Author Topic: Arkansas pros & cons  (Read 5351 times)


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Arkansas pros & cons
« on: August 28, 2005, 06:48:23 PM »
The wife saw some cheesy real estate infomercial starring (I can't believe I'm typing this) Erik Estrada.

The ad concerned some place near Benton called Bella Vista and how it is a great place to be yada yada yada..

Anyway now she wants to know more about the state, so I said I'd ask y'all.

CCW and gun laws are good, homeschooling is not an issue and taxes are low, all to the good of course but what are some other things to know?

Where are the areas to avoid?

What is the weather like?

Are the mosquitos the size of fruit bats?


I've looked some info up online but I'm looking for personal anecdotes.

Thanks in advance,



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« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2005, 07:34:19 PM »
Quote from: here2learn
The wife saw some cheesy real estate infomercial starring (I can't believe I'm typing this) Erik Estrada.

The ad concerned some place near Benton called Bella Vista and how it is a great place to be yada yada yada..

Anyway now she wants to know more about the state, so I said I'd ask y'all.

CCW and gun laws are good, homeschooling is not an issue and taxes are low, all to the good of course but what are some other things to know?

Where are the areas to avoid?

What is the weather like?

Are the mosquitos the size of fruit bats?


I've looked some info up online but I'm looking for personal anecdotes.

Thanks in advance,

Seems to me that commercial is selling property down around the Hot Springs area.  As far as Hot Springs goes for CCW, it's a bit of a PITA as parts of Hot Springs are national parks so you'd be legal on one side of the street and a felon on the other.

If avoiding mosquitoes is a preferance, I'd recommend further north up into the Ozarks.  I've not seen more than a few where I live somewhat near Mountain Home.

Where I am the weather consists of long mild spring and fall weather.  You can still ride your motorcycle into December.  January and February may have some snowy weather but you get to stay home for a few days.  Smiley  There are 2-3 months of hot weather in the summer, though.  Wanna make friends there, just move in and start shooting in your yard.  They really don't like gun prohibitionists in Arkansas.

BTW, I do know an honest Realtor in the Ozarks (Bull Shoals area).

Sylvilagus Aquaticus

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« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 08:09:35 PM »
I spent a lot more time in Arkansas than was really good for me at one time in my life. My ex was from Hot Springs and I went to college in Batesville, north of Little Rock in Independence County.

Benton is kinda in the middle between Hot Springs and Little Rock.

Now I'm gonna say some hurtful things here, but bear with me.  

Hot Springs is probably a fine place to live if you're a gimp or a cripple, because that's mostly what I saw any time I was there.  It's great if you're 80 years old and like horse racing and parimutual betting.  It's great if you like to take baths in a semi-public setting. It's great if you don't mind living in the middle of Bubba's Tourist Trap (make sure you see the alligator farm, the wax museum, and the I.Q.Zoo).

The weather in Hot Springs can be hot and humid in the summer and cold and damp in the winter.  It snows a bit there, and the hilly roads get icy and really hard to drive on as there isn't enough to plow but more than sand will handle.  I never had a problem with mosquitoes, mostly because they don't like the way I taste (or smell, I guess).  

On a positive note, Hot Springs is scenic, quaint, and reasonably clean.  Lake Hamilton is great for skiing and decent for fishing.  The place is close enough to really great fly-fishing areas that if that's your thing, you're in good shape.  Little Rock has most amenities that you'd find in a city much larger than it really is.  Trouble is, parts of LR are akin to most third-world cesspools.  

If you want to look further north, north central Arkansas is fairly rural but the folks are nice.  Of course, I went to college with folks whose families first got indoor plumbing in 1972.  I'd suggest an extended driving trip to scout it out. The Batesville/Mt. View area is really nice, but if you take a left instead of a right in some spots you'll meet up with some of the extras from The Legend of Boggy Creek or worse.  You might, however, get some free clogging lessons and buy some nice pottery.  

Bull Shoals, Heber Springs and that area is really, really nice, and the culture is more Field and Stram and Grand Ol' Opry than The Surreal Life/MTV and 50Cent....not that that's a problem.  

What is a problem, though, is that cooking meth and raising/transporting/warehousing marijuana is becoming the largest cottage industry in rural areas of the state, per good friends of mine who are a county prosecutor and justice of the peace, respectively.

Me, I wouldn't mind living up there, if I could make a good living.  The folks overall are very nice, the scenery is great, and the hunting and fishing are wonderful. It's just that it's like going into a time warp to the 1920's in some spots as far as the attitudes and the amenities in some of the back country. Sometime I'll have to retell the story of the guys I met who hunted deer using a pole, a kitchen knife, duct tape, and a pile of corn.

Ask SM. He lives there and can be more objective than I ever would be.

To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.
Albert Einstein


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« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2005, 03:41:11 AM »
I rec'd an email in regard to this thread.

Born, raised, and most of my life lived in central AR.  I'm looking to Leave.

