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Politics / Re: The 2024 Circus
« Last post by Ben on Today at 07:52:29 AM »

Campaign ad for the lady running for Missouri SecState.

 =D =D

The Missouri guys here better vote for her!  :laugh:
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by cordex on Today at 07:25:10 AM »
If you pick arbitrary starts you can make anyone out to be the bad guy
This applies equally to picking 1948 over another date.

The war here began because some people in Europe, based on their holy book, decided they had the right to move to someone else’s country and take it by force.
The war there began well before recorded history.  Also, I'm curious which bits of land have never been taken by force by one group or another.

That’s the reality of how Israel was founded - it’s completely unreasonable to expect the Palestinians to accept that they should be kicked out of their ancestral homes because some people in Europe claim god gave them superior rights to that land.
When you personally return all your holdings back to the respective indigenous peoples and move to Europe then I might consider whether you actually believe this, but we both know you don't.  You hold Israel to a standard you wouldn't dream of living up to yourself.
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by K Frame on Today at 07:13:13 AM »
"The war here began because some people in Europe, based on their holy book, decided they had the right to move to someone else’s country and take it by force. That’s the reality of how Israel was founded - it’s completely unreasonable to expect the Palestinians to accept that they should be kicked out of their ancestral homes because some people in Europe claim god gave them superior rights to that land."

Do you have ANY *expletive deleted*ing clue at all as to how Muslims came to be in control of what is now Israel and the rest of that region?

Violent, forceful conquest based on THEIR HOLY BOOK.

That's right... Followers of Islam forcefully conquered Jewish lands, believing that they had the right to take someone else's country by force.

That's the reality of how the "Palestinians" came to claim "Palestine" as their own. They were invaders.

So, you don't think "Palestinians" should be kicked out of their ancestral homes, but you're just peachy keen with Jews being forced out of their ancestral homes? Ancestral homes that they had inhabited for literally thousands of years before Islamic Jihad invaded the holy land starting in the early 7th century?

What kind of *expletive deleted*ed up logic is that?

Obviously once based on Islamic holy book perfectly fine!

Christian holy book evil and violent!

And one based on an apparently complete and total lack of understanding of the actual history of the region.

Try harder to understand next time. And try to do so without swallowing Hamas-based propaganda hook, line, and bomb vest.
The Roundtable / Re: My personal generic Protest Signs
« Last post by 230RN on Today at 06:43:39 AM »
Yeah, you're right.  But the sign was intended for display at fiddly-fart demonstations.

I should know better than to post before I had dinner.  Me bad boy.

Politics / Re: The 2024 Circus
« Last post by dogmush on Today at 06:10:43 AM »
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by dogmush on Today at 05:56:40 AM »
I never learned history in high school (my HS sucked) so I'm a little light on the details, but I think England won the "holy land" fair and square from Egypt and maybe Turkey during WW1 and they could do with it whatever they pleased.  They decided to give it to the Jews after WW2.  Between WW1 and '2, the land was governed by Egypt but was still part of the British Empire.

Ottoman Empire actually. Before that some Egyptians,  some Mongols, a Chaliphate,  Crusaders for a bit.
There has never been a "Palestine " ruled by folks of Arab descent that were native to that patch of land.  That's a fiction.

The war here began because some people in Europe, based on their holy book, decided they had the right to move to someone else’s country and take it by force. That’s the reality of how Israel was founded - it’s completely unreasonable to expect the Palestinians to accept that they should be kicked out of their ancestral homes because some people in Europe claim god gave them superior rights to that land.

Hamas doesn't want to hear it, bur Israel was made out of British land. It was British by right of conquest over the Ottomans. What Palestinian Arabs were there (before the huge Arab immigration between the wars) were at most tenants. It wasn't there land,  it was the Brits.
Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by Bogie on Today at 01:12:13 AM »
Ran across something earlier today that said that it is looking like the longer this drags on, the more independents and even Democrats are switching to Trump... The more the true believers rant, the more the middle of the road guys jump ship...
The Roundtable / Re: Montana next year? (travel musings)
« Last post by BobR on Today at 01:05:31 AM »
A good start would be figuring out what your top 3-5 things would be and then trying to tie them all together.

Yellowstone is nice, takes a day or two to do properly. It is nearly a 400 mile drive from Yellowstone to Columbia Falls. A nice day trip from Columbia Falls is leave Columbia Falls and truck over to West Glacier and hit the Going to the Sun Road (usually open in July) to St Mary at the other end. Then take 89 through Browning (remember, don't stop  ??? ) and pick up Highway 2 going back west and do a quick stop at East Glacier to gawk at the lodge and have a huckleberry margarita. As you are headed back take a few minutes to stop at  Goat Lick and possibly see the mountain goats on the cliff face licking up the minerals. Then just head back to Columbia Falls, possibly stopping in Hungry Horse to eat. That route will also put you on the top of Marias Pass, the continental divide.


The Roundtable / Re: Montana next year? (travel musings)
« Last post by Hawkmoon on May 14, 2024, 11:46:00 PM »
Glacier National Park


Beartooth Highway
Politics / Re: A new buzz word in the battle for an AWB
« Last post by Perd Hapley on May 14, 2024, 11:00:30 PM »
They know we won the language war on "Assault Weapon" and that they cannot grey the line between a machine gun and a semiautomatic weapon, so they're trying to invent a new term rather than co-opting one that already exists.  Taking a page from the LGBTQWERTY gang and their Pronoun Police.

...who got it from the black civil rights movement.
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