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Relationship harassment!

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I was wrong (write that down.)

Marital status is not federally protected. It may be by your state. Either way, like Jamis said..don't discuss it.

This is going to sound terribly sexist of me but I think its advice that bears saying. If you are having any kind of social problems in a workplace that involve women in any way YOU need to speak to your boss before they do. I'm not saying to make a formal complaint necessarily, but you need to at least have that person advised of the situation before it boils over. It is simply too easy for a woman to file a harrassment complaint against you, and by then its just too late to get your side out.

I used to work in a facility that was about 80% female. I have witnessed groups of employees getting together and actually debating wether they should file sexual harrassment suits against other's simply because of disagreements or personal conflicts. This has become an accepted means of dealing with interpersonal issues in the workplace today.

I don't think that's (well, necessarily) sexist. The first person to complain usually gets listened to. And the 2nd person is often perceived as complaining in retaliation, but if there's no complaint from them at all, they're often railroaded.

JamisJockey has some very good advice, particularly his bullet point 'E'.  One can probably not go too far wrong by saying that you are sorry your remarks were misunderstood, but upon further reflection, can readily see how these remarks could be interpreted in the fashion that they were, and that you will be more careful in the future.  Thank them for their advice and counsel.

Standing Wolf:
Obviously, we need a lot more government involvement in these matters.


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