Author Topic: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .  (Read 10247 times)


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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #25 on: January 08, 2008, 06:17:58 PM »
If he was serious, he'd start leveraging his grassroots supporters to begin electing libertarians to lower state and local offices - sheriff, dog catcher, county clerk, alderman, mayors, school boards, etc.

That might be a good idea.  He might instead/also try doing something to sway other libertarians to his position on certain topics where he differs with the Lib. party. 

You might be onto something there.  If the Libertarian party would drop the pro-choice and open-border stuff from their platform perhaps the Constitutionalist party would merge with them.

I caught something earlier today with regards to a Ron Paul independent run and I came away from it thinking that, yes, he's more of a Constitutionalist than a Libertarian, but the Libertarian's have better access to getting him on the ballots.  So, perhaps a merger would be beneficial to both, but that won't happen until the Libertarian's eliminate some of their party's platforms.

I think they differ on drug legalization too, but I'd side with the Libertarians on that one.
  The Constitutionalist party is really a Christian Theocracy.  They make Huckabee look tolerable  They are the anti-thesis to freedom.  If you thought Islamofascists were bad then you have another thing coming.


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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #26 on: January 08, 2008, 06:19:56 PM »
What a load of BS.

Save your condescension and self righteousness for the easily swayed and vacuous pot heads. In the real world Mr. Paul would get eaten alive by the partisans if he were to miraculously win. His foreign policy isn't ready for prime time. We would have few allies left after we reneged on the decades of agreements we have made.  


Dude, whoa. I'm with the Rabbi here, that was awesome!  Thats what I was trying for!  I hope to someday have half the fisking talent you, Headless, and Manedwolf possess.


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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #27 on: January 08, 2008, 06:21:54 PM »
The Constitutionalist party is really a Christian Theocracy.  They make Huckabee look tolerable  They are the anti-thesis to freedom.  If you thought Islamofascists were bad then you have another thing coming.

Tecumseh, does "overplayed your hand" mean anything to you?

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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #28 on: January 08, 2008, 06:23:00 PM »
The Constitutionalist party is really a Christian Theocracy.  They make Huckabee look tolerable  They are the anti-thesis to freedom.  If you thought Islamofascists were bad then you have another thing coming.

Tecumseh, does "overplayed your hand" mean anything to you?

I think that's what Ron Paul supporters have been doing for a while.  That's why their hands are so tired all the time....
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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2008, 06:24:33 PM »
I think that's what Ron Paul supporters have been doing for a while.  That's why their hands are so tired all the time....

Not even going there.....

Sergeant Bob

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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #30 on: January 08, 2008, 06:35:27 PM »

 that was my attempt at tongue-in-cheek.  It was the first really obvious thing I could think up that would be true if SuperbigEvil Corp really did run things like the typical Paulian or liberal likes to shriek about.

Sorry about the rant, Idiocy in print gets my hackles up.

But it was a pretty darn good rant!  grin
Personally, I do not understand how a bunch of people demanding a bigger govt can call themselves anarchist.
I meet lots of folks like this, claim to be anarchist but really they're just liberals with pierced genitals. - gunsmith

I already have canned butter, buying more. Canned blueberries, some pancake making dry goods and the end of the world is gonna be delicious.  -French G


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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #31 on: January 08, 2008, 06:37:18 PM »
 laugh  Made my night, thank you, Sir.


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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #32 on: January 08, 2008, 06:46:25 PM »
Quote from: BigJake
Which is why they are currently drilling up a storm in ANWAR, and the gulf is so full of offshore rigs one could walk from Key West to Galveston without getting his feet wet.  If these mystical corporations were having such a field day at taxpayers expense, don't you figure they would have already found away around those peons that object?  Everyone knows corporations like nothing more than to be taxed into oblivion and then be subject to a litigious HELL for any screwup.

Tell me again who doesn't understand these important ideals you just laid out??  I'd like you to put up or shut the hell up, and personally boycott all of these "corporations".  Don't EVER take pharmaceuticals again, or drive a car, or buy groceries.  Also, no more Internet or computers for you, chances are your provider is a "corporation making profit at the expense of the people".  Shouldn't the man who wrote the OS profit from his labor??

You talk down to anyone thinking of questioning your pet candidate,  Lecture us over these high ideals like history and capitalism, and the very essence of these elude you.  What the hell is the point of innovation if theres no f*#$ing reward to ones work??!!

