Author Topic: Some laptop/PDA wireless tech support.  (Read 733 times)


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Some laptop/PDA wireless tech support.
« on: June 14, 2008, 03:23:50 AM »
So I suspect my laptop's mac address has been blocked at work (a hotel) from what I suspect was an automatic failsafe to do so when people are using too much bandwidth (I accidentally forgot BitTorrent was up and running from home before I brought it to work), and the tech support people are useless automatons reading from scripted notecards somewhere in Bangladesh who don't even know what I mean when I brought up my suspicions of a mac-address-block.  I'm curious if I can attach my old iPAQ2215 with an old CompactFlash wireless-B card to my laptop via USB cable and somehow use the CF card's wireless to access internet on the laptop.  The PDA is running on an old Pocket PC 2003... and its browser capabilities are elementary to say the least.  They're almost on par with the work terminals I'm using right now with the subdued browser capabilities (only wireless users aren't restricted to WebSense filters as they are reserved for our guests).

The PDA is connected to the internet with no problem, and it is connected to my laptop via USB and the laptop's Windows Vista-oriented Mobile Device Management Center (ActiveSync)... but it's not obvious at all as to whether or not it is possible to use the PDA's internet connection to the laptop's advantage with the USB cable (or the wireless signal, for that matter).  Any ideas?

Note: the PDA has BlueTooth, the laptop does not.  I realize I could probably do something if the laptop had BlueTooth, but alas, I am at work and can't exactly go out and get an adapter for it right now.  Just want to know if the USB connection will do anything or not.

The Annoyed Man

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Re: Some laptop/PDA wireless tech support.
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2008, 05:30:13 AM »
This is probably too late, but I wouldn't worry about the other connection. Chances are connecting a USB adapter when your laptop has a built in adapter will just cause a conflict or no end of driver headaches.

I'd just wait. Your mac block will probably clear in 24-48 hours.