Without a better understanding of what afflicts you, it'd be hard to say what would help. Brain chemistry is so complicated; what works for you will have no effect for someone else, or maybe not even for you in a few years. I used to take Darvocets as a teen for migraines. Now I could take three, and I won't even get drowsy.
I use Ambien, too; it breaks down in your system after about 4 hours, so you don't wake up groggy. OTOH, you might just wake up after four hours, like I find myself doing lately. I've tried the Lunesta, and I hate it-it leaves me really disoriented in the morning. Xanax works well, but it can be addictive, so I try not to resort to it too often. OTC, there are the antihistamines Benadryl (diphenhydramine) and chlorpheniramine. Herbally, I have used melatonin, too, but lately it's not helping much. Valerian is good, too. Alcohol will make sleeping harder; you may drift off, but you'll wake up more tired. Oddly enough, if I drink a lot of coffee in a short time, I get really drowsy, but if you can imagine a jittery nap...
I realize I sound like a junkie right now
but I do know what causes it, and there's nothing else to be done right now. Notice the time? I'm wide awake. Tired, but awake. I think I'll try the melatonin again tonight; it can't hurt, and if it doesn't work there's plenty of Ambien.