I find it ironic AR, "Land Of Opportunity" is rated as the 49th State in terms of postitives and 2nd in terms of negatives. If it was not for Mississippi we would often be dead last or top these respective lists. No disrespect to Mississippi.

Irony in the "Natural State" - Well call the 800 number and most likely your call will be answered in TX to find out about our lakes, rivers, scenic routes ... Beautiful State, it is said build a fence around AR and it is self contained. We have Diamonds, gas, oil, timber, Rice and Duck Capital of the World, World Renowned Trout Fishing, and so many lakes and rivers to fish, so many areas to hunt....etc.  Stephens Inc is the Largest Trade house off Wall Street.

Hot Springs has history, from Political Corruption, Mafia (Capone was here),Whores to Infastructre Problems. Hot Springs is a popular spot for Retirement.  The reality is society is becoming a Geriatric Society, Hot Springs is one of - if not the biggest "retirement/geriatric" area of our state.  AR is already economically poor and pooly run - Yes while  the Tourist season draws monies to Hot Springs, with all the Retired folks and limited incomes - well, not much growth and monies to keep things really going.  Ouachita Nat'l Forrest - beautiful, drive off the main rd and either in serious drug business or invading someone's personal space. Both groups know how to shoot very well.

Horse Racing: Oaklawn is one of the nicest tracks in the country. Many top horses and breeders use Hot Springs / Oaklawn, you will see these horses in the Kentucky Derby, Triple Crown.  When the season hits - Traffic is unreal. Little Rock is "45 minutes away" - Well that 'might be" true again - I haven't driven it lately...The Interstate system is nutzoid.  We call it the "Orange Barrel Rally".   I used to live in Benton, and later Bryant. These are off I30 b/t LR and HS.  I used to make it to LR from Bryant in 17 minutes.  I moved back to LR. Still takes folks 30 minutes for the same drive now - it was 45-1 hr with all the Road construction , car wrecks and deaths.

I hear it took folks 2 hours to get to Hot Springs from LR and  to attend the Races the past two seasons. Returning has always been fun - dodging the drunks...

I built a brand new home in Bryant for $53 a sq ft. Same house in LR ran $75 - in certain areas.  In the Heights the older homes were selling for $175 a square foot. I don't even want to know what they get for the new uppity Chenal area out west.

I commute 20 miles to College , It took me 2hrs the other day, I literally sat on the I430 bridge for 1 hr.  Construction, traffic another major wreck...  Again..  b/t LR and Conway.Many folks attend UCA [Univ.of Central AR - good school] .

 I was heading like one goes to Memphis, that is a total nightmare .  Two days later it took me 1.5 hrs  another major wreck along my route- I run the back roads to my college. I park off campus for a reason,  I have twice in one week ran a red light ( right turn on red, left turn on red) to get out of a possible car jacking. Damn right I was armed.  I have to get to and fro the Campus don't I?

Weather: Hot and HUMID!  We have freezing temps, our snow is WET, we have ice storms which the power lines are allergic to. We have Tornado season. Tornados like to follow I30 and Hot Springs is "off" I 30.  My last visit to the Horse Races, had Tornado on my tail coming home,  I pulled off the highway as far as could and hit the ditch, tornado took a sharp turn about a mile before it got to truck was 15 feet further down the gravel road from where I had parked it.

We have Skeeters that can stand flat footed and French Kiss a chicken.

Bring a job and some extras if you come.  AR has 4 "regions" you might say. For darn sure none of the 4 corners like Little Rock the Capital City - Politicians and all. We have the poor Delta, no education, min wage so the rest of the state tax monies goes to support them.  NW has Walmart Headquaters - no comment.  

Education is a huge reason why AR is so poor and why Businesses do not come here. When a business considers  moving into a place, Education, Religion, Utilities and Taxes are considerations. WE flunk on everything except Religion We have pretty good representation of most Religions.  Why I even have a Koren and Islamic  representative not far from me.

Little Rock lost the FedEx opportunity to Memphis, we have lost so many opportunities due to education, Taxes, Utilities.

If..if one comes to AR.  North central part of the state has some nice areas, but you will have to check these out. Some folks do not want strangers.  Bedroom Communities around Little Rock such as Bryant, Benton, Conway, Cabot ...have outgrown the infastructure, taxes going up, add the commute time and gas...some are moving back to LR . retiring, or leaving the state.  Now if a person is not dependent on the big cities, there are some small towns that are great. Most folks there are Mom&Pop and getting by with Walmart putting these out of business.

Small town public schools were old fashioned and gave a good education. WE are under Federal Law to restructure so much of our schools. Our school dollars go to lawyers - not for the kids to get an education. Been this way for 50 years.

We had some really great Mexicans, Asians, come and establish some great communities.  I mean really good folks that did contribute.  Now We have some really bad Illegals - hence the reason I have been reading up on the MS13 gangs.  

