Author Topic: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.  (Read 6577 times)


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Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« on: May 16, 2008, 07:44:18 AM »
In my email today.  It was also mentioned on the Glen Beck radio show, but not in the MSM.   

From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

        ++URGENT ACTION: Contact your two California
        Senators, and forward this message to your
 friends. Urge
        them to take immediate action with you!


Our Capitol contacts have just informed us that Dianne
(D-CA) is attempting to attach an amnesty amendment
illegal farm workers to the Iraq supplemental
spending bill.

Details are still coming in, but we do know the bill
provide legal status to 1.35 million illegal aliens
in agriculture by granting them five-year visas.

Tentatively called the Emergency Agriculture Relief
 Act of 2008,
this is a slight-of-hand, scaled-down version of
AgJobs amnesty bill that she had previously

*********., we've been told that her amendment could
 be voted
on as soon as tomorrow (Friday, May 16)!

++Action Item--Call Your California Senators

    We are asking ALL members of our team to take
    immediate action by calling their Senators and
    demanding they oppose the Feinstein amendment to
    Iraq Supplemental Appropriations Bill--or any
 other sly
    move to increase the rolls of illegal aliens in
 the U.S.

Here's your contact information for:

Sen. Feinstein     202-224-3841
Sen. Boxer     202-224-3553

Please call BOTH of your Senators. Without their
Feinstein's amendment may pass--opening the door to
more illegals in our nation!

After calling, please forward this message to all of
 your friends
and family who share your deep concern for our nation.
 Urge them
to pick up the phone and call their Senators as well.

If they don't know the contact information of their
 Senators, they
can call the Capitol Switchboard: 202/224-3121 to be
 quickly connected.

This is an all-hands-on-deck alarm, and I'm counting
 on every
member of the Grassfire team to deluge Senate offices
 with tens
of thousands of phone calls!


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2008, 07:51:09 AM »
Tell me again why they can't ban riders that have absolutely nothing to do with the bill?


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2008, 08:23:04 AM »
I'm with you on that one Manedwolf!


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2008, 04:12:57 PM »
These so-called riders should never have been allowed to begin with. They are a blatant corruption of the legislative process, and the fact that a so-called republican majority in Congress under George W Bush did not outlaw them in perpetuity is just another shining example of exactly what they are made of.


Standing Wolf

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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2008, 06:55:32 PM »
Details are still coming in, but we do know the bill would provide legal status to 1.35 million illegal aliens working in agriculture by granting them five-year visas.

Details are still coming in, but we do know the bill would provide legal status to 1.35 million illegal aliens working in agriculture by granting them five-year visas welfare so-called "benefits" and the right to vote for representatives of the Democratic (sic) party.
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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2008, 08:49:57 PM »
And their families of course...

We're at the point where we need to mobilize to recall politicians and judges.  If we don't we are headed for much worse ahead.  Better to recall than to re-boot.
"Domari nolo."

Thug: What you lookin' at old man?
Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.

Molon Labe.


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2008, 03:56:15 AM »
Do we really have to fight this *expletive deleted*it every F'ing summer???  angry

cassandra and sara's daddy

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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2008, 05:30:24 AM »
we do if we wanna eat
It is much more powerful to seek Truth for one's self.  Seeing and hearing that others seem to have found it can be a motivation.  With me, I was drawn because of much error and bad judgment on my part. Confronting one's own errors and bad judgment is a very life altering situation.  Confronting the errors and bad judgment of others is usually hypocrisy.

by someone older and wiser than I


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2008, 06:01:47 AM »
we do if we wanna eat

As a nation we eat too much and work too little.
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.

cassandra and sara's daddy

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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2008, 06:10:57 AM »
so that pretends to anser how to get the crops cared for?!  rolleyes
It is much more powerful to seek Truth for one's self.  Seeing and hearing that others seem to have found it can be a motivation.  With me, I was drawn because of much error and bad judgment on my part. Confronting one's own errors and bad judgment is a very life altering situation.  Confronting the errors and bad judgment of others is usually hypocrisy.

by someone older and wiser than I


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2008, 06:32:22 AM »
Well, we DO have the worlds largest prision population, don't we?
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2008, 06:51:36 AM »
It's interesting how with 15 to 30 million illegals already here we are STILL short of "essential labor."  Somethin' not right there...  And we will continue to need millions MORE every year?  Come on, let's face the fact that a sizeable chunk of American businesspeople will do anything for a buck, including sell their own country down the proverbial river.

More on this story here:

What Does Granting Amnesty Have to Do With Funding Our Troops in Iraq? ( NOTHING! ) ^ | May 16, 2008 | Ira Mehlman

Posted on 05/17/2008 6:47:22 AM PDT by kellynla

There is an unwritten rule in Congress that the appropriations process should not be used to pass major legislation. So when the Senate Appropriations Committee makes an exception to this rule, you can bet that they are doing so only to deal with some burning crisis.

For the Senate Appropriations Committee to break with tradition, the interests at stake must be so compelling that circumstances demand that the cumbersome legislative process be bypassed and that the issue be dealt with immediately. And when the legislation gets tacked on to not just any old appropriations bill, but an emergency supplemental appropriations bill to fund our servicemen and women fighting in Iraq, one can assume that the most vital national interests hang in the balance.

What were the compelling interests that led the august Senate Appropriations Committee to include major legislation as part of the military spending bill on Thursday? Amnesty for illegal aliens, and lots of new foreign workers for powerful business interests.

In one afternoon, the Appropriations Committee approved amnesty for 1.35 million illegal alien agricultural workers, and made available an additional 650,000 skilled and unskilled foreign guest workers over the next three years. Thats 2 million new, or newly legalized, foreign workers entering our labor force over the next three years  even as our economy has been losing jobs.

The 2 million figure does not include the dependents of the amnesty recipients or new workers who could be admitted under existing agricultural guest worker programs. Under the agricultural amnesty  written by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) at the behest of the California agricultural lobby  the spouses of amnesty recipients will also be authorized to compete with American workers for jobs in any sector of our labor market. Nor does it include the potentially unlimited number of new guest workers agricultural employers will be able to import under a streamlined H-2A program that requires the Department of Labor to issue visas within seven days of an employers request.

Just to be extra sure that the agriculture industry will get their workers as cheaply as possible, Sen. Feinstein threw in a provision that freezes wages for these farm workers at 2007 levels.

While the Feinstein amendment offers senators a fig leaf to avoid the dreaded A-Word (thats A-M-N-E-S-T-Y) by legalizing these workers for only five years, the sunset provision is sheer kabuki theater. Everyone knows that once we start down that road there is no turning back. At some point in the next five years, the temporary amnesty will be made a permanent one and will likely include many other categories of illegal aliens  just to be fair to everyone who broke our laws.

California agriculture is not the only business interest powerful enough to hitch a ride on the backs of our military personnel. The Maryland fishing and tourism industries also want a ready supply of cheap foreign labor, and Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) was happy to accommodate by offering an amendment that exempts returning unskilled or low-skilled H-2B workers from counting against the caps for that category. (Never mind that there are fewer Maryland crabs to harvest each year, and that with the skyrocketing price of gas people may not be able to afford to drive to the Eastern Shore.) Over the next three years, the cumulative number of H-2B workers admitted could reach 432,000.

And while the Appropriations Committee was piling on goodies for the low-skill industries, they found time to take care of the lobbyists for the high tech industry as well. Sen. Patty Murray (D-Microsoft/Wash.) added a provision to recapture 218,000 visas for skilled foreign workers. These visas didnt really escape, so much as they just went unutilized between 1996 and 2004, especially during the years immediately after the high tech bubble burst. But now high tech employers and labor contractors want those visas back, because foreign guest workers tamp down labor costs for the industry.

Americans, no matter what they might think of the war in Iraq, genuinely support our men and women who are over there serving our nation. It seems that the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee love our troops too  but for entirely different reasons: they provide convenient cover for passing special interest legislation to benefit illegal aliens and powerful business lobbies.
"Domari nolo."

Thug: What you lookin' at old man?
Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.

Molon Labe.


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2008, 08:20:32 AM »
Com'n guys, it's not Feinstein's fault.  She believes she has to find ways to spend your money more wisely than you do.  She believes you shouldn't have guns (it's easier to get your money that way).  She believes we should save the world and allow the country to be overrun with illegals... and because they are here, we are now responsible for them so she wants more money.

She panders to a group of people who continue to elect her.  I don't know which is worst.  Her views or the fact she continues to keep her office.  I do know I didn't vote for her.


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2008, 01:50:05 PM »
I do know I didn't vote for her.
Never have and never will vote for her.  We really need term limits for all of them.


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2008, 04:27:59 PM »
Someone please tell me members of the forum weren't so stupid as to believe amnesty was dead.  Hint:  we will have an amnesty bill in 2009.  Both parties and all presidential candidates support the idea.  This one case where our Betters will decide what is in our good and there is nothing we can do to stop it.  The elites have entirely too much money riding on amnesty to allow it to be defeated again.
"Men, it has been well said, think in herds. It will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."
- Charles Mackay, Scottish journalist, circa 1841

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it." - John Lennon


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2008, 04:42:18 PM »
Doesn't do me any good to contact my two senators anyway.  We're blessed with Sen. Levin (better known as Lenin) and Sen. Debbie Stabenow (Levin's puppet, better known in Michigan as Stab U now)  They are both from SE Michigan.  More population there.  Michigan is mostly Red except for SE Michigan, Lake County on the west side and the You Pee.

Years ago we had a Vaquero Law (sp?)  Worked very good with respect to migrant labor.  That law went away.  I'd be happy if we could get the cowards in Warshington to secure our borders and ports.  It might take a few years, but then we could have a national debate about the illegals that are here.  Wouldn't be too hard to sort out, imho.  Ask every illegal that has no criminal record to come forward.  If they have a job and a residence, issue them a temporary visa.  If they continue to work and pay taxes as well as keep their nose clean, after 5 years they swear allegiance to America and get citizenship.  Everyone else gets deported as they get caught.  Deport every IA in our jails and prisons.  No free schools, medical or welfare to any IA that does not come forward and qualify.

After the borders and ports are secure I'm less concerned about nit picking how they got here as long as they come forward and qualify.  We'd probably be well served by these folks as their gene pool is pretty tough.  They surmounted tough odds to get here and stay here and have the balls to come forward.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw

cassandra and sara's daddy

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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2008, 04:48:22 PM »
damn  that plan makes way too much sense. its gonna be hated by both sides in the fight
It is much more powerful to seek Truth for one's self.  Seeing and hearing that others seem to have found it can be a motivation.  With me, I was drawn because of much error and bad judgment on my part. Confronting one's own errors and bad judgment is a very life altering situation.  Confronting the errors and bad judgment of others is usually hypocrisy.

by someone older and wiser than I


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2008, 07:10:05 PM »
I'd be happy if we could get the cowards in Warshington to secure our borders and ports.  It might take a few years, but then we could have a national debate about the illegals that are here.  Wouldn't be too hard to sort out, imho.  Ask every illegal that has no criminal record to come forward.  If they have a job and a residence, issue them a temporary visa.  If they continue to work and pay taxes as well as keep their nose clean, after 5 years they swear allegiance to America and get citizenship.  Everyone else gets deported as they get caught.  Deport every IA in our jails and prisons.  No free schools, medical or welfare to any IA that does not come forward and qualify.
I agree, with two reservations. One is that we simply do not need any more immigrants - this country is starting to become too crowded as it is. The second point is that to verify those that claim to have no criminal records we are relying on data from corrupted third world government sources.

Securing the ports and borders is quite simple - we desist from the costly and foolhardy attempts to police the rest of the world and take care of our own. The manpower and resources are then available, and we simply have to do it.


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2008, 07:55:20 PM »
Oh the noes!  We couldn't possibly feed ourselves without illegal aliens!  Why, the country would just fall apart!  Amurikuns has just plain forgot how to mow our own lawns and hang drywall! 
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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2008, 08:06:34 PM »
Someone please tell me members of the forum weren't so stupid as to believe amnesty was dead.  Hint:  we will have an amnesty bill in 2009.  Both parties and all presidential candidates support the idea.  This one case where our Betters will decide what is in our good and there is nothing we can do to stop it.  The elites have entirely too much money riding on amnesty to allow it to be defeated again.

I believe you're right: it's coming--and we probably won't be able to stop it.

But it will be a point of inflection in American history.  It will be one of the great divides and precipitate unpredictable changes in American life.  I won't go so far as to postulate that it will produce a Great Awakening but I think the consequences of an amnesty will be profound enough that a lot of Americans are going to be utterly disaffected. 
"Domari nolo."

Thug: What you lookin' at old man?
Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.

Molon Labe.


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2008, 09:25:27 PM »
So let me get this straight.

I am about to invest thousands (literally) of dollars into prepping for the GRE and applying to various institutions.

I will then spend then approx. $2000 on airline tickets.

I will then spend five to seven years on studying in a straight-to-Ph.D. program, to make myself a better-employable person.

I then (if I read the rules right) will need to leave the US, come back and go through various shenangians to apply for citizenship.

These people need only to waddle across the border, while having no English, no education, and no useful skills above "I can lift heavy boxes"?

How is this not terribly unfair to all the guys like me who want to be real American citizens, obey the law, and respect America?
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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2008, 03:57:43 AM »
Micro, thats exactly why I am against amnesty for them lawbreakers. 

cassandra and sara's daddy

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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2008, 04:29:58 AM »

Immigration Raid Jars a Small Town
Critics Say Employers Should Be Targeted

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Buses brought arrested workers from Postville to the National Cattle Congress grounds in Waterloo, Iowa, last week. (By Spencer S. Hsu -- The Washington Post)
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Detainees head to a court at the National Cattle Congress grounds on Wednesday. The raid led to criminal charges for 306 of the workers. (By Matthew Putney -- Waterloo Courier Via Associated Press)
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By Spencer S. Hsu
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, May 18, 2008; Page A01

POSTVILLE, Iowa -- Antonio Escobedo ran to get his wife Monday when he saw a helicopter circling overhead and immigration agents approaching the meatpacking plant where they both work. The couple hid for hours inside the plant before obtaining refuge in the pews and hall at St. Bridget's Catholic Church, where hundreds of other Guatemalan and Mexican families gathered, hoping to avoid arrest.

"I like my job. I like my work. I like it here in Iowa," said Escobedo, 38, an illegal immigrant from Yescas, Mexico, who has raised his three children for 11 years in Postville. "Are they mad because I'm working?"

Monday's raid on the Agriprocessors plant, in which 389 immigrants were arrested and many held at a cattle exhibit hall, was the Bush administration's largest crackdown on illegal workers at a single site. It has upended this tree-lined community, which calls itself "Hometown to the World." Half of the school system's 600 students were absent Tuesday, including 90 percent of Hispanic children, because their parents were arrested or in hiding.

Current and former officials of the Department of Homeland Security say its raid on the largest employer in northeast Iowa reflects the administration's decision to put pressure on companies with large numbers of illegal immigrant workers, particularly in the meat industry. But its disruptive impact on the nation's largest supplier of kosher beef and on the surrounding community has provoked renewed criticism that the administration is disproportionately targeting workers instead of employers, and that the resulting turmoil is worse than the underlying crimes.

"They don't go after employers. They don't put CEOs in jail," complained the Postville Community Schools superintendent, David Strudthoff, 51, who said the sudden incarceration of more than 10 percent of the town's population of 2,300 "is like a natural disaster -- only this one is manmade."

He added, "In the end, it is the greater population that will suffer and the workforce that will be held accountable."

Congressman Bruce Braley (D-Iowa) said enforcement efforts against corporations that commit immigration violations have "plummeted" under the Bush administration. "Until we enforce our immigration laws equally against both employers and employees who break the law, we will continue to have a problem," he said.

Julie L. Myers, assistant homeland security secretary for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), said that to the contrary, the agency has seldom been so aggressive, including opening criminal investigations of company officials. While cases have netted only a handful of sentences for low-level managers so far, Myers said, such white-collar crime investigations typically take years to develop.

"Can we really execute a search warrant without taking any action against [illegal employment] that we know is taking place?" she asked. "Or will just taking business records through a search warrant cause illegal aliens to leave, and then we're not fulfilling that part of the mission, as well?"

Lobbyists and former officials say that in unleashing ICE, the administration is trying to "turn up the pain" to motivate businesses and Congress to support the comprehensive immigration changes sought by President Bush, such as a temporary-worker program and earned legalization. If the existing legal tools are too blunt, they said, Congress should create a fairer system.

But the pressure on employers -- whose wages and hiring practices have lured illegal workers to both large cities and small towns -- has mostly been indirect and economic: While workplace arrests have risen tenfold since 2002, from 510 to 4,940, only 90 criminal arrests have involved company personnel officials.

So far, no officials at Agriprocessors have been charged. The company, founded by Aaron Rubashkin, has a storybook history whose recent chapters have turned murky. After some of Rubashkin's Lubavitch Hasidic family moved here from Brooklyn in 1987, the firm became the nation's largest processor of glatt kosher beef, the strictest kosher standard. It produces kosher and non-kosher beef, veal, lamb, turkey and chicken products under brands such as Iowa Best Beef, Aaron's Best and Rubashkin's.

2 more pages
It is much more powerful to seek Truth for one's self.  Seeing and hearing that others seem to have found it can be a motivation.  With me, I was drawn because of much error and bad judgment on my part. Confronting one's own errors and bad judgment is a very life altering situation.  Confronting the errors and bad judgment of others is usually hypocrisy.

by someone older and wiser than I


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2008, 07:51:46 AM »
So let me get this straight.

I am about to invest thousands (literally) of dollars into prepping for the GRE and applying to various institutions.

I will then spend then approx. $2000 on airline tickets.

I will then spend five to seven years on studying in a straight-to-Ph.D. program, to make myself a better-employable person.

I then (if I read the rules right) will need to leave the US, come back and go through various shenangians to apply for citizenship.

These people need only to waddle across the border, while having no English, no education, and no useful skills above "I can lift heavy boxes"?

How is this not terribly unfair to all the guys like me who want to be real American citizens, obey the law, and respect America?

It is unfair.  It is also a moral hazard and a betrayal of their oaths.


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Re: Amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens is in the pipeline again.
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2008, 08:03:38 AM »
Well, to fuse two threads...  I can think of no more fitting memorial to Sen. Kennedy than to legalize every illegal in America and, for that matter, to hugely liberalize immigration in the future.

Yes, I'm joking, and, yes, this is exactly what you are going to hear some day.  Do it for Kennedy.

Anyway, back to this thread.  Most Americans still don't obtain college degrees and training.  That means, in a word, that most American workers are replaceable by imported bodies.  They are swappable and fungible.  So if legal citizenship doesn't matter any more, it's goodbye to the American blue-collar class.  Only a matter of time.  Now what is going to be the upshot of all this social and econonomic "engineering?"  The inevitable rise of a very angry ultra-rightwing "nativist" political movement in the years ahead, perhaps joined by returning veterans from the Middle East theaters.  It can't happen here.  Oh yes it can, and unless saner heads prevail it will.
"Domari nolo."

Thug: What you lookin' at old man?
Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.

Molon Labe.