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Senate Party Demographics

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Here's a list of Republicans who's terms are ending in 2008 and are up for re-election, and how they voted.

Not running (retiring):
Allard - Colorado - No
Craig - Idaho - Yes
Hagel - Nebraska - Yes
Domenici - New Mexico - Yes
Warner - Virginia - Yes

Running:  10 Yes, 8 No
Sessions - Alabama - No
Stevens - Alaska - Yes
Chambliss - Georgia - Yes
Roberts - Kansas - No
McConnell - Kentucky - Yes
Collins - Maine - Yes
Coleman - Minnesota - Yes
Cochran - Mississippi - No
Wicker - Mississippi - No
Sununu - New Hampshire - Yes
Dole - North Carolina - No
Inhofe - Oklahoma - No
Smith - Oregon - Yes
Graham - South Carolina - Yes
Alexander - Tennessee - Yes
Cornyn - Texas - Yes
Enzi - Wyoming - No
Barrasso - Wyoming - No

Doesn't seem like they want their jobs very badly.

I'm just disappointed that Reid's seat isn't up for election.  This may be the last Nevada election I get to vote in, and I really wanted another crack at unseating his ass.


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