Author Topic: Hee hee hee...Hillary's still in...  (Read 9524 times)

The Annoyed Man

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Re: Hee hee hee...Hillary's still in...
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2008, 07:47:59 AM »
The 'payback' to which I refer is payback to the Republican party for screwing its constituency, especially over the last 7 years. That' payback will come in the form of losing elections, the big one being this November.

Apparently you thought I was referring to payback directed at you.  Everything is not about you.


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Re: Hee hee hee...Hillary's still in...
« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2008, 07:57:08 AM »
The 'payback' to which I refer is payback to the Republican party for screwing its constituency, especially over the last 7 years. That' payback will come in the form of losing elections, the big one being this November.

Apparently you thought I was referring to payback directed at you.  Everything is not about you.

Funny thing, the Democrats are feeling that way here in Iowa. They feel like the Democrat party has screwed them, I've even heard a few folks who would never vote Republican have decided to vote for McCain over Hillbama.

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The Annoyed Man

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Re: Hee hee hee...Hillary's still in...
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2008, 07:59:44 AM »
Funny thing, the Democrats are feeling that way here in Iowa. They feel like the Democrat party has screwed them, I've even heard a few folks who would never vote Republican have decided to vote for McCain over Hillbama.

I suppose that would matter if a national election was ever decided by Iowa.  AFAIK, that's not likely.

xavier fremboe

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Re: Hee hee hee...Hillary's still in...
« Reply #28 on: May 14, 2008, 08:00:35 AM »
Gun control is not the exlusive territory of Democrats. There are a number of pro AWB Republicans.  Reagan signed anti gun legislation as Governor of CA.  Bush Sr. prohibited the import of some SKS's.  Schwarzenegger signed both the .50 cal ban and microstamping bills.  To assert that only Republicans will somehow 'protect' gun rights is blind foolishness.
I'm not asserting it in the least. 

I don't see a clear champion of the Second Amendment among the 3 majors.
IMHO Obama will be the Dem candidate, and has a better than 50/50 shot at winning in November.  My fear is that with him in office and a majority in both houses, he may push for legislation that makes the AWB seem like a house resolution supporting wooden bats in MLB.

You are the most vocal posting member of this board supporting the Democrats, and your sig line is "Come and take them" from Thermopylae.  I'm just trying to figure out what you would do if your wish comes true, and if my fears are valid.

Do you hand them over or not?
If the bandersnatch seems even mildly frumious, best to shun it.  Really.

The Annoyed Man

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Re: Hee hee hee...Hillary's still in...
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2008, 10:17:24 AM »
You are the most vocal posting member of this board supporting the Democrats, and your sig line is "Come and take them" from Thermopylae.  I'm just trying to figure out what you would do if your wish comes true, and if my fears are valid.

Do you hand them over or not?

First, I do not support Democrats.  I've never voted for a Democrat and most likely never will. The goal is not that a Democrat win, but that the Republicans lose.  And I think they only need to lose big one time.  Then they'll get it and begin representing their constituency again.  But they're confused as to who their constituency is. The problem is you who continue to vote Republican yet continually bitch about them as they continue to act like Democrats. 

You'd rather 'hold your nose' and vote Republican.  So, accept the consequences and quit complaining.  Instead, look in the mirror and you'll see the source of your unhappiness.  If you keep doing what you've always done, you always get what you always got.  You're fear based.  You've drunk the rightwing neocon fearmongering KoolAid that without Republicans in office, the Dems will eat your lunch, take your guns, kill your kids and lock you up.

I want change.  I want representation.  I want Republicans to act like Republicans and repent and turn away from their big government, big spending, corporated asskissing, freedom grabbing ways.   The only way I see to get there is to spank them, and spank them hard, by letting nature take its course and withdrawing support for them.  And, I'm hoping there are millions of disaffected Republicans like me who will do the same.

You know, one day you quivering, fear based automatons will  thank those of use who won representation in government back for you.  Think of me as your Rosa Parks.  laugh

Oh, and 'Come and Take Them' means 'Come and Take Them'.  I won't surrender my firearms. Period. End of Story.  I had a long talk with my Dad, a WWII combat vet, shortly before he died, about this very subject.  If I had any reservations before that conversation, I certainly have none afterward.  I'm 62 now and will be older by the time anybody comes to 'take them'.  And again, there are millions more like me.  When the dust settles, you youngsters may have only us old farts to thank for standing up against tyranny, which will never come if your Constitutional rights are represented in government.

And that's the whole point of free elections, isn't it?

xavier fremboe

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Re: Hee hee hee...Hillary's still in...
« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2008, 10:53:56 AM »
You are the most vocal posting member of this board supporting the Democrats, and your sig line is "Come and take them" from Thermopylae.  I'm just trying to figure out what you would do if your wish comes true, and if my fears are valid.

Do you hand them over or not?

First, I do not support Democrats.  I've never voted for a Democrat and most likely never will. The goal is not that a Democrat win, but that the Republicans lose.  And I think they only need to lose big one time.  Then they'll get it and begin representing their constituency again.  But they're confused as to who their constituency is. The problem is you who continue to vote Republican yet continually bitch about them as they continue to act like Democrats. 

You'd rather 'hold your nose' and vote Republican.  So, accept the consequences and quit complaining.  Instead, look in the mirror and you'll see the source of your unhappiness.  If you keep doing what you've always done, you always get what you always got.  You're fear based.  You've drunk the rightwing neocon fearmongering KoolAid that without Republicans in office, the Dems will eat your lunch, take your guns, kill your kids and lock you up.

I want change.  I want representation.  I want Republicans to act like Republicans and repent and turn away from their big government, big spending, corporated asskissing, freedom grabbing ways.   The only way I see to get there is to spank them, and spank them hard, by letting nature take its course and withdrawing support for them.  And, I'm hoping there are millions of disaffected Republicans like me who will do the same.

You know, one day you quivering, fear based automatons will  thank those of use who won representation in government back for you.  Think of me as your Rosa Parks.  laugh

Oh, and 'Come and Take Them' means 'Come and Take Them'.  I won't surrender my firearms. Period. End of Story.  I had a long talk with my Dad, a WWII combat vet, shortly before he died, about this very subject.  If I had any reservations before that conversation, I certainly have none afterward.  I'm 62 now and will be older by the time anybody comes to 'take them'.  And again, there are millions more like me.  When the dust settles, you youngsters may have only us old farts to thank for standing up against tyranny, which will never come if your Constitutional rights are represented in government.

And that's the whole point of free elections, isn't it?
A very thorough answer.  Thank you.
If the bandersnatch seems even mildly frumious, best to shun it.  Really.


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Re: Hee hee hee...Hillary's still in...
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2008, 11:12:43 AM »
Holy crap I agree with Paddy.  Next will be cats and dogs living together and mass hysteria!

In this position what should I vote for come election day? The Democrat (shudder), McCain, or "throw my vote away" so to speak.  Granted I'm in Montana and nobody cares which way we go anyway with our whopping 3 electoral college votes....


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Re: Hee hee hee...Hillary's still in...
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2008, 12:07:17 PM »
If McCain is useful for something, it's that he's a wakeup call to every Republican that has ears to hear and eyes to see.  The solution to the problem that McCain presents is that those of us who believe as we do that some government is good, but too much government is bad in ever sense of the word and application, is that rather than holding our noses again, we need to act.

My suggestion is that we hope that the Libertarians put up Bob Barr as their candidate.  Now old Bob has his faults, but he does believe as we do more often than not.  If every disaffected Republican voted Libertarian, they would not win, but there could be a very large vote that way, even more than Perot.  If that happened and all those disaffected R's began a massive letter writing campaign to every newspaper in the country stating why they voted as they did, as well as flooding congress with the same letters, the next President would be harmless for 4 years, no matter who he or she was.

Maybe then the R's would quit trying to be the Caspar Milqutoast party and get start getting as aggressive as the D's. 

America needs to progress, not regress!!  Regression is the song of the D's and most of the R's.  That song needs to be shut down.  America did not become the noble powerhouse innovative nation of free men and women by slinking around and apologizing for our success and believe that we can actually progress by conservation.  Progress only comes by taking on the undoable.
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Re: Hee hee hee...Hillary's still in...
« Reply #33 on: May 14, 2008, 02:34:55 PM »
The 'payback' to which I refer is payback to the Republican party for screwing its constituency, especially over the last 7 years. That' payback will come in the form of losing elections, the big one being this November.

Apparently you thought I was referring to payback directed at you.  Everything is not about you.

Lookie there, you strung together a lucid thought!

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Re: Hee hee hee...Hillary's still in...
« Reply #34 on: May 14, 2008, 02:37:34 PM »
Coupla things.

1) Ignore the BIG LIE that Dems are after my guns.  They've long since discovered it's a losing issue for them. It's another fearmongering tactic of the right.

Ok, how do I ignore that every year, since the AWB expired, Democrats try to reinstate it, or worse?  HR 1022 by Carolyn McCarthy...

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Re: Hee hee hee...Hillary's still in...
« Reply #35 on: May 14, 2008, 02:46:51 PM »
to ignore it you close one eye squint through the other and yell "lalalalalala" loudly
oh yea  stop reading any of their stuff where they feature gun control as part of their platform
It is much more powerful to seek Truth for one's self.  Seeing and hearing that others seem to have found it can be a motivation.  With me, I was drawn because of much error and bad judgment on my part. Confronting one's own errors and bad judgment is a very life altering situation.  Confronting the errors and bad judgment of others is usually hypocrisy.

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Re: Hee hee hee...Hillary's still in...
« Reply #36 on: May 14, 2008, 08:38:26 PM »
Going back to the original topic, the more Hillary & Obama stay in, the better the Rep chances in November. The protracted primaries battle has been very costly to the Dems in terms of money, enthusiasm, and political support.

By the way, I do not understand why so many people have surrendered to the idea that Obama will win the nomination. Both candidates have a lot of votes, while the superdelegates are highly unstable and can switch three times by Sunday. With such a huge superdelegate presence, it is not over until it is over. Hillary is right to stay and fight. That is far more American than giving up and sucking up to the media's favorite. While I generally dislike her, that is one thing I can respect her for - the fighting spirit.

As far as the general election, polls show that about a quarter of the Dems will not vote or vote for McCain if their candidate (either Hillary or Obama) does not win the nomination. If roughly half the votes are Democratic, this means a margin of roughly 12% of total votes swinging against the Dem nominee. As close as the previous two elections have been, the 12% is a big liability to the Dems. Because of this, I for one feel good about November.

Money-wise, the Dems are really drained fighting each other. Hillary is in the red, while Obama cannot collect a second helping from his huge electronic network of grass roots supporters without violating the campaign financing laws, to the best of my understanding. By the way, CFL is also what has been killing Hillary financially.

What McCain needs to do is pull off the gloves and start clobbering the nominee Dukakis-style, once the nominee is appointed. I get the impression he is playing it cool for now, to try to stay under the radar of hostile media for as long as possible while collecting money for the general election. If that is what he is doing, he is smarter than I thought.