Author Topic: Tips/Useful Rules for parents of Teenagers.  (Read 7070 times)


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Re: Tips/Useful Rules for parents of Teenagers.
« Reply #25 on: June 12, 2008, 07:16:04 AM »
I have a 15 year old and you nailed it on the head Werewolf.
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Re: Tips/Useful Rules for parents of Teenagers.
« Reply #26 on: June 12, 2008, 08:14:35 AM »
If you are lucky, you shouldn't have too much of a problem.

If you are unlucky, you are in for a hell of a ride. My sister used to have common sense...before she turned 15...let's see...

1st boyfriend was a manipulating SOB. He never touched her, though, because I made it perfectly clear that I would erase him from this earth if he hit her. She would be sobbing on the phone for freakin hours. He was an idiot and a worthless SOB, and I made it perfectly clear to my mother what he was, but she kept saying "She's got to decide for herself" over and over.

She got a ticket for doing 90mph in a 45mph zone. Claimed she didn't know she was going that fast. In a '90 Chevy Astro van (you damn well know once you get to 60mph in one of those)

1st time she went to fuel the Chevy Astro van (she had just started driving it), she was too stupid to pop the fuel door release, and instead, tried to pry open the door with her keys. Claimed she thought it was rusted shut. We have also had a nearly identical '92 Chevy Astro for a while, so she should have known.

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Re: Tips/Useful Rules for parents of Teenagers.
« Reply #27 on: June 12, 2008, 10:44:06 AM »

The below refers to teenage girls only. All were Daddy's girls until one day...

When they turned 13 or so GOD reached down out of the sky and turned on the BITCH switch.

In some cases that switch is reactivated around age 40.    smiley

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Re: Tips/Useful Rules for parents of Teenagers.
« Reply #28 on: June 12, 2008, 10:51:40 AM »
lets add some female perspective.

the bitch switch, as you so plesently called it, is acurate. teenage girls have it hard. its not like the boys, who get to go hit people under the guise of sports. you end up under all this pressure to fit in, be a girl, and do this or do that. and NOBODY seems to want you to do the same as anyone else. parents become hard to talk to. you feel like they can't possible understand.

ESPECIALLY when daddys going on and on about what you can and can not do.

so tip one. don't lay down the law with an iron fist. your just going to end up in a screaming match. and yeah, she most likely will lose, but then she will be a martyer for teenage girls every where and you'll start losing control. she's also not going to want to talk to you, so your going to have to make an effort to get her to want to talk to you. which means when she intentionally pushes those buttons (and she will, god knows i did) STAY COOL and be rational. Dad needs to be someone that she can go to, even if she is in trouble and made a mistake. be calm, sense it out and work with her.

BTW, this is my dad. we only EVER had one knock down drag out fight when i was a teen. and by the time we had that fight, i respected him so much that i NEVER wanted to disappoint him again. i was and still am closer to him then my mother, because i could talk to my dad about anything (including stuff that most girls don't talk about with dad) the reason i could talk to him was because he never got pissed at me or yelled at me even when i was being stupid. instead, he encouraged me to talk it out with him, until i relized for myself that i was being stupid.

you got to understand whats going on at school. no matter how many friends she has or how popular she is, the social stuff is enough to drive anyone nutts. middle school is the worst. by about 11th and 12th grade they start to figure out the diffrence between friends and other folks, but until then its the cliques and fitting in.

now this goes two ways.

one: she is going to try to fit in. she is going to insist on wearing certain close, talking on the phone to certain people and is going to get embroiled and a WHO LOTTA DRAMA. the plus side is that she is going to learn how to survive socially and she'll manage to find friends and have lots of neat things to do. the downside is that whats cool is whats cool and thats what she's going to want to do, even if your budget and your opinions say diffrent. my only advise, (and this is because i wasn't one of these girls) is to keep her talking at home and make sure she knows the diffrence between whats superficial and whats important.


two: she is going to reject the 'mainstream' and be 'original'. now, every school has about five or six main cliques for these kids. a couple, if she goes in those directions, are going to make life easier for you (usually the 'nerds' and 'the good girls'). but the other ones are going to be a pain (especially if you can't learn to tolerate them) which includes the artist type groups and the wilder groups. oen thing you got to remember is just because her frineds are doing it doesn't mean she's doing it (and i'm just talking in genral about whatever that group is doing). once again, keep in mind the diffrence between superficial and important. for example: BLUE HAIR = superficial, SEX = important. get it?

now, whats important. ANSWER HER QUESTIONS. even if its stuff you don't really want to talk about. yes, like sex. and tell her the freaking truth, because if she doens't get it from you, SHE WILL GET IT FROM HER FRIENDS. and i would think that you would know quite a bit more about that particular subject then her friends. don't just tell her don't do it. thats not answers. and besides, then if she does do it (and you have absolutly no control over this, so don't even bother with the fairy tale that you do) she most likely WILL get hurt. or sick. or pregnant. so tell her the truth, tell her, if she does do it to be safe, and HOW TO BE SAFE, and tell her that you would really rather that she wait until she's older and more experianced in life, and that if her friends are pressuring her that she doesn't need to listin.

