Author Topic: I Shoulda...  (Read 2613 times)


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I Shoulda...
« on: August 29, 2005, 05:43:20 PM »
Since I know folks have called and emailed you with their  contact information with all the goings ons with Katrina and all...
...I also know you are busy being brain dead with College and all - I mean you are OLD now Smiley ...
WE need a story to make us grin, argue, laugh or make fun of you..

I shoulda not checked my emails for starters...Tongue

Yeah well, okay.  I do have these blasted homework projects to do. Having a devil of a time getting one instructor trained - College is hard enough without having to break in a instructor...So while my files download, upload and the Cyber Gremlins  mess with everything...

I shoulda used all the monies I literally pissed away on beer and whiskey -  settled in TX and bought me a place and  had my own Lukenbach. Smiley

Yep - that and I shoulda bought me a bait shop, sold cane poles, sodas, moon pies and one kind of ammo - .22lr. Naturally I'd found me a couple of cuties in short short cut-off jeans and tank tops to work in the place. Figure make my dog the general manager and all...

Figure I could do both, I mean folks entering MY town are most likely gonna need a soda and potty break, 'cause I would be that far removed from any big city. One can learn a lot from reading folks. This would allow me to screen undesirables, these types would get sent down the road to some wretched city where they deserve each other.

I don't want folks in MY town gasping in fright 'cause the Cuties in short short blue jean cutt-off jeans and Tank Tops are Carrying Locked and Cocked 1911s.  [ Yes the gals are wearing guns - look at the non exposed flesh do you see 'em?]

Don't make fun of my Dog, if he wants to make dog farts from the Pork Rinds he had for lunch - not only is it his right to do so - he is the Mgr and all.  Think that smell is bad - wait until the next Chili Cook-Off.

I don't give a damn if you want the Toliet Paper hanging "inner" or "outer", 'cause I ain't gonna have a Toliet paper dispenser in the bathroom anyway. Just set the roll back atop the counter when you are finished.  Less arguments, hassles that way. Not to mention I ain't gotta take the spindle off the holder and refill it.

MY town is gonna be laid back and simple.

Once you enter town ,  well...

Everyone else is packing - go on - strap yours on.
Figure have all sorts of good eats.

Live bands playing anything from Blues, Jazz, Country, Rock and Roll.  Don't mind the shot up Rice Burner sitting over that away-  he blew into town  without stopping at the Bait shop first. Bass a thumpin' and loud as thunderclaps. Townfolks turned down the volume permanently - seems the fella was having a hard time finding the volume control. Townfolks real good about assisting folks with difficulties.

Oh that big old barn out yonder?  Well gots us a drive in picture show, society went to hell in a handbasket when these dried up - not gonna happen in MY town.  Now we have to plan around the fact we use that spot for shooting rifles, shotguns, handguns and most anything else. No - that cannon is a cannon - it is not a decorative cannon - and it is not a BBQ contraption...

We just fire the picture up onto the side of the barn. WE have a helluva party each year just painting that one ain't painted until the kegs float....

Speaking of which - no admission fee for the movie.  Now we do charge for the mason jars we sell pre-filled, the eats, and such. You wanna cook your own burger - go ahead on - that is what that big old grill is for. Folks like cooking their own, visiting and such.  Got a bunch of them LL Bean balls that make ice cream - kids go on over to the play area, and while playing - make the ice cream.

Just ask the Family folks with kids park up toward the front. Younger folks with dates and all studiying Anatomy and Physiology need the privacy of parking behind you ...

Like live theatre?  We we gots that to in the Barn from time to time. Especially when the kids want to participate in "Swiss Family Robinson" - kids have a ball putting that one on...

Speaking of kids, did I mention we have a kid's range. Yep, sure do. We gots guns and ammo for kids, do the teaching, training and such. We just set it up for their age and skill level is all.

We do night shoots too, all sorts of stuff we do at night. Seems the "raccoon in the trash can stage" is right popular.

I got one rule, Respect the Quail.

Now the quail don't  take up down by the race track, seems the quail respect folks wanting to race each other...Now the doves, don't know what it is - but many folks head out to the race track to get their limits of doves...

Now while I don't sell anything at the bait shop but .22lr - in town we got a real fine set up. Whaddya want? How much can you carry? Need help to your vehicle? Go on - grab a two-wheeler , that is what they are for.

Guns? How many ya want? Got anything you wanna horsetrade? Need something fixed - gotcha covered big time.  

