Author Topic: Obama administrations "war" against Fox News  (Read 22502 times)

Perd Hapley

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Re: Obama administrations "war" against Fox News
« Reply #100 on: October 29, 2009, 09:04:31 PM »
I'm sorry; are you saying it's ok to have laws based on a single groups "morals" if you happen to agree with them? Sounds despotic to me.

That's not quite what he said.  Let me put it another way.

Basic Fact 1: Laws are morals enforced by government.

Basic Fact 2: In a democratic society, the majority decide which laws (morals) to impose by force.

Basic Fact 3: Bills of rights and other constitutional safeguards protect the rights of minorities. (Sometimes in fact, sometimes only in theory.)

Also, I'm pretty sure the talk of huffington post was aimed at someone else. 
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Re: Obama administrations "war" against Fox News
« Reply #101 on: October 29, 2009, 09:28:54 PM »
That's not quite what he said.  Let me put it another way.

Basic Fact 1: Laws are morals enforced by government.

Basic Fact 2: In a democratic society, the majority decide which laws (morals) to impose by force.

Were we not setup as a republic to avoid this situation, or do you want to pick and choose when we are a republic vs. a democracy depending on the particular side you are on a given issue? Remember the tyranny of the democracy quote by Jefferson?

Basic Fact 3: Bills of rights and other constitutional safeguards protect the rights of minorities. (Sometimes in fact, sometimes only in theory.)

I'm a republic type of guy, I always want to protect the minority within reason. I certainly don't agree with laws given any extra protection to a particular minority, but the general minority should always be protected from the majority as is indicated by the idea of republic as put forth by our founders who in my opinion unfortunately did not get the complete implementation of their idea correct.

Also, I'm pretty sure the talk of huffington post was aimed at someone else. 

Fair enough. I just wasn't sure there.


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Re: Obama administrations "war" against Fox News
« Reply #102 on: October 29, 2009, 10:39:57 PM »
Still haven't heard anything contrite regarding what was uttered about the Religious Right.

My subtle hint went unanswered. Quite seriously, I can't let that stand, whether I was a religious man or not.

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