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Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 03:34:09 PM »
I think one thing the Republican machine should do is move forward with the plan to move the convention up and nominate Trump on July 4th.

Anything preventing them from then moving the sentencing up to counter? Is the sentencing date up to the judge's discretion?
Politics / Re: Guess what's racist/white supremacy now
« Last post by dogmush on Today at 02:01:27 PM »
Just look what happened on when Scott Adams said white people should stay away from black people. Half the internet lost their mind and Dilbert was canceled in less than a week.

Say that clack people should stay away from white people and you're stunning and brave. 

What was that city again that just won the lawsuit allowing the white side to separate from the rest and form their own city?
The Roundtable / Re: WTF is wrong with people?
« Last post by dogmush on Today at 01:53:14 PM »

I personally operate on the assumption that the highest code of ethics has to be internal, rather than imposed externally, and fundamentally based on sympathy and empathy for others.

A ridiculous assumption, of course.

Terry, 230RN

I don't disagree with that philosophy, and it might be ideal.  History has shown us however that at population level numbers, Humans don't work that way.  Or at least not enough of them to make a workable society.
The Roundtable / Re: SpaceX News
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 01:41:28 PM »
The foundation for Tower 2 is being built at Starbase and several tower segments are at KSC awaiting shipment.
The Roundtable / Re: The Valkyrie gets a bath
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 01:28:43 PM »
I need to get back there and visit, it has gotten so much better since I was there 40+ years ago.


Pretty much go every year and it's grown massively in that time. Every time we're there we spot something new.

May also want to go visit The Naval Aviation Museum down in Pensacola FL. If you're lucky you may catch the Blue Angels practicing while there and the USS Alabama (South Dakota class battleship) is just a few minutes away.

Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 01:18:16 PM »
Polls can show whatever you want them to. All you have to do is ask the right people the right questions.

Far too many I've seen the stated result had little to do with the question that was actually asked.
The Roundtable / Re: WTF is wrong with people?
« Last post by 230RN on Today at 01:13:52 PM »
Post-Christian civilization.

Excellent point.  I often knock religion generally, but it (all) does serve a purpose, which is to provide "higher" behavioral regulation.  (With a somewhat tenuous reward / punishment scheme in the afterlife.)

Maybe I'm wrong.  Maybe people need "higher power" regulation i.e., to be ruled.

"G-d'll getcha for that, Walter."

I personally operate on the assumption that the highest code of ethics has to be internal, rather than imposed externally, and fundamentally based on sympathy and empathy for others.

A ridiculous assumption, of course.

Terry, 230RN

Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by bedlamite on Today at 01:11:48 PM »
Polls are polls,

Polls can show whatever you want them to. All you have to do is ask the right people the right questions.
The Roundtable / Re: The Valkyrie gets a bath
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 01:07:44 PM »
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