Hard work and prospering because of it are what makes America great,  If you can't grasp this concept of freedom , go back to your mother's basement and hit the ol' bong til' it comes to you.  Legal pot seems to be Paul's biggest selling point anyway...

Ah, an excellent example of what I was talking about.

Im not quite sure what youre trying to argue, since I am a capitalist, but let me try to explain probably the most fundamental difference between capitalism and corporatism is, since it is clear you lack knowledge in that arena.

The man who wrote the OS should certainly profit from his labor. What he shouldnt be allowed to do is use the government to prevent other people from writing OSs so that he essentially has a monopoly on code writing (or making OSs). Pharmaceutical companies are a fine example of this.

Want to know why drug prices are so high? No, its not because of capitalism or lack of government involvement. It is because of corporatism and excessive government involvement. When pharmaceutical companies lobby and get laws passed that says you cant import drugs from other places, what do you think is going to happen?

As capitalism essentially predicts, when there is no competition (because its been made illegal through corporate lobbying), prices are going to go up, and services will degrade. While the pharmaceutical companies benefit, the people, who have no option except to break the law or accept the prices, lose. The mystical corporations that are having a field day at the taxpayers expense already HAVE found a way around those who object. They get laws passed in their favor, through lobbying. You dont like being subjected to the essential monopolies that pharmaceutical companies have in this country because of the government? What are you going to do about it BigJake? Break the law and get your drugs from Canada?

Now let me explain the difference between a capitalist and corporatist society, since you dont quite get it.

In a capitalist society, a company will make drugs, and they will benefit from that. Another company will come in since its a lucrative market, make drugs, and they will benefit. There will be competition because the companies want to make money, and this keeps prices down, so the people will benefit.

In a corporatist society, a company will make drugs, and they will benefit from that. But instead of another company competing (which results in lower prices, which is good for the consumer), they get a law passed via the government that says something along the lines of, only this company is allowed to produce drugs. No other companies can legally compete. Now what happens? This company, that now has a government enforced monopoly, can charge as much as they want for their drugs. Since there is no competition, they dont have to keep prices low, and consumers cant go to other companies to get drugs without breaking the law. The company benefits, consumers get hurt.

Do you recognize the difference now, BigJake? People should benefit from their labor, and keep the fruits of their labor. But they shouldnt be able to do it using the government to pass laws preventing competition. In other words, they shouldnt use the law to prevent OTHER PEOPLE from working hard in the same industry, and benefiting from their hard work.

Why you object to that, I dont know. You dont have a stake in pharmaceutical companies, do you? :scratch:

Quote from: Ron
What a load of BS.

Ron Paul got one presidential vote from me back when I was young and dumb.

You assume too much, but then again that is the MO of the RP supporters. They have constructed a little fantasy world where they hold the keys to truth and the rest of us are mind numbed robots. I know plenty about libertarianism, the Libertarian Party and Ron Paul. I weighed him and them in the balances back in '88 after the election and found them lacking.

I should have said, the people who criticize his ideas. But then again, I said, generally speaking, which means it is not universally applicable, so Im still not sure what youre complaining about. There are of course, several people who wouldnt want RP to win. Plenty of people have a lot to lose if he won, and plenty of people have no idea what theyre talking about (who think they do, of course).

First and foremost, Ron Paul is a Constitutionalist, not a libertarian (as some would believe).

Perd Hapley

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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #33 on: January 08, 2008, 06:52:55 PM »
  The Constitutionalist party is really a Christian Theocracy.  They make Huckabee look tolerable  They are the anti-thesis to freedom.  If you thought Islamofascists were bad then you have another thing coming.

Yeah, but you see theocracy every time a priest enters a voting booth.  Tongue  You've been pretty forth-coming about your irrational fear of religion. 

Now, I used to be a Const. Party guy, and I am still a religious nut.  The party is a little over-the-top with all the Christian talk.  If they would tone that down, they would be a good fit for a lot of the other-religious or not so religious.  But the small, Constitutionally-constrained govt. they propose is so limited that any theocratic elements would be negligible.  I doubt you could really find anything theocratic in their platform, even. 
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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #34 on: January 08, 2008, 06:59:20 PM »

Just for the record, I didn't bother reading past the second sentence of your reply, because I'm sure it's been covered one time or another by either shootinstudent or wooderson and those few min of life I'd never recoup...