More than once coming in from my night class I have come in the back way. If I don't I am in a wall of traffic, with the bad elements on both sides of the road. I hear the gunshots all the time, I see new razor wire going up on new taller fences, If I do not hear the Sirens at least 4 times and hour...I think something is wrong with my hearing.

My last hunting around Hot Springs, well the property was adjacent to the Nat'l Forrest, I saw the trip wire and backed slowly away. We called the Sheriff...I had seen this same trick used up around Fort Smith when I lived up there - Drug Folks play for keeps.

Arkansas may indeed have some good points. I will not deny that. For me, the negative outweigh the positive - especially in Central AR.


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« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2005, 10:27:11 AM »
Thank you all.

And SM thank you in particular I will be e-mailing your post to my wife for her to read at her leisure.


Felonious Monk/Fignozzle

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« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2005, 11:05:19 AM »

Re: the drug industry in AR, as well as where I am in AL...
There are remote enough rural areas in both states where these folks can basically set up Wal-Mart sized operations with regard to growing, processing, warehousing and distribution...
and NOBODY goes into these areas for WEEKS at a time, save those who are actively involved in some phase of the enterprise.
Roscoe and Enos got better things to do than exert themselves waaay up on county road 149, so the less said the better.  Besides, they've known those families for years, and it just warn't right, the way the cotton Mill did their daddy back in '79.  Gotta feed those kids somehow.  Let's just leave 'em alone...
Until the meth lab blows 'em all to high heaven.

I've said this in places before, but Dad was a no BS 30-year career FBI agent who has never taken any illegal substances, and he is the BIGGEST advocate I know for legalization/decriminalization, cease and desist on the War on (some) Drugs.  

Lots of otherwise totally docile hippies are doing life sentences for being associated with Evil Weeds.

I'll return you to your regularly scheduled discussion about relocating to Arkansas.


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« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2005, 12:34:51 PM »
Umm, State of Arkansas says I won't be getting the Good Will Ambassador Job Tongue

I was nice in my above post.

 I did not make a remark " Hey your wife could have seen an ad for WhiteWater...".  I made no mention of Hot Springs being  the hometown of a Attorney General , who became Gov and then lived in a Big White House in DC with a ugly wife.

I did not mention the city of Mena, said guy that inhabitated a WH in DC and the back way from Mena to HS. I did not mention a certain  bunch of folks all associated with this guy who used to frequent HS and later most went to to the Pen. I did not make mention of a Certain White Trash Library in honor of the guy that used to live in big WH in DC, nor the Security at said Library making the TSA at airports look like Girl Scouts in they they treat "visitors".

I mean I could have mentioned the Lead Prosecutor of Saline County , involved with leading the Drug Task Force...lead allright ...he was the first one in line with shackles and cuffs going into the Prison...

ARs problem is RATIO.  We got too many crooked Politicians hands and not enough serfs pockets to reach into and steal from. Even letting the dead folks vote ain't helping...


What someone does is none of my business if it don't hurt me - Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone.

  Moonshiners well hell can't be all bad - they did give us NASCAR Tongue  

See the deal is Moonshiners are honest about not liking Gumbmint meddlin', taxes and such.  Politicians...well if a Politicians mouth is open and an utterance is made - it is a lie. Moonshiners mind their own business and have a respectable trade and clientle. I mean the fruits  of their labor [not dole mind you] might be used for medicinal purposes, a Pecan Pie, get the moisture out of a tank of gas - or even used to fuel vehicles. They are at least making an honest impact on lessening the use of oil - being it foreign or having Hamilton Distributor trucks use all that fuel to deliver Spirits to Package Stores. Family oriented and take care of their own. They at least know how to drive, and often do not tie up the Orange Barrel Ralley by using the backroads - right considerate folks they are.

Seems Garland County (Hot Springs) is not the only place that ...well...kinda funny how WoD  didn't used to be what it is. I mean the Politicians got "involved" and the real Meth Labs came to be.  Oh yeah we had the little Pot plots here and there. The really big Plots, Truckloads of Cocaine, Meth and such seem to take hold here when certain politicians got to work on it.

Nah...Politicians wouldn't  do creative marketing now would they?

Check out Heber Springs, Clinton and due north from central AR to the MO border if ya want some nice places.

Me...I am trying to find a way to head to TX, AZ ...even CO.  I get a heads up on job with a way to continue College - I'm outta here.

Sylvilagus Aquaticus

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« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2005, 03:39:07 PM »
See? I told ya sm would be more objective than me. Cheesy

To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.
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« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2005, 11:57:51 PM »
I live in Springdale and work in Bella Vista.  FWIW, Bella Vista won't be around much longer, its about to be annexed into Bentonville.  PM me, or email for info.  simon at simon-photography dot com.


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« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2005, 10:08:22 AM »
The infomercial you saw was about a retirement community called Hot Springs Village.  My uncle lives there, along with a majority of retired northern liberals.  There are big signs at each entrance to Hot Springs Village:  NO CONCEALED HANDGUNS.