kinds of stuff in there to tailor both the refractive index and the dispersion - at one time they even included thorium in some glass. (Yep. It was radioactive.) They also have to control the transparency as a function of wavelength. Often glasses with desirable optical characteristics have other problems - very soft, prone to staining, striae, etc. And of course cost.

Here's a sample glass map showing index and dispersion for various glasses from just ONE manufacturer.

The Roundtable / Re: More on the EV boondoggle
« Last post by 230RN on Today at 10:23:37 AM »
  ^ LOL. 
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by Ben on Today at 10:21:49 AM »
Brain fart on my part and I changed it

And you'll need to change it again because it's probably over $60 million by now.  =D
The Roundtable / Re: More on the EV boondoggle
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 09:44:19 AM »
People are using battery saws or angle grinders to slice through the cable.

Well at least they're using electric tools and not evil gas powered ones.
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