Author Topic: Thought I'd share...  (Read 3228 times)


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Thought I'd share...
« on: August 31, 2005, 05:45:42 PM »
I met some folks that fled Katrina.  For reference I am in Central AR.

One couple in particular I want to relate. 30-ish with  a 3 and 5 year old.
These are good people, like us into personal responsibility, firearms, Freedoms and against Tyranny. They had moved down to the region hit - temporarily for the job - now permanently loss of everything they owned.

They were prepared with BoBs, they left early.  Interesting in the way I met them, I was contacted because they needed to print something off one of their Flashdrives. They had also a simple Laptop PC with Win 2000. They had griped about paying for dial up ISP while they had DSL. Too many times while traveling in the past- the dial up ISP had proven itself no matter where they had stayed. It was doing so again.

Flashdrives - these portable storage devices , this couple had any and everything on these. From personal information, contacts, medical information, banking, finances, pictures of the home, family photos, each room, all valuables...All they have left is on PNY flashdrives.  

They needed something printed, I met them at my College, inserted the FD, printed what needed printed, mutual friend is a notary. He notorized it.  Say what you want - this is a survival situation. It was the right thing to do.

They have hard copies of Birth Certificates and such at relatives/ close friends. Basically these folks had notorized copies sent to each other - in the event something as this happened. Tornados, Wildfires, Flooding and other disasters amongst kin and friends were / are considerations to plan for.

They had cash in small bills, they had old grocery type safe cemented into the structure where they fled. Of interest - one of the kinfolks never closed out a Lockbox here in AR. It is for the family in case of emergency - when thru here they make a deposit if you will. This couple is taking what needed - will payback later.  Of interest the family really does not like having money in lockbox - just another tool in the toolbox. I understand there are other lockboxes set up like this and access for all members has been made.

Couple had their CCWs, she uses a Glock 26, he a Colt Commander.  He also had for BoB guns two older police trade-in revolvers - Kframes. One bone stock 870 with a 18.5" bbl. This is all they have left of any and all guns.

I met the wife, this couple is doing surprisingly well. I met the kids - they are scared. Mom and dad are doing a great job - still kids can tell when something is not right.

I was starving before they showed up, evening class was long and my brain was dead.  I forgot all about me. Gratitude - there is always someone worse off than me.

We all got something to eat at Burger King, the kids needed to be kids, some kind of nomalacy. We then hit the box store, I/we/all  put  feeling aside about this place and politics.  One must do what one must do.

Scooby movie, Tinker toys and Lincoln logs...I cannot type the eyes and kids expressions.  Seems a Scooby tippy cup had been lost en-route, we got a couple of more. I dared anyone to question why I washed out one cup, opened a carton of fruit juice and let the kid have the Scooby tippy cup before checkout - nobody did, matter of principle - that kid needed to be a kid. Kids eyes had gone from dim to bright and shiny, punch moustaches accented smiles, and who cares if the shelves get sticky stuff from little hands.

I have never owned a Glock 26, I have used them to teach students. I ended up with a Mag for one - somehow. I had brought it alone - my gut just said to, best I can explain it. I gave the wife the extra mag and two boxes of Blaser 9mm, she was humble and grateful. She only had one spare mag and a box of 50 ammo for her CCW. Gave them a box of Blaser 45ACP and a box of WWB .38 spl.  Seems the Husband had extra mags for his 1911 and flat refused to accept our mutual friends offer of more.

He did accept an AR license plate mutual friend had. Listen up. Folks are looking for and breaking into vehicles with out of town tags from areas folks fled. This plate with magnets is in the event they need to park somewhere and even if backing into a place....well lessen the advertising they are from an area and valuable are in the vehicle.

They have arrived to their destination I have been informed. They are not going to return. Just start over where from originally and work where they used to. Only reason to go back later -is to settle up with insurance on what lost - everything is gone.

They shared some other interesting tidbits with like minded folks. Folks did not want high-tech, wanted reliable and easy to maintain firearms. Used Police Trade ins , 870 pumps, Marlin 60s - not dependent on mags, ammo easy to get in popular calibers.  Semis - BHPS, 1911s and Keltec P-11 . Seems the P-11 was popular for price, concealibility, inexpensive ammo, easy to take apart and maintain...and who cares if it got wet, scratched or whatever.

Folks left in groups to watch out for one another. Come-a-longs and someone having a chainsaw in the group. Rope, and other stuff to clear roads. Topo maps and hand held compasses were packed. First aid kits, and folks had various levels of first aid training.

Cheap Dollar store Walkman type players / or better ones- with batteries and something kids will listen to packed in BoB is smart.
These and coloring books and crayons, and itty bitty Etch-A-Sketches,  and similar quiet and not battery dependent things - packed and the kids did not know about ...well the kids had BoBs...adults had a backup just in case.

Folks had Mapquest routes printed out, they also had alternate backroads figured in. Flashdrives had information as well. One couple used the Laptop to find out road conditions and contact relatives as to route being taken.

Hard copies of maps of alternate routes too.

I am probably forgetting something important. If I think of it I'll add it later.

Like I told Preacheman, I was exhausted and worn out after class. I was emotionall drained after parting with the family. Handshake said more than words could have from the husband. Wifes hug the same. Kids...well I think the 3 y/o was more interested in that tippy cup and the tinker toy box, finally I got my hug, just wanted to hold on. The Five year old, had to have two hugs, kept hugging that Scooby movie. Allergies kicked in about halfway home, about the time I needed to hit the freeway - had to stop and get the water out of my eyes.

Larry Ashcraft

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« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2005, 06:21:53 PM »

We talked about this on the phone today, but much better to read it, the laser engraver and blower are not going now.

Someday, I will tell the story of the 1997 blizzard.  Short version:  All three of my kids were someplace else; Diana at a cold mobile home in Pueblo West, Jimmy stuck at work, truck stalled, Sarah in town with some unprepared friends.

By late evening, they were all here, hot stew simmered on the wood stove all day smelled better than any meal they had ever had.  House was warm and food was hot because I was prepared with firewood and Sandy was prepared with canned and frozen food.

Oh, yeah, cops said no one was allowed to travel the roads that night, my F150 did miracles that night, a dad does what needs to be done.

"I was exhausted and worn out "

Good feeling, wasn't it?


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« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2005, 06:37:05 PM »
Yeah Larry,
One of those "good tired" feelings.


Perscription Meds:  State of Arkansas-

Hurricane Refugees Seek Prescription Drug Help

Governor Mike Huckabee issued an emergency proclamation allowing refugees to get their prescriptions filled for a month....

The state Health Department says if people have a bottle with the prescription on it all they have to do is take it to the pharmacy. Theyve also set up a prescription hotline for any questions. That number is 1-800-651-3493.

Hope this can be use for someone.



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« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2005, 06:53:12 PM »
Said it before, say it again. You're a good man.
Thanks for sharing. Makes ya think.


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« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2005, 07:59:44 PM »
Thanks for the kind words my friend. Truth is - I am no big deal. Just some guy that happened to be able to assist. Had it not been me - would have been someone else.

Oh - I forgot to mention about the folks I met finally arriving to destination.  Some humor in light of a bad situation.

"Blame Steve".   Well...I was at the Harvest Food not long ago and they have a "Dollar Aisle" - Think of a Dollar store in a Grocery Store.  I bought me a hand-held Pinball Game for a Dollar.  I'm guessing about 8" X4" in size - I got the Cowboy one. I had it my truck and gave it the Mom...I dunno no batteries and something to do...

Kids asked the Mom to be quiet - she was "bothering them" playing with this Pinball as passenger. Hubby said the kids were right..."honey, try to contain yourself".

Swap Drivers and Dad gets fussed at, supposed to be napping while Mom drove...sounds like Dad just wanted to play pinball. The 3 year old is not impressed as much as the 5 yr old. Probably the first time the Scooby Movie has been put down. [ 5 yr old kid keeps clutching it - antcipates having a place to watch it] . Five year old is a natural born Pinball Wizard...figured out more stable if the Scooby Movie is underneath it for support [ what the kid told the parents ].

Pinball was bad enough, I also reminded them Cracker Barrel has cool toys from my youth...

Remember the Pad you drew on the clear plastic   and lifted and the drawing erased?  How about the hand- held  square with tiles with numbers, one tile was missing, but you slid and scooted tiles to get the numbers in order?

I dunno - I am to blame for some "really cool" car toys. Only problem is the kids complained about the parents making too much racket - or not sharing enough. *grin*

I'm figuring Paybacks gonna be hell - Scooby Movie is gonna get played over and over...I guess the parents need something to occupy themselves while wearing ear plugs...I bet they fight over the Pinball. *smirk*



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« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2005, 06:00:36 AM »
Oh, yeah, cops said no one was allowed to travel the roads that night, my F150 did miracles that night, a dad does what needs to be done
My wife tells me how she'd die for her kids....but doesn't understand why I have a 'get home' bag in my car.  I'm not questioning her maternal instincts, but she's defintely not paranoid enough.

 The price of a lottery ticket seems to be the maximum most folks are willing to risk toward the dream of becoming a one-percenter. “Robert Hollis”


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« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2005, 08:08:30 AM »

   I hope, someday, to be half as prepared as that couple.
If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic.


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« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2005, 09:30:47 AM »
Some folks got caught in wind and the water was saltwater spray.

Guns don't like water - especially saltwater.

Sometimes the gun cleaning kit is not handy, sometimes taking the time to find it is NOT wise, prying eyes to see what you have, not safe in "normal" times, especially not a good idea when license plates are from states folks are fleeing.

Well I guess I am not the only one that has done this, shared this...'cause what I heard was folk doing the following:

Finally get some distance, backroads are great. Auto Parts store has all sorts of gun cleaning supplies. Brakleen to blast out and dry, motor oil (syn or not) to lube, Lithium grease for rails and to protect externals.

Some had just sprayed down the CCW that got wet with WD40, Breakfree, whatever, left drenched and used the BOB gun for traveling, holsters put up near defroster to dry.  Some pulled over down the way, in a spot kinda private and cleaned the guns, some waited until they hit a motel.  Distance is your friend - applies to a whole lotta of situations folks.

Some did find a store with cleaning kits, like box stores and gun shops, the Auto Parts stores, and such were easier to find for some. Two lane backroads and small towns - more Parts stores seen.

When life is about survival - the lastest greatest gun lube and such is not such a priority.

Adapt, Improvise, Overcome.

Another story-

Seems a kid lost a shoe en-route, it happens, especially when things are serious.  Watching the cash, well the kids new tennis shoes with a cartoon character was worth the money well spent. I mean the kid is scared and feels really bad about losing a shoe. Kid did not get fussed at...kid is as confused and scared as the parents.  
The shoe may turn up.

Parents bought $3.86 Blaser 9mm ammo for one CCW / BOB gun.

The ammo has been used in thisguns,  reliable, shoot pretty much POA/POI.  NO not the preferred CCW ammo, not the most touted ammo in gun magazines, Team Walrus  and Internet discussions. Ammo does go bang everytime, this is what mattters at a time like this.  

Stand there with wet smelly soggy twenty dollar bill, you are trying to save the cash, you have $3+ a gallon to buy, and the kids needs tennis shoes.

I would not spend $15 for a box of 20 Premium ammo either.



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« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2005, 09:47:59 AM »

I know about roads closed, barracades, and snow.  I took my Buick, had chains and concrete blocks in the truck, and a full 27 gal gas tank filled. I got those folks to safety. I had one girl left to take to her grandparents, LEO officer stopped me at a barricade. I tossed a coin in my mind - do I lie and tell him the "wife" was having contractions, or tell the truth. I had already told the girl she might have to play pregant wife [ boy did her eyes get big]

I told the officer the truth, I knew it was wrong to go around the barracade down the way, I told him I did break the law to save persons whom were in need.  He asked if I ever shot skeet, and had bird hunted down such and such way - I replied I had.  With the snow coming down hard - he said " son, you do what you gotta do, I would have done the same thing heck I have done it too!"

He radioed the next LEO vehicle and told them a Buick was coming thru, heading to the hospital with a Mom to be. He told me the best route to take from there, and to go slow and careful ...I had a huge hill to decend "low gear remember?".  

We made it and then I made it home.  LEO finally retired, we did shoot and bird hunt some.  When he called me for help one time, I was there for him. How it works in my book anyway, sometimes the bending of rules is right.


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« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2005, 10:50:38 AM »
Thanks, Steve.

It is good to hear some good after some of what I've been hearing.

I'm in total agreement with Fjolnirsson.


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« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2005, 12:46:26 PM »
Well done Steve.


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« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2005, 12:46:31 PM »

Fjolnirsson said it best.  And I ain't gonna have to shout it at ya, even if yer now old and deef.  50--what a puppy dawg.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2005, 03:43:08 PM »
You did good, Steve.  I wish more folks were as good-hearted as you.