Laid back and simple. Figure most folks don't like meddlin' - so we don't meddle.  Less is more I always say - less rules - just remember - respect the Quail.

Yep...Yep...I shoulda, I sure shoulda - but I didn't.  Damn 20/20 hindsight has such clarity - ya'll ever notice that?

Well, seems the Cyber Gremlins didn't  hi-jack anything this time around.

 Gots to plant another seed to that person whom sent that email...Been a few days since someone bought a 28 ga of some kind, I mean I do have my reputation to maintain and all...gonna get blamed anyway...gonna plant a  bigger seed...

Oh this is good, I finally get the email notifications to one of my classes...sigh...time to play older returning online class student again...

I shoulda...


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I Shoulda...
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2005, 06:33:43 PM »
Steve - ''I shoulda'' is for me in same category of the view back on life ''if only'' !

But on reflection of course ''I did'' - sometimes it was Ok sometimes it was disaster - but we learn Smiley
Chris - P95
Guns don't kill people - people kill people.
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I Shoulda...
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2005, 08:13:48 AM »
I say we here at APS and/or THR go out in the boonies and find several thousands acres and just do this.
There are five things, above all else, that make life worth living: a good relationship with God, a good woman, good health, good friends, and a good cigar.

Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American Soldier.  One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.

Bacon is the candy bar of meats!

Only the dead have seen the end of war!


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I Shoulda...
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2005, 08:47:28 AM »
Quote from: wmenorr67
I say we here at APS and/or THR go out in the boonies and find several thousands acres and just do this.
Why do I have a feeling this will end like Waco if it happened?

Iowa- 88% more livable that the rest of the US

Uranus is a gas giant.

Team 444: Member# 536


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I Shoulda...
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2005, 10:15:31 AM »
Shoulda, woulda, coulda.  Errr, cough, ahem, Steve...did you just turn 50? cheesy
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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I Shoulda...
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2005, 11:54:24 AM »
HEY GRAMPSTER [ gotta holler to get the boys attention ya know...]

Me being 50 ain't got nuthin' to with  it.
Me having to go thru my teens, 20s, 30s, 40s and being plumb stupid about a bunch of stuff  before I got to be 50 gots lots to do with it. Tongue

Youth is wasted on the young'uns they say...*smirk*.

I had them mentors and elders, I listened best could...they coulda slowed down a bit, I was writing as fast as I could and all...still...boy - a cassette recorder, video or something woulda been great!


Art - done found you a new gig. You could do Videos on how to deal with Life Stuff...

Video One is titled "Don't sit in my Chair - we'll get along allright". Smiley


Waco?  Nope- don't think so.  I mean I have made it this far haven't I?  [ we just won't talk about some stuff - okay?] *grin*

Now I am putting on paper, some of my *experiences* ...well actually on HDD, Floppy's and a new PNY Flashdrive - same difference.

[ btw do not run your truck tire over one of the Flashdrives - they don't hold up too well. I lost LOTs of stuff I was working on and having to play catch up. Thank goodness I had some stuff on Floppy's]

I know about 8mm and sides of, no no, not tossing the 8s from a Mauser - Picture show, Home Movies - Camera dealie before all this high faluting stuff came to be.  We just ran a extension cord out , projector in the bed of a truck and watched the Black and White movies.

Learnt a neat way to paint a Barn too.  Fella was allowed to drive the Utility truck home. Nothing said about one CANNOT use the bucket to paint a barn - beats the hell out of ladders, scaffolds and such.

See...I wrote down that part the Mentors said about "Work Smarter - Not Harder"  Cheesy

Now you young-un's think the wide dirt road down on the other side of the field , running in a straight line is part of farming and ranching.
It ain't.

See them markers on the trees, they be exactly 1/8 and 1/4 mile apart.  Not an accident, measured and marked  for a purpose. Depending if'n one wanted to race short or long.  County Deputy came and marked it off for us...figured his  Dept .vehicle had the most accurate odometer....his odometer in his personal Chevelle done broke a long time ago...happened the day the speedometer broke too...never heard it snap, open headers make hearing some stuff kinda difficult.

Them little sheds you see "down the way" - get permission sometime to see whats in 'em. You have probably seen smoke way down yonder in a field, thought a brushpile was being burned.   NO- wrong again.  BBQ set up taken out of that shed and some serious cooking going on.

Them Berms you see "for no apparent reason" - well it aint' because they cleared a ditch,or wanted to try out the new Ford/ Case/ John Deere...they needed a backstop for shooting. Why do you think farm ponds end up where they do, It ain't because of the Cows and such...they can walk if thirsty.

Shade + Creek + this is a good safe spot to shoot + dig up dirt to make berm = farm pond.  Way I leaned it anyway...makes sense to me...

Ever been down a two lane blacktop out in the country, with the widow rolled down and heard what sounded like a generator? Well yeah coulda been for the pumps - pumping water into / out of a field, resevoir or somesuch, may have been for the irrigation too.  Slow down a bit more, the wind ever catch what sounded like gunfire?

Couldn't see us from the main road, but me or folks like me got them generators fired up and doing some nightime shooting practice. Grill fired up with burgers and dawgs, kids having a ball, shooting their .22s, tailgates down for folks to eat on, the shooting benches are what City folk call picnic benches...easy to tell the difference.

Pay attention to the  dogs - if  under the tailgates waiting for dropped food  called shooting benches. If'n  the dogs are under the shooting benches - means no shooting going on and them are then called picnic benches.

Just to clarify for some folks, cause very often the longuns are next to the potato salad on the picnic table...just how its done. Smiley

Well I got to go onto campus tonight and play school.  Lets see OSI model, TCP/IP, TIA 568A / 568 B...
Much rather be in the country dealing with initials and numbers like 45ACP, AA28Ga, 22lr...

Oh well...
Orange Barrel Ralley here I come ready or not...gonna jump off soon as can and take the back route. Get a glimpse of a field or two, gardens and such, cross a train track or two...even get to drive past one of them girlie joints with XXX on the sign...funny thing is it is about brisk walk from the back door of Church home for the Pastor...

I observe stuff like this....

Life is like a human zoo to me at times...wonder what new wonders I will find tonight?



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I Shoulda...
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2005, 12:07:32 PM »

Make this town in Iowa. I like my snow! Snowmen are fun to make and gun down with a 12 guage and some #4 Buckshot.

Plus we can grow better beef here for dem BBQ's. No need to argue because I am right!

Iowa- 88% more livable that the rest of the US

Uranus is a gas giant.

Team 444: Member# 536


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I Shoulda...
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2005, 12:21:39 PM »
Heh heh...

Setting done set, based on some on real folks. Just took the Sage advice of Standing Wolf, Old Fuff , pax and a few others is all. Greatly appreciate the advice and continued advising.  I am gonna use poetic "license" [ there that permisson sounding word is again]. One "just might" recognize a few "personalities.   I needed to fill some in some areas and these "peronalities" - fit.

Scary part is...I mighta actually met some folks 'back then' in some of my 'adventures' and these folks might be Forum Folks...

Met a LEO  officer once with a UK type accent, jeans, tennis shoes, and a Pink Floyd T shirt.  Never met LawDog...but this fella is what I perceive LawDog to be.  Really cool fella, smart as a whip, sense of humor, and the fella could shoot!! ever wonder around in a Pink Floyd T shirt? Tongue


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« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2005, 12:40:54 PM »
Sigh....that boys mind is runnin' faster than 454 V-8 with a wedge on the "exhillerator"
as my daddy used to say.  HEH     Gotta love 'im.

Steve, how many times does that college school marm look at ya'll, brush back her hair, sigh, roll her eyes and say..."Moving on...?  Heh heh.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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I Shoulda...
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2005, 12:49:47 PM »

No damn computers or cell phones in the enlightened city on the prairie. Computers will be stationary targets and cellphones will be used as clay pidgeons.

Please pick a site with some burr oaks so I can have a reminder of home.

Hmm.. maybe I need to get that western style holster and gunbelt for my GP-100. That would look quite smart in my new Texan hometown.

This reminds me of a seminar class I took my senior year of college to build a eutopian society. I always pushed that we needed firearms of all shapes and sizes.

I like Mr Bobwhite, and I like him better fried up with some mash potatos and quail gravy.

Iowa- 88% more livable that the rest of the US

Uranus is a gas giant.

Team 444: Member# 536


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I Shoulda...
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2005, 02:30:05 PM »
Good to hear some of your stories again Steve  Wink

Larry Ashcraft

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I Shoulda...
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2005, 05:29:14 PM »
Somewhere close to Tulsa OK would be the ideal place, don't ya think Steve?  Nice weather, pretty area, and lots of pretty girls in OK.

Now I'll just sit back and enjoy. Smiley


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I Shoulda...
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2005, 07:33:11 PM »
Gotta love them Oklahoma girls.  Fall in the heartland is a wonderful time.

If we set-up in the Tulsa area we can use the Stroud McDs for horse-trading with folks form the City.