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Lawn Darts are ILLEGAL? I didn't get that memo!

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huh. I never thought about it, but I guess I'm lucky not to have a criminal record. Back in the late 80's or so, my friends and I used to play mumbly peg. At the public park. In CA. with whichever knife we had on hand at the time. Most often a friend's switchblade.
I'll be darned.
Grampster, you're right. If all the danger is taken away, kids will find a way to make new danger.

"Aw, geeziz, bountyhunter. Looks like we're about to go 'round again. wink"

I'm not promoting a position, I was just saying why they were banned.  If you are pro lobotomy, I'm OK with that.  Just don't hit my dog with one... my wife paid $600 for that little sucker.

"Quote:   I heard they're going to bring them back.  The manufacturer is going to build an internal lock into them, and you won't be able to buy more than one set a month."

Hmmm....  I heard their sales were only going to be allowed in the red states because it had been scientifically proven that the people there have skulls so thick nothing can penetrate them.

"Kids tend to throw them straight up in the air... and ER's had a steady stream of kids arriving with "lawn dart lobotomies".

"So, you're saying that this is a self-correcting problem then?"

Well, it certainly is natural selection at work.   Darwin's work is never done......

The thick skulls in the red states come from the residents slapping themselves in the head  and saying "I can't believe they did (said) that" after listening to or watching another ludicrous act or statement by a blue stater.

  Oh, wait a minute.  There is no such thing as a blue state.  All the states are red, its just that those on the dole or feeding at the gubmint trough tend to cluster heavily together in a few locations within what would ordinarily be a red state.

I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist the bait.  heh.


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