Author Topic: Operation Chaos  (Read 16151 times)

AJ Dual

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Re: Operation Chaos
« Reply #75 on: March 29, 2008, 05:15:50 AM »
Awwww, Riley (Paddy) is all right.  He's just going through MENopause.  He's a seasoned citizen like me; I'm a bit older, but he'd been a life long repub (so he says) but now he's into withdrawal since the elected R's have mostly turned into RINO's or out and out statists over the last 30 years.  I don't think he actually believes some of the stuff he says.  He thinks he does, but he's old enough to know better; and I believe he does, but just doesn't know how to quit being so pissed at how we've been betrayed by the R party.

The single biggest issue we face today is not the war, it's energy; oil and gas.
It's what makes the world go round.  It is our freedom, it's everything.  If we'd become self sufficient in oil and gas starting in the 70's (and we could have because we've got more oil and gas in and around America than exists in the rest of the world), none of the political problems, war, or economic problems we have would exist.  And neither party, especially John Effing McCain, is talking about it except like loons.

I think that pisses Riley (Paddy) off.  I know it pisses me off big time.

Well, I guess I'm glad he's got enough spirit to get angry, and not just fall in line and display Stockholm syndrome to the RINO's, but I thought that's what the Paulites were for.

But... Marx?

Then that's oppositional defiant disorder.  undecided

I'm in 100% agreement with you about energy. If we can survive the agribusiness/ethanol scam, the market will take care of it, IMO. Cheap plastic/printable solar with enough efficiency to be used on rooftops north of the 48th parallel, even in winter, is one of the holy grails of materials science/nanotechnology, and they keep announcing incremental gains every few months. And (IIRC) Toshiba has announced silicon nano-wire LiOn batteries have been developed that can take a 90%+ charge in just five minutes.

There's your electric car that can go 150-300 miles on $1 of electricity...

And the Wyoming shale deposits and the Canuck tar-sands are about a 100 year worldwide supply of oil, at current demand + some growth. At at $100+ barrels of oil, and traditional drilling dropping below 5 to 1 net energy gain, it's profitable. And of course there's all our wells which are capped, or fields that aren't tapped at all due to labor costs, and environmental regulations/agitators. Let the rest of the world suck their deposits dry first. Then market demand will see the Gulf, Texas, ANWAR, and the drier goop in the shale and sand be profitable.

And there's several walk-away-safe nuclear designs out there. When the market pressure is enough, we'll build and license those too.
Probably the one thing about France I admire at this point.

If we don't destroy ourselves with bad policy, in 50 years, America/Canada will have the lion's share of the world's food, and the world's oil. And even if other energy sources come into play, the world still needs petrochemicals for just about everything else. Plastics, lubrication, pesticides, fertilizers, you name it.

And except for Dubai which sees the writing on the wall over M.E. oil running out, and is turning itself into Disneyland as fast as it can, the only thing the M.E. has of any great use is labor under non P.C./exploitive cultural and political conditions. And if parts of it stay stable once the oil stops, (Or maybe get MORE stable) that cheap labor pool is going to take a chunk out of China's and India's hide.
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Re: Operation Chaos
« Reply #76 on: March 29, 2008, 11:12:27 AM »
You ever wonder why our so called leaders don't elevate this discussion?  I think that's why I'm so down on education.  Look what it has given us for political leaders.  The single defining issue that is driving everything in the world and nobody who wants to be capo di tuti capo is talking about it.  Disgusting.

On the other hand, maybe that old saw about "... them that can do, and them that can't go into politics" is really true.
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Re: Operation Chaos
« Reply #77 on: March 29, 2008, 12:28:57 PM »
There's your electric car that can go 150-300 miles on $1 of electricity...

Not really.  The amount of mechanical energy need to propel a average weight vehicle 150-300 miles remains unchanged.  The amount of electricity to turn the motors to create this mechanical energy remains unchanged.  1$ of electricity does not have enough energy to propel an average weight vehicle 150-300 miles, no matter how it's stored or how fast it takes to store it.

AJ Dual

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Re: Operation Chaos
« Reply #78 on: March 29, 2008, 02:44:42 PM »
There's your electric car that can go 150-300 miles on $1 of electricity...

Not really.  The amount of mechanical energy need to propel a average weight vehicle 150-300 miles remains unchanged.  The amount of electricity to turn the motors to create this mechanical energy remains unchanged.  1$ of electricity does not have enough energy to propel an average weight vehicle 150-300 miles, no matter how it's stored or how fast it takes to store it.

Okay, you're right. I looked up some numbers, and the average U.S. price per kW/h is just a shave under $.10 per. Throwing in some efficiency losses for charging losses, and kW/h into traction/torque, it would take maybe 50 kW/h to charge up a car about the size of a Honda Civic for a range of 130 miles.

So you were RIGHT, I was off by 500% on my estimate. It's five bucks.  smiley

Rounding up a bit that's still $.04 a mile. With gas here running $3.20/gal right now, and the best econo-boxes doing about 50mpg (not even close real-world, but just using the EPA highway number for the sake of argument and give the ICE car, or even a hybrid, every benefit of the doubt...) That's a little over $.06 per mile. So an all-electric vehicle looks about like it's a little more than half the energy cost to operate. And that's with giving the ICE car every chance possible.

