Boat (bōt) n. A hole in the water into which you pour money.
That could be said of any hobby.
Except boats have major internal parts somehow corrode even when they're not anywhere near the water. They defy nature.
When they're
in the water, they have this thing called a "bilge", which seems to be an area in which horrifically smelly, slimy water is designed to collect and corrode internal assemblies, gas tanks and water tanks even faster. The bilge is emptied by a pump that will fail, and require that you reach elbow-deep in said slimy water (think the Death Star trash compactor) to change out, with bolts that will invariably be frozen.
Also, many boats contain a thing called a "head", a compartment in which you may indeed fit your head, but likely not your body. It's meant to be a seagoing bathroom, and doubles as storage for a single broom..but only if it's a short one. If its chemical toilet tank is mounted elsewhere in the boat, it will leak into the bilge, too. That's just part of the rules.
I find boats to be the most fun when they belong to someone else.