The "voting public", en masse, is not to blame here. We do not have a "democracy" - for good reason. The people that founded our nation established a specific form and structure of government, and for good reason.
The "voting public" is not responsible in the planning, execution,
nor alteration or destruction, of a monetary system. They are not responsible for the planning of domestic trade, foreign trade, foreign policy - nor anything else that is the function of the
established government. For reasons which are old hat going back thousands of years.
One way or the other it is the leadership of this country that has allowed this to come about, and the consequences, which like a few other near catastrophic episodes in our history are just over the horizon.
The "voting public" can be strung along using a variety of methods that again are simply old hat political science. They are nothing new, and the goal is to keep them busy -
enough of the people enough of the time - struggling against each other, to obtain their means of sustenance, and keep themselves swimming in their vices.
While they are being fleeced.
Our present circumstance and what lies directly ahead can be laid directly at the feet of a succession of U.S. Congressman, Presidents and Supreme Court Justices. It is they that have engineered this; albeit a few perhaps truly naive enough or deluded enough to actually believe that what they were doing was "right" and tagged along. Or were picked from compromized pools of people, or who allowed themselves to be gelded one way or another along the way.
It is these people that are culpable. And it is not going to change but one of three ways.
An uprising within the government; in sufficient number and position to take the helm from these people who have themselves taken this country in a progressive coup d'tat via subversion
and force. So much wishful thinking.
A similar uprising within a number of the governments of the States. Only slightly less wishful thinking.
A catastrophic or series of catastrophic events which will bring everything to a grinding halt, result in the destruction of the nation as a functioning entity, and neccessitate a rebuild from the ground up. Almost now inevitable.