If the car is made smartly, leveraging the potential savings in weight with a simplified power train, or none at all with motors in the wheels, or a non corroding composite body that's lighter, yet stronger than steel that offers safety, and a long term ability to recoup the initial purchase investment, an all-EV looks darn good to me. And that's not even adding in things an EV can do that a ICE car can't, like recoup some of the energy spent on accelerating with regenerative braking it looks even better if it's a lot of street driving you're doing as opposed to highway.

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Re: Operation Chaos
« Reply #79 on: March 31, 2008, 11:37:42 AM »
A black fellow called in today on Rush's show claiming to be an Obama spokesman. I am not sure he was legit or a set up but it was pretty funny.

Disclaimers: I am not a lawyer, cop, soldier, gunsmith, politician, plumber, electrician, or a professional practitioner of many of the other things I comment on in this forum.


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Re: Operation Chaos
« Reply #80 on: March 31, 2008, 12:38:56 PM »
Well, the simple fact that Limbaugh would even promote something like 'Operation Chaos' shows two things:

1) He has contempt for the representative process of democracy, which is why he attempts to subvert it.

Don;t like the rules?  Get 'm changed.   Everything he has said and done is within the rules - UNLIKE the activities of the major parties...
2) He doesn't believe his 'philosophy' will succeed in the open marketplace of democracy.

That makes him a deceitful hypocrite.

News flash - we have a leftie, an uber-leftie, and an uber, UBER-leftie running.  It isn't an "open marketplace", so screw it!
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Re: Operation Chaos
« Reply #81 on: March 31, 2008, 12:50:31 PM »
Did they stop paying people wages when I wasn't looking?  Are workers no longer free to not accept a job or to change an existing one if they don't like those wages anymore?

Can people no longer choose to live frugally and make wise investment decisions thus also taking part in the "capital" part of the process, even while simultaneously working for wages?

Is it now illegal to determine one's strengths and an opportunity and start one's own business, thus being the one paying the wages instead of earning them?

Translation: "If you're working for a wage to support your family, you're a lazy dumbass who deserves what he gets.  The smart industrious people have businesses and investments.  Everybody else can take a hike."

OK.  Let's just go back to feudalism then and abandon democracy altogether.

Why do you keep confusing political and economic systems?
Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't...

The Annoyed Man

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Re: Operation Chaos
« Reply #82 on: March 31, 2008, 02:49:49 PM »
One lady - a defense attorney in Ohio - was even saying that people who reregistered as dems and signed the affidavit stating that they would be loyal to the party and it's principles should be prosecuted for doing so if they can be identified.

I've been a registered Republican in Ohio for almost 15 years, and I can tell you in Ohio there is no affidavit.  You walk up to the poll workers, ask for the party ballot, and of you go.  Looks like radio and the internet have one more thing in common...anyone can profess to being an expert at anything and get someone to believe them.

Ohio is as close to open primary as I know of.


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Re: Operation Chaos
« Reply #83 on: March 31, 2008, 04:03:11 PM »
One lady - a defense attorney in Ohio - was even saying that people who reregistered as dems and signed the affidavit stating that they would be loyal to the party and it's principles should be prosecuted for doing so if they can be identified.

I've been a registered Republican in Ohio for almost 15 years, and I can tell you in Ohio there is no affidavit.
I believe that was addressed on the program. The affidavit is a Dem Party requirement not a state requirement. Parth affiliation rules and primaries are run by the parties not the state who just administers them. The Republicans have no such requirement. Of course - as you said they can say what ever they want on the radio - it's up to us to check the veracity.

Perhaps you can ask a registered dem and see if they remember having to sign a statement of principla or loyalty oath as Limbaugh called it. In fact Limbaugh's whole spiel that day was on the so called loyalty oath the dems had to take and how the pundits were saying that what he was calling for repubs to do was a violation of Ohio law.
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The Annoyed Man

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Re: Operation Chaos
« Reply #84 on: March 31, 2008, 04:04:20 PM »
Why do you keep confusing political and economic systems?

Haven't you heard?  They're irrevocably entwined.  One depends on the other.


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Re: Operation Chaos
« Reply #85 on: March 31, 2008, 04:06:29 PM »
Why do you keep confusing political and economic systems?

Haven't you heard?  They're irrevocably entwined.  One depends on the other.
Not so...

And the Chinese are in the process of proving that capitalism does not require a democratic form of government to be successful. I was involved in setting up finance and accounting departments for two international firms over there and based on my experience the capitalist ethic is taking hold by leaps and bounds. The government recognizes the benefits but isn't going to give up any control and loosen the reins nor has it.
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The Annoyed Man

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Re: Operation Chaos
« Reply #86 on: March 31, 2008, 04:11:18 PM »
I've set up finance and accounting departments for two international firms over there and based on my experience the capitalist ethic is taking hold by leaps and bounds. The government recognizes the benefits but isn't going to give up any control and loosen the reins nor has it.

Goody for you.  Sounds like pre Industrial Revolution America. Collective bargaining is on the way.