Author Topic: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?  (Read 6523 times)

Guy B. Meredith

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Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« on: August 30, 2008, 11:21:00 PM »
When McCain kicked over the anthill by selecting Palin and the nation was presented images of a woman comfortable with REAL assault weapons running for VP I expected a huge response of gnashing of teeth, dirtying of pants and screams of anguish from the above.  Thus far I've heard naught.

I mean, going from the Clinton era persecution and extortion of firearms manufacturers to the Bush era walking on eggs on the subject of private gun ownership as political death to the Heller decision and a VP candidate enjoying full auto target shooting there has to be some major emotional trauma happening with certain control freak types like Rosie O, et al.

This election season is going to be high entertainment.


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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2008, 05:18:42 AM »
[Deleted due to unintended thread veer.]
Well, if you have the sudden urge to lick your balls you'll know you got the veterinary version... K Frame


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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2008, 05:38:33 AM »
Maybe they're waiting for instructions from the Obama campaign as to when they can attack. Or maybe Obama realizes that he needs the gun owner vote--especially in states like Pennsylvania--and will ask Brady et al to stand down.

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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2008, 06:31:36 AM »
They have figured out that gun controlc is a losing issue for them on the national stage.  I also think that they are still regrouping after Heller. 
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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2008, 06:47:11 AM »
Just as Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice aren't really black, Sarah Palin isn't really a woman.

In other words, none of these people are leftists.

NOW doesn't like Palin.  The idea of a frontier feminist is utterly foreign to women who think feminism is defined by the antics on Sex and The City.


The Wrong Kind of Woman?
NOW's crusade against Sarah Palin.
by Kenneth G. Davenport
08/31/2008 12:00:00 AM

Less than 24 hours after the historic selection of Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate, a quick perusal of the National Organization of Women (NOW) website provides a telling window into the world of feminist politics. NOW is the largest feminist organization in the United States, claiming over 500,000 contributing members in over 500 local and campus affiliates. Its self-stated purpose is to "take action to bring women into full participation in society--sharing equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities with men, while living free from discrimination". You might think that a woman being nominated to become vice president of the United States would certainly qualify as "full participation", worthy of a glowing statement of support and a cry of "victory"!

You might think that, but you'd be wrong. On the NOW website a day after the Palin selection you see two stories that tell you all you need to know about how feminists view the nomination. The first story is about Sarah Palin:

NOW PAC Chair Kim Gandy said, "Sen. John McCain's choice of Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate is a cynical effort to appeal to disappointed Hillary Clinton voters and get them to vote, ultimately, against their own self-interest."

Gov. Palin may be the second woman vice-presidential candidate on a major party ticket, but she is not the right woman. Sadly, she is a woman who opposes women's rights, just like John McCain.

The second headline is about Obama's choice of Joe Biden as his running mate:

Hillary Clinton was our first choice, and that of 18 million primary voters, but Barack Obama's pick, Joe Biden, is a friend of women and a strong selection for Vice President.

Can it be that the National Organization for Women, the oldest, largest women's interest group in the United States is opposing a woman for the vice presidency of the United States?

The simple answer is: Yes, because NOW and other feminist organizations hew to a very strict leftist orthodoxy that places politics over gender. The NOW website, for example, lists prominently its "signature" issues--and they read like a laundry list of social activism: "Abortion and Reproductive Rights", "Racism", "Affirmative Action", "Disability Rights," "Marriage Equality" and many others. These issues provide the litmus test through which women are evaluated, with the most important being abortion rights--which is sort of the "First Amendment" of the women's movement. Not all women, it turns out, are created equal: if you don't believe in a woman's right to choose an abortion, you might as well be a man.

When Kim Gandy, NOW's Political Action chair, made her statement in support of Hillary Clinton during the primaries, for example, she noted how important it was for NOW to help women crack glass ceilings:

"Today, the first woman speaker presides over the U.S. House of Representatives, and Harvard University has its first woman president. Firsts are important, because they open doors for those who follow--but our real goal is to have every first followed by seconds and thirds and fourths, until having women in leadership is so common that it isn't even remarkable any longer."

Not for all women, however: Electing Sarah Palin as the first vice president in the nation's history doesn't count--because she doesn't march in lock-step to the way in which feminists have defined women's rights.

Such a strict definition of what is considered "acceptable" in the women's movement goes beyond NOW and other feminist organizations, and has become the de facto standard by which feminists view the world. The day Palin's selection was announced, for example, Sarah Seltzer, who writes at the liberal, wrote in an article entitled "A Feminist Appalled By Palin":

A lot of feminists out there are appalled by the cynicism and condescension inherent in this choice. It's as though the McCain camp believes our irrational she-hormones will lead us, like sheep, to pull the lever for any candidate who looks like us--even if she has a strong record, as Palin does, of standing against women's interests.

This seems a pretty typical reaction by feminists to the Palin choice. It's mostly anger mixed with frustration: That the Republicans would have the gall to steal Hillary's thunder by choosing a woman, but in doing so have chosen someone who (though female) is not their kind of woman--because she stands against their razor thin view of what is acceptable for women to believe in.

Tammy Bruce knows a great deal about the strict orthodoxy of the feminist movement, and understands first hand what someone like Palin is up against. A controversial author and talk radio personality, Bruce is a self-described "openly gay, pro-choice, gun owning, pro-death penalty, voted-for-President Bush authentic feminist." Bruce served as president of the Los Angeles Chapter of NOW from 1990 until 1996, but she has since been excommunicated from the "movement" by virtue of her outspoken, irreverent views. "The feminist establishment wanted people to be like stupid, submissive, noisy parrots", she's written, which includes hewing to a straight political line on issues. "I spent the whole of my activist career compromising myself, my individuality, and my sense of right and wrong in order to belong."

The desire to stamp out individualism and dissent among feminist groups makes for a very small ideological tent. Bruce was pressured to resign as president of the Los Angeles chapter of NOW when she made public statements critical of the overwhelming focus on race in the O.J. Simpson trial, to the exclusion of the issue of violence against women. It seemed a reasonable position for a women's organization to take, but NOW national president Patricia Ireland believed it "blotted NOW's otherwise impressive record of committed activism in the fight for racial justice and equality" and was insensitive to "people of color". All this from an organization focused on the right for women to be "heard".

Such is the state of feminist politics on this country. If you are a woman of high accomplishment, a wife and mother of five kids who believes passionately about the goodness of this country, you aren't woman enough for the NOW crowd if you aren't pro-choice and don't support feminism's leftist goals. And even if you have an even-money chance to break the highest glass ceiling in America, it still is not enough. Orthodoxy trumps gender. Every time.

Kenneth G. Davenport is a management consultant who writes for the Colorado Citizens Alliance at

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Guy B. Meredith

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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2008, 07:15:37 AM »
I am sort of disappointed.  I had anticipated a nation wide synchronized heart attack when the first videos of Palin with EBR came on.  Maybe that is what happened, therefore the silence.  Particularly Rosie O.

Palin certainly seems to be her own woman--equal in the relationship, self confident, appears intelligent, free to be herself and not submit to filling "expected" images.  If NOW isn't content with that then they are failing women.  Or maybe they are better compared to Rev. Jackson, Rev. Wright, and greasy Al in needing to keep a population convinced they are downtrodden and need NOW to save them:  generates revenue.

I wonder how soccer supermoms relate to Palin...


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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2008, 07:32:03 AM »
Big Media will try to show that Palin is either a lightweight or a freak or both.  She and what she represents is a threat to the intellectual status quo.

I think it's up to women to realize that Palin is introducing a new and potentially very liberating paradigm, long overdue.

My belief is the Great Division in America will continue.  We are still moving toward a terminally riven nation.
"Domari nolo."

Thug: What you lookin' at old man?
Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.

Molon Labe.

K Frame

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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2008, 03:49:17 PM »
Given that the Million Moms never had much more than a few hundred thousand members, and most of them have fallen off, I'd say they no longer even have a voice.

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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2008, 05:29:41 PM »
It doesn't surprise me about NOW.  They have been marginalized as a democrat mouthpiece for quite some time. 
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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2008, 05:58:03 PM »
NOW doesn't like Palin.  The idea of a frontier feminist is utterly foreign to women who think feminism is defined by the antics on Sex and The City.

Excellent post !


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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2008, 06:11:38 PM »
NOW doesn't like Palin.  The idea of a frontier feminist is utterly foreign to women who think feminism is defined by the antics on Sex and The City.

There are two reasons for this.

First is abortion. Palin is very strongly pro-life, perhaps even to the point of being completely against all abortion.

Second is the fact a lot of the Second Wave feminism has been built on the assumption that capitalism is somehow inherently anti-feminine. A lot of people don't even know that non-leftist feminism exists.
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Harold Tuttle

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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2008, 07:00:25 PM »
last we saw the MMMomies
they were looking for scrapbooking supplies
to further document their kids soccer league

Continuing to show up for anti gun rallies
when they didn't automatically win in the first push
with Al Gore, just takes too much time

I also think the gun owners have a much more central interest
and we continue to show up at political events and hearings.

I'm sure Fienstein/McCarthy and the other true believers would like to continue the jihad,
but the other politician look around and see the failures and the UNelections and find other less pointy oxen to gore
"The true mad scientist does not make public appearances! He does not wear the "Hello, my name is.." badge!
He strikes from below like a viper or on high like a penny dropped from the tallest building around!
He only has one purpose--Do bad things to good people! Mit science! What good is science if no one gets hurt?!"


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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2008, 06:51:57 PM »
Rosie O'Who?
If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic.


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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2008, 05:04:41 AM »
Any photos of Gov Palin holding a handgun? That might make Rosie fume. I'd love to hear a story of Gov Palin harvesting an animal with a handgun.

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Silver Bullet

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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2008, 05:54:34 AM »
Just as Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice aren't really black, Sarah Palin isn't really a woman.

That's okay.  Leftists aren't really American.


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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2008, 05:48:11 PM »
So far, the media feeding frenzy on SP is unprecedented. They are terrified of this woman.
On Sarah Palin.....The screeching moonbats, whose daily lives are a swamp of discontent, fault finding, anger, angst and every other dark emotion embraced by the left, can't stand to see someone who is normal and enjoying life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.....grampster


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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2008, 04:14:26 AM »
So far, the media feeding frenzy on SP is unprecedented. They are terrified of this woman.

I think that they're actually doing themselves harm this way - as the saying goes, any publicity is good publicity.  Thus far, all the anti-SP articles I've seen have been 'Meh'.

Her latest baby has Down's. - This is supposed to hurt her/McCains chances how?  Many families have kids with disabilities.  They'll probably see her has pushing for stuff to help them.  At the very least to understand their situation.
Her 17 year old daughter is unmarried and pregnant - Might hurt those who believe in the straight and narrow, but apparently she's doing the 'right thing'*.  Plus, this sort of thing just happened with my brother finding out he's now a father.  Now - my brother isn't 17, but still.  How many families today can't find a relatively close family member that did something like this?  In Obama's case, I've heard he has to look no further than his mother.  Probably why he's telling his people rather vehemently to shut up about it.
She, while Governor of Alaska, was a part owner of a business(car wash) that ended up in violation of license laws and shut down.  The business was sent a notice of this on letterhead featuring her name.  I saw speculation about special treatment, to which my thought was 'It went out of business.'  If it was getting special treatment, why is it closed now?
The trooper incident - a relative of her, a police officer, screwed up.  She wanted him fired for it.
Bridge to 'Nowhere' - it's actually to the local airport, and might still end up being built - they're just exploring cheaper alternatives first.

I haven't seen any rumors of affairs on her part, serious law breaking, fiscal unrestraint**.

*I believe that it's their choice; I don't know the circumstances anywhere well enough to say whether it's the best choice or not.
**Though like most people, it appears she won't turn down free money, thus the bridge thing.


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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2008, 05:08:59 AM »
I could never understand the notion that "flip flopping" was always bad.  Changing one's mind about something because one has become more familiar with a subject is a mark of being a reasonably sentient human being.

On the other hand, to change one's mind because of political expediency or some other sort of selfish emotion is hypocricy and worthy of scorn.

Gov. Palin said that if "...we want a bridge to no where, we don't need the .fedgov, we'll build it ourself."  As to the business, the license was in her sister's name and Gov. Palin took it over, but didn't change the name on the license.  That's a pretty weak scandal.  Things that are stupid bureaucratic paperwork shuffles are not taken as serious in small town America as it is in the  metropolis.  Most of that paperwork repple depple has its roots in corruption anyway.  As to other earmarks and such, I've been involved in government as an elected official and appointed official.  Grants and low interest loans are a way of life in America.  Should this out of control practice be scaled back?  Certainly.   Will it go away entirely? No.  Will it happen overnight?  Dream on.  Happen in little bits and pieces?  Maybe.  In order for government to clean up its act, the entire House and Senate, as well as the courts would have to be filled in entirety with men and women of honor.
Another fantasy. 

As I explored her background, I see a regular American being involved in regular American activities by participating in our republic and living her life.  The screeching moonbats who's daily lives are a swamp of discontent, fault finding, anger, angst and every other dark emotion embraced by the left, can't stand to see someone who is normal and enjoying life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

2012-Hello President Palin.
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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2008, 01:50:23 PM »
I could never understand the notion that "flip flopping" was always bad. 

Its very simple, really.

As a voter [and I don't imagine my opinion on this would change on the day I become a US citizen and start voting in a different country, I want the people I elect to represent my views.

If the politician flip-flops often, there remains a threat that after being elected, he changes his mind due to either persuasion or political expediency - so even if he claims now he agrees with me on a given issue, he could change his mind later.
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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2008, 04:15:47 PM »
So, even if the official finds he was wrong in his take on a matter, he should not change his mind?  He should continue in his folly?  That makes for bad government.
As a citizen voter, you will need to be involved in the business of our Republic.  The foundation of our Republic depends on the notion that citizens would be informed and involved.   One needs to understand that not everything is cut in stone all of the time.  We need to have the trust that if one of our elected officials has deemed it proper to change his mind on a subject, he will have the best interests of as many of us in the forefront is as possible.   
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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2008, 08:18:41 PM »
The screeching moonbats who's daily lives are a swamp of discontent, fault finding, anger, angst and every other dark emotion embraced by the left can't stand to see someone who is normal and enjoying life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Hey Grampster, do you mind if I use that? I like that a lot.
On Sarah Palin.....The screeching moonbats, whose daily lives are a swamp of discontent, fault finding, anger, angst and every other dark emotion embraced by the left, can't stand to see someone who is normal and enjoying life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.....grampster


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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2008, 05:41:49 AM »

Be my guest.  I've always wanted to be immortalized by my powerfully accurate words.  shocked laugh laugh
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw

K Frame

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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2008, 05:50:33 AM »
Use it, but at least correct it...

"The screeching moonbats WHOSE daily lives..."

Yeah, I are a editor...  laugh
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Re: Million Mom Marchers and Rosie O--Where are they?
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2008, 06:02:22 AM »
Oh, Michael, what would we do without you. grin.  I fixed a comma in my post, but I missed the obvious.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw