Who is/was "Sandy Hook phone girl"? The post-Sandy Hook hysteria radically curtailed my 2A rights. I thought I had read about everything there was to read on the incident, and I don't recall anything about a "phone girl."
Supposedly she's been seen at multiple public mass shooting sites, and is evidence of something called "crisis actors." People that DHS use to simulate mass casualty events.
Another one that is often viewed with skepticism is Robbie Parker, father of a daughter killed at Sandy Hook. There's video of him laughing and joking seconds before an interview/speech goes live and he immediately shifts to grieving father in a handful of seconds.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-ZfxxPc0r0There is evidence that DHS does hire people for various drills. More extreme conspiracists see this as practice for events that never actually happen, that many of these mass shootings are manufactured and no one actually dies.