 I know the current system isn't perfect, but the world you are living in only works in a vacuum.  Should things go exactly to your plan, they would end up in the mess we have now in short order.


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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #35 on: January 08, 2008, 07:03:16 PM »

First and foremost, Ron Paul is a Constitutionalist, not a libertarian (as some would believe).

Somebody better tell the Libertarians that...


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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #36 on: January 08, 2008, 09:46:57 PM »
Quote from: Bigjake on January 08, 2008, 11:59:20 PM

Just for the record, I didn't bother reading past the second sentence of your reply, because I'm sure it's been covered one time or another by either shootinstudent or wooderson and those few min of life I'd never recoup...

Of course you didn't. Why on Earth would you actually want to have knowledge about the subject at hand?  It's a hell of a lot easier to talk out of your ***, after all. But I will give you credit for being honest. That's more than I can say of most people.

I know the current system isn't perfect, but the world you are living in only works in a vacuum.

Hate to say it, but I live in the same world you do. And you're right- it isn't working. Well, it isn't working well, anyway.

Should things go exactly to your plan, they would end up in the mess we have now in short order.

As you're apparently very familiar with the statement, I am sure you will understand this: Put up, or shut up.   

Headless Thompson Gunner

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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2008, 11:17:26 AM »
Listen up, Twitch.  Most of us have already heard your position in depth and ad nauseum.  Not from you, but from plenty of other people like you, who showed up and assumed the rest of us are dolts.  We'd believe exactly what you believe if only we were as supremely smart as you are. 

You think we don't understand your positions.  You're wrong.  Not only do we understand those positions, but we have already weighed them on their merits and found them lacking.

You need to quit posturing as if you're the smartest person to ever grace these message boards with your wisdom.  You aren't, not by a long shot.  You may think you're brilliant, but the posts you've made so far lead the rest us to the conclude the opposite. 

You may not realize it, but I think many of us snickered when we read your initial post.  If you want to be taken seriously around here, you need to learn some humility, not to mention some common sense.

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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #38 on: January 09, 2008, 11:54:08 AM »

The man who wrote the OS should certainly profit from his labor. What he shouldnt be allowed to do is use the government to prevent other people from writing OSs so that he essentially has a monopoly on code writing (or making OSs). Pharmaceutical companies are a fine example of this.

Want to know why drug prices are so high? No, its not because of capitalism or lack of government involvement. It is because of corporatism and excessive government involvement. When pharmaceutical companies lobby and get laws passed that says you cant import drugs from other places, what do you think is going to happen?

As capitalism essentially predicts, when there is no competition (because its been made illegal through corporate lobbying), prices are going to go up, and services will degrade. While the pharmaceutical companies benefit, the people, who have no option except to break the law or accept the prices, lose. The mystical corporations that are having a field day at the taxpayers expense already HAVE found a way around those who object. They get laws passed in their favor, through lobbying. You dont like being subjected to the essential monopolies that pharmaceutical companies have in this country because of the government? What are you going to do about it BigJake? Break the law and get your drugs from Canada?

Now let me explain the difference between a capitalist and corporatist society, since you dont quite get it.

In a capitalist society, a company will make drugs, and they will benefit from that. Another company will come in since its a lucrative market, make drugs, and they will benefit. There will be competition because the companies want to make money, and this keeps prices down, so the people will benefit.

In a corporatist society, a company will make drugs, and they will benefit from that. But instead of another company competing (which results in lower prices, which is good for the consumer), they get a law passed via the government that says something along the lines of, only this company is allowed to produce drugs. No other companies can legally compete. Now what happens? This company, that now has a government enforced monopoly, can charge as much as they want for their drugs. Since there is no competition, they dont have to keep prices low, and consumers cant go to other companies to get drugs without breaking the law. The company benefits, consumers get hurt.

You don't know s*** about capitalism or the drug business.  You assume the cost of drugs is essentially the function of the cost to manufacture.  That is not  so.  You are equally ignorant of why re-importation sucks as an idea. Mainly because you don't know anything about the drug business.
I'd suggest going and learning something about it before posting on the subject again.  You have already garnered something of a reputation here I see.
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Re: OK, Now that Ron Paul Has Lost . . . .
« Reply #39 on: January 09, 2008, 01:33:50 PM »
I'm not joking, folks.

You either keep it civil, or you simply won't be keeping time with us anymore.

This one is closed.
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