Author Topic: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...  (Read 3667 times)


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Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« on: October 29, 2008, 10:04:09 AM »
... You decide

A buddy at work sent me a link to an article written for the Canadian Free Press. The author's contention is tht the Obama campaign's tactics are essentially a coup de'tat the only way one could be done in the USA.

Having read it I think he makes some good points. For example he points out that:
The manufactured financial crisis was perfectly timed to hit only thirty days before the election. Although congressional Democrats and Obama’s “community organizing” are at the root of the crisis, the propaganda to lay blame upon Republican opponents has been successful.

Though John McCain led the failed effort to reform Fannie and Freddie, the propaganda press has convinced American voters to hold John McCain accountable for the crisis created and covered-up until the right time, by Obama and his associates.

Which in my barely informed opinion is right on the money.

The author makes a lot of other points supporting his contention. Still I'm not really sure how valid they are and I wonder if there is a grain of truth in what he contends.

Full Article:

Campaign (or) Coup d’état The Obamessiah Movement
 By JB Williams  Monday, October 27, 2008

The 2008 presidential campaign of Barack Obama is a case of truth being stranger than fiction and conspiracy being more than just theory. Hollywood
couldn’t write a more intriguing script of crime, corruption, deceit, cover-ups and international intrigue. Obama’s cultish grip on his young ill-educated minions makes Jim Jones and David Koresh look like beginners.

Anatomy of a Coup

A sudden and decisive action in politics, especially one resulting in a drastic change of government illegally, or by force, is a Coup d’Ètat.

It’s important to recognize the difference between a “legal” honest, open Democratic campaign for “change” and a corrupt coup d’Ètat. A campaign offers voters an honest unfettered look at their options and does nothing to trick, con, threaten, intimidate, defraud or force voters into dramatic “change” completely at odds with all conventional precepts.

Obama has not run an open, honest campaign. Far from it! He is running the clock out on his coup d’Ètat.

Because America is a well-armed society, change by force is the least desirable option for those seeking to dismantle the American capitalist markets and replace them with top-down federal socialism and a form of dictatorship or oligarchy. Even the once powerful Soviet Union knew better than to engage in house-to-house combat in America.

So, an American coup d’Ètat was going to look quite different from third world military coups on poor unarmed and untrained societies. Yet the anatomy of a coup remains and the elements needed to succeed are much the same.

All the Messiah’s Men

To have a successful coup, you need a long-term plan that collects all the necessary elements and players to carry out a propaganda war that shifts public support in your favor. The people need to support your ascension to power, as if it was their own idea.

You need the following elements in place to accomplish this.

A “messiah”—A charismatic golden tongued socialist empty suit, like Barack Hussein Obama

Unknown origin and background—a blank slate...

A king maker—Dr. Khalid Al Mansour (aka Donald Warden)

A fixer—David Axelrod to lead the misinformation effort

Support from domestic and international communists
and socialists

A Propaganda Corps—The American Press blackout on Obama past

A ton of Money—more the $600 million thus far, over $200 million from undisclosed sources

A Secret Agenda—Global Socialism

A motivating manufactured crisis—the threat of economic collapse

Mis-direction—A Moderate looking Campaign

Vote rigging—1.3
million suspect ACORN voters

Judicial activist accomplices—ruling against legal voters rights over and over again

Re-direction—All challenges played off as “racism”

Suppression of opposition voters, like the military vote

Unbridled character assassination of your opