Thanks for the responses, guys.
Brush clearance is not a problem. There are, however, quite a few large trees around me.
The purpose of the pump is not to fight a roaring conflagaration, but to be able to prevent my house from sparking in the event of:
1) A brush fire in the nearby open spaces. In the past, hot embers have been blown over my neighborhood from a brush fire. I want to be able to keep my property soaked, and be able to put out a small fire if an ember lights a nearby tree.
2) It is estimated that, in a large earthquake, many structural fires will erupt and fire departments will be overwhelmed and will not be able to respond to all calls. If one of my neighbor's houses on either side of me catches on fire for some reason (i.e., broken gas line) I want to keep it away from my house.
Due to the construction of my pool and the bedrock upon which it sits, it is extremely unlikely that it will crack and spontaneously drain. Much more likely that it will lose some water due to sloshing in an earthquake. But, it is large and deep, so there should be plenty left.
I feel that a fire pump is like a gun - probably won't need it, but if I do, I will *really* need it. I'd hate to be standing outside my house watching it go up in flames when I could have prevented it.