now if this is making you go 'ahh hell no, i ain't tell her a thing', you give her the ultimateium, NO SEX, but she doesn't listin to you. and she goes out with some friends, gets pressured and ends up doing the nasty on some punks backseat, without a condem. so she ends up, hurting both physically and emotionally, pregnant and with an STD. and she sure is hell ain't going to talk to daddy about it. so were does she go? not to the docter, he'll tell dad, not to mom, she'll tell dad, not to the school conseler, they'll tell dad. instead she may ignore and keep going down that bad path. or she may try to deal with it on her own, and maybe she'll get lucky, but most likely she won't. congragulations, daddy. your baby girl is alone, hurt and has no were to go all because you couldn't be reasonable.

but if you tell her the truth plus that extra bit about you wanting her to be older, she'll definatly listin to the first part, and most likely will heed the second part. you want an example. my parents gave me the facts of life as soon as i had questions. i talked to my dad about sex as a teenager. i am still a virgin and i am going to stay that way until i feel its right.
and at the very least, if she doesn't wait, at least she'll be safe. which is all you can really do at that point.

drugs: see above, but interject the whole, its illiegal and i'd rather you didn't do it at all.

finally. teenage girls are emotional timebombs. remember when your wife was pregnant and all those hormones made her a little crazy? teenage girls are getting those same hormones at a slightly smaller level for the first time as a steady diet for several years. things settle down eventually, as you complete maturing and learn to deal with it, but for that time period, its a pain in the neck. girls begin puberty at about 10/11 on average, and complete the process around 24/25. yep, we start earlier then the boys and we go later.
so remember that when she is screaming and crying and going "i hate you" she (usually) doesn't actually mean it, and is often just wanting you to give her some attention. give her some attention. i dont' mean a full blown pity party every time, but dads shoulder is usually the best spot when you need to cry it out.

any questions?
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Re: Tips/Useful Rules for parents of Teenagers.
« Reply #29 on: June 12, 2008, 12:32:06 PM »
Our problems were completely different.  We never had to worry about the drinking and weird clothes and pregnancy issues.

I almost wish we had had the "normal teenage girl" problems instead  rolleyes

I really think some cultures have it right - marry off the daughters at age 13 and let their husbands raise them  grin
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Re: Tips/Useful Rules for parents of Teenagers.
« Reply #30 on: June 12, 2008, 04:03:46 PM »
If you don't mind my asking Tallpine, what did you have trouble with?
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Re: Tips/Useful Rules for parents of Teenagers.
« Reply #31 on: June 12, 2008, 04:14:42 PM »
So a "C" is considered a bad grade now? IIRC "C" ment average.

I can see loosing privileges for D and F but a C? WTF?

A 'C' is a fine grade...

...if you aspire to being mediocre.
Every academic decathlon team needs a C student.  I killed.
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Re: Tips/Useful Rules for parents of Teenagers.
« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2008, 04:59:57 PM »
If you don't mind my asking Tallpine, what did you have trouble with?

Sorry, I can't talk about it right now.
Freedom is a heavy load, a great and strange burden for the spirit to undertake. It is not easy. It is not a gift given, but a choice made, and the choice may be a hard one. The road goes upward toward the light; but the laden traveller may never reach the end of it.  - Ursula Le Guin


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Re: Tips/Useful Rules for parents of Teenagers.
« Reply #33 on: June 12, 2008, 07:15:38 PM »
If you don't mind my asking Tallpine, what did you have trouble with?

Sorry, I can't talk about it right now.

Oh no problem. Pretty invasive question for a public forum.
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Re: Tips/Useful Rules for parents of Teenagers.
« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2008, 06:09:36 AM »
My wife and I raised two fine sons who remain our pride and joy. Both degreed, both employed, both still maintain the values that we tried to instill in them BY EXAMPLE.

Our sons never saw us self medicating to excess. A six-pack would sit in the fridge for weeks before I would drink one.

We set schedules, set limits, knew their friends and their friends parenst.

They knew beyond a doubt what would happen if they crossed certain lines.

They used to tell the monsters in the closet when they were small "You don't want to wake Dad up. He will erase you. Go to sleep."

Some o9 my methods were unorthodox but I obtained results. Many memories and not enough time and space for everything.

When the oldest reached driving age, I set the expectations. My Dad allowed me to do as I wished when I wished and with whomever I wished. This caused me and the local police a lot of grief and required my loving wife to raise me some as well. She has been doing it for 34 years and I owe her my life and my prosperity.

After school one day I met him as he dismounted the bus. I told him we were going for a ride. We drove to the county seat and pulled up to the jail. I told him "Here we are!"

Him "Why are we here?"

Me " I just wanted to be sure you knew that I knew where the jail was. The state troopers and sheriff deputies have enough to do without chasing you around while you raise hell, drink, and do drugs. If I even think you are doing anything illegal I will bring you down here and turn you in myself."

The sheriff just then by chance came out and stuck his head in the truck to say hello. I was a county firefighter/paramedic and chief of volunteer EMS so we were aquainted. He inquired what we were doing. I explained. He asked my son "Am I going to see you in my jail?"

My son "No! Dad can we go home now?"

My version of scared straight. Oldest son told youngest son.

My wife did not know this until my sons mentioned it a few years ago. We love our sons. We made a few mistakes along the way but all-in-all parenting them was a grand time. Parenting is the key.

Being a Grandpa is the reward. God is good.



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Re: Tips/Useful Rules for parents of Teenagers.
« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2008, 07:51:39 AM »
Quote from: Anygunanywhere
Being a Grandpa is the reward...

Man - ain't that the truth...  grin
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