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Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by Angel Eyes on Today at 10:46:52 AM »
It was fairly obvious to all in 2020 as well.

Biden generates a lot of enthusiasm ... among those who count the votes.
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 10:39:42 AM »
I love how he takes all the crap they have thrown at him and turned it into money.
The MSM are starting to talk about the “enthusiasm gap” which is becoming huge and obvious to all.

It was fairly obvious to all in 2020 as well.
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by Kingcreek on Today at 10:38:17 AM »
I love how he takes all the crap they have thrown at him and turned it into money.
The MSM are starting to talk about the “enthusiasm gap” which is becoming huge and obvious to all.
The Roundtable / Re: The Valkyrie gets a bath
« Last post by HankB on Today at 10:07:59 AM »
The XB-70 is cool, but I was actually more excited to see the Thundescreech sitting next to it. (At 2:51).  The Valkyrie is cool and fast, but the XF-84 is just peak 'Merica.

Thunderscreech explanation:
I've thought from time to time that something like a Thunderscreech drone might have an application in some military situations as a psychological weapon against low tech "insurgent" forces that don't have the tech to shoot it down. Fly over, wake everybody up, and say "We know you're there." Don't make a big deal about it, in fact don't comment on it at all. The bad guys will just know something noisy is in the sky above them.

But it won't happen because after the bureaucrats got ahold of the idea, it would cost 100 billion dollars and they'd be open congressional hearings.
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 09:45:44 AM »
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 09:42:40 AM »
Look out! Chris Cuomo has gone fascist!

'LAUGHABLE': Even Chris Cuomo Is Calling Alvin Bragg and His 'Witch Hunt Trial' Out (No, Really! WATCH)
Politics / Re: Guess what's racist/white supremacy now
« Last post by HankB on Today at 09:28:37 AM »
Apparently segregated graduations are a thing again and if you call them “affinity” celebrations and it's whites who are being excluded they're okay.
One step forward two steps back.

Another University Held Segregated Graduation Celebrations
The way to bring these "affinity" ceremonies to a screeching halt - if anyone actually wants to - is for white students to cheer on and support them.  >:D
The Roundtable / Re: WTF is wrong with people?
« Last post by Perd Hapley on Today at 09:17:09 AM »
I tried to boil it down to three pages but I boiled over.

Upshot was we are no longer evolving; we are devolving back to our primal beginnings with no sense of the future.  Hunger1 and individual need for top-dogness has become our primary motivation. (Except for me and thee, since our outlook is completely noble.)

That took the first three pages.

The rest, on which I gave up, was related to a very strong "herd" instinct involved in my WTF is wrong with people? analysis.  Normally herding in the natural world is  a survival mechanism, but it has developed to a counterproductive stage in humans since it counteracts the rational thinking we had developed in our prior upward evolution.  This lack of future concern is the biggest casualty.

Hence, "devolution."

Terry, 230RN

1.  Hunger here is meant to include more than mere growling in the belly.

Post-Christian civilization.
Politics / Re: Maybe we should just start a The World Has Gone Mad thread
« Last post by Ben on Today at 09:16:40 AM »
This seems like a precedent that won't at all affect freedom: DOJ is making the claim that they can withhold the Biden/Hurd tapes from public release because they might be deepfaked or that AI manipulation might occur. That seems like a pretty broad brush that could be used to simply say, "We can't release any documents whatsoever about anything because someone might use technology to manipulate them."
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by Ben on Today at 07:25:17 AM »
As much as I have complained about Trump always acting like a teenage girl with hurt feelings everytime someone says something bad about him, I gotta give him credit for being a man about this conviction. I've been watching snippets of a Fox and Friends interview he did this morning, and they were asking him what he'd do if they put him under house arrest or tossed him in prison, and he responded like a boss, basically saying "IDGAF".

Most of the rest of the interview showed a similar demeanor. I gotta say that I like "Outlaw Trump". It might be a PR strategy, but it's a much better one than "teenage girl with hurt feelings".  =)

In fact, I got an "UltraMAGA" tshirt right after the Brandon admin thought they could turn that into a dirty word, and was wearing that tshirt a lot. Until Trump went on a longer term "mean girl" phase again, which made me embarrassed to wear it. If he keeps being Outlaw Trump, I'll have to dig the shirt out again.  :laugh:
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