Author Topic: YOU'RE FIRED!!!  (Read 3465 times)


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« on: August 17, 2005, 12:31:16 PM »
HAHA! I got fired today for 'excessive internet usage'.  I've been telling them I don't have enough to do.  I got called into HR this afternoon and was confronted with several hundred pages allegedly tracking my internet use over the last 4 months.   They posted a security guard outside the room and made a big deal about 'weapons' related sites, especially THR.   I pointed out that my work was always on time and done right, with which they could not disagree.  I restated that I had said over and over again I didn't have enough to do.

The problem really started about 3 years ago when I got a new boss.  This guy is a Palestinian who came here by way of Texas.  His incompetence is matched only by his huge ego.  No one seems to know how he got the job in the first place, even the guy who hired him said he was ordered by upper management to hire this guy.   Anyway, this guy and I never got along, mostly because I wouldn't pay him deference and play his little oneupsmanship debate games with him.  

They asked if I received the 'internet usage policy', and I answered yes, about two weeks ago with that package of papers you had me sign.  They didn't like that and asserted that I had received a copy of the policy last year, which I denied.   Anyway, we went back and forth, I was low key, admitted nothing, politely refused to sign anything, they gave me my check and I was on my way.


Standing Wolf

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« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2005, 04:44:11 PM »
You may find being unemployed preferable to being under-employed.
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« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2005, 07:15:01 PM »
This is a big hivemind organization top heavy with management, hiding behind a non-profit status.   They acquired the company I worked for a little over a year ago, when it was a for profit business.  My previous boss had quit, and I took on his responsibilites in addition to my own.  So I was doing my current boss's job before he arrived.  Apparently, he felt threatened from the beginning.   The new company promotes itself as highly principled and emphasizes ethics.  They advertise as their 'core values':

"Dignity - Respecting the inherent value and worth of each person.
Collaboration - Working together with people who support common values and vision to achieve shared goals.
Justice - Advocating for social change and acting in ways that promote respect for all persons and demonstrate compassion for our sisters and brothers who are powerless.
Stewardship - Cultivating the resources entrusted to us to promote healing and wholeness.
Excellence - Exceeding expectations through teamwork and innovation"

In practice, the corporate culture is exactly the opposite.  Management is pompous to a degree that is almost comical, and paranoid in the extreme.  I know they buy mini pinhole cams by the dozen, but I don't know where they put them, or who they're watching.  They regularly hold secret meetings behind closed doors.  They get together in places like Las Vegas, where they stay in expensive suites and travel in hired limousines and by first class airfare.  Did I mention exorbitant salaries?  Or unending high dollar 'consultants'?  

All this is done with taxpayer money, as public funds comprise the bulk of their income.  Since it is a non profit, nobody in management has an equity position; they're all just employees.   Having been self-employed for a number of years I didn't adapt to the drone-role real well.

Working there was somewhat like being abducted by the Borg, the 'collective consciousness', and I never did mesh.   Plus, I had to drive 50 miles one way to the ghetto town where the main office is.   Then when I got there, I had essentially nothing to do, except the times they left everything until the last minute, then I worked overtime to meet the deadline.  It made no sense.

Today's events were peculiar.  I walked into the HR office, the receptionist was obviously very nervous to see me.  The security guard stood close by and closed the door to the room after I walked in.  I went into another inner office and sat down across from my boss and next to the HR Director.   They attempted to interrogate me (unsuccessfully), using the 500 or so pages of my alleged 'excessive internet usage'.  I got the distinct impression they felt intimidated.  I'm a 59 year old nearsighted pudgy accountant and hardly threatening.

Anyway, it was too weird.   I hope they're happy.  I am.

Perd Hapley

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« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2005, 07:30:44 PM »
They posted a security guard outside the room and made a big deal about 'weapons' related sites, especially THR.
Definitely my favorite part.  Now you'll have more time to do this:
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Perd Hapley

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« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2005, 07:36:54 PM »
Justice - Advocating for social change and acting in ways that promote respect for all persons and demonstrate compassion for our sisters and brothers who are powerless.
Stewardship - Cultivating the resources entrusted to us to promote healing and wholeness.
Wait, that's my new favorite part.  I am shocked to find hyprocites hiding behind all that feel-good talk.

59 year old nearsighted pudgy accountant
Dude!  Don't you know it's always guys like you who flip out and shoot the place up?  Seen Falling Down?  : )
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« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2005, 06:30:59 AM »
Sorry to hear about your loss. It has happened to me, and even though I disliked the job, that "kicked in the nads" feeling takes a while to go away.
We're here for you. Go ahead and rant, we won't take it personally. Smiley


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« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2005, 08:17:26 AM »
Thanks gary.  The thing about it is I'm not even angry.  Disgusted, yes, by the sneaky and devious way it was handled.  They apparently tracked my internet use continually for months in order to get enough data to terminate me.  I mean if it was a problem for them, why not call me in and write me up long before now?  Put me on notice or better yet, give me enough work to keep me busy?

My boss knew I didn't have enough to do, because he'd been taking work away from me because he didn't have enough to do and I think needed to justify his position to his superiors.

The whole place is a huge circlejerk.  In all honesty, they have too many people working there, mostly because they're completely disorganized.  Turnover among rank and file workers is high, mostly on account of management's condescending and suspicious attitude.  All this while publically maintaining an air of high ethical standards.  They hide behind the non-profit cloak while divvying up profits among themselves and their 'consulting' cronies.  It's hypocritical; I knew it and ignored it, instead content to trade time for money rather than rock the boat.


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« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2005, 09:04:34 AM »
Riley - sorry to hear the news - but that is balanced by your obvious helping of relief/delight!!

Much you mention smacks of my son's company - trouble is, poor fella at age 28, with house wife and kid - has to bite bullet best he can and soldier on - until anyways he can find better eventually.  Tomorrow the company has a ''golf day'' - sounds good eh?  Trouble is that aside from them putting on some food etc - no time is allowed for it and so - he has been doing extra long days this week to make up hours.  To dip out of it probably would not be ''politic''!

He has to ''charge out'' every darned 15 minutes all the working day - sometimes he has too little to do which makes it a nightmare then opposite at times - too much at once.

Oh another thing - he has had more than once to go on to a sorta ''board of trade'' deal after work - and even deliver a presentation - but the time??  Nope - not allowed for.  Sucks being salaried and employed by sharks.  They didn't even give him any time when his child was born!  That meant using his pathetic vacation allowance. Sad
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Felonious Monk/Fignozzle

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« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2005, 10:00:35 AM »
Riley-- " Disgusted, yes, by the sneaky and devious way it was handled.  They apparently tracked my internet use continually for months in order to get enough data to terminate me.  I mean if it was a problem for them, why not call me in and write me up long before now?  Put me on notice or better yet, give me enough work to keep me busy?"

Typical bureaucracy.  So caught up in believing that everyone ELSE is as devious and underhanded as THEY are, that they become paranoid.

It's happened to me twice.  What I've learned is to keep a VERY VERY low profile; TOTALLY "under the radar".  I basically do my "controversial" net stuff at home-- you know, APR, THR, TFL.  REALLY controversial.

Those who maintain their integrity and honesty; those who maintain heart and soul without selling out; those who really believe in the worth of a man's word and have not let the tide of cynicism and nihilism wash over them and put to sleep their belief in the value of character...
These people do not do well in a large, faceless, machine.
If FRIGHTENS and CONFUSES them for you to be unafraid of losing your job to the point that you will NOT drink the koolaid.
They view us as loose cannons.

I feel for you.  You'll get through it, and get another job.
In the mean time, rant as needed, be encouraged that you're not alone or the only person it's happened to, and what you value IS worth preserving.

Art Eatman

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« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2005, 11:52:29 AM »
There are an incredible number of scam non-profit outfits, scavenging grants off state and federal government.  They'll make up some high-faluting mission statement, usually having to do with helping some victim group.  They run around trying to get "names" for the "Advisory Group".  Then they hire a grant-proposal writer and off they go.

The Prez makes big bucks; his wife, the VP does well, and son/daughter/BIL is Secy/Treas.  Etc., etc.  It's amazing what comes under the heading of "necessary expenses".

And maybe 20% of the take goes to the victim group.

Give you any ideas? Cheesy

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« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2005, 12:00:17 PM »
I hate working for organizations and have never done well with it.  It is this sneaky BS, Chickenstuff kind of stuff you describe.  If your employees need to be spied on then you shouldnt have them as employees in the first place.  If they are spending too much time on the 'Net and not getting work done, then they need to be fired.  If they are getting their work done then they dont have enough.  But all of that is management's fault, not the employee's.
Every problem is really an opportunity in drag.  Go ahead and take yours.  Maybe you'll even find something in a real state.
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« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2005, 12:22:47 PM »
I work on the line between serving community-determined needs and conserving our tax dollars. +1 to Art's comments. I will also add that government often indirectly abets this by its unwillingness to expose and punish inefficency or fraud for fear of political repercussions via "protected" or "victim" groups. And let me say that the examples you hear about are a fraction of the ones you don't.

Some days I wish I could afford to get fired....
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« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2005, 12:51:09 PM »
Being a whistle-blower where tax dollars are involved is serving the public. Take Art's hint to heart.

Standing Wolf

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« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2005, 12:58:36 PM »
Justice - Advocating for social change and acting in ways that promote respect for all persons and demonstrate compassion for our sisters and brothers who are powerless.
Oh. It's a Second Amendment advocacy group, eh?
No tyrant should ever be allowed to die of natural causes.


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« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2005, 03:48:21 AM »
Quote from: Art Eatman
There are an incredible number of scam non-profit outfits, scavenging grants off state and federal government.  They'll make up some high-faluting mission statement, usually having to do with helping some victim group.  They run around trying to get "names" for the "Advisory Group".  Then they hire a grant-proposal writer and off they go.
Rileys employer doesnt appear to be an advocacy group. In fact it appears to be the sort of facility that has a pretty clear and unimpeachable public service agenda. That doesnt mean that it isnt being run into the ground by power-hungry idiots though.


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« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2005, 06:37:52 AM »
There is more than one successful whistleblower suit in recent years against my former employer, with 'settlements' in the millions of $.   However, I was not directly involved in the minutia of transactions that would constitute such a suit.  That said, Art's point is well taken; so-called 'charitable organizations' can be rife with abuse of their 'non-profit' status, especially the larger ones.  These organizations are typically top heavy with management, who pay themselves more than comparable positions in the real world.  Keep in mind, that these management people have no equity position in the company.  It's not like a 'for-profit', either privately or publically held, where there is accountability to owners who are interested in the 'going concern' value of the business; ie profits.

Also, keep in mind that these entities are not only exempt from federal and state income taxes, but local property taxes as well.  This can run into the millions of dollars, lost to counties and cities in revenues.  The local governments have a rightful expectation of something in return for this waiver.  

As far as I can tell, there is no real oversight as to how these organizations spend their money.  As long as they don't get caught up in any direct fraud against government, and as long as they can produce 'evidence' that they fulfill their 'charitable purpose', there are no other limits.   They typically have close associations with major accounting firms (used to be the 'Big 8', then it was down to 3, now it's back up to the 'Big 5', I think.  But that's subject to change the next time one gets caught).   I hate to say this, because accounting is my profession, but it's almost like paying protection money.  The huge fees paid to these firms for regular audits provide credible cover.  Having been involved in a number of audits over the years, I remain skeptical as to their efficacy in terms of third parties relying on financial data to give a clear picture.  I've even seen 'going-concern' issues disappear in exchange for several hundred thousands of dollars in additional 'fees'!!  Also, these firms present audit results prefaced by disclaimers that in fact say 'this may not be accurate nor correct and we're not responsible for any of it'.

It is true that the best and the brightest don't wind up in non-profit organizations. Instead, they get people to whom the challenges of outside competition, accountability for profit and stock values are too great.  My boss (the Palestinian from Texas)  was the CFO of a non-profit that went bankrupt, costing the local economy millions of $ in lost, but already earned revenue.  They simply burned everybody and walked away!!  Management didn't have a dime in it and emerged unscathed, only to go to work for another non profit.

Anyway, I'm done with non-profits.  I'll find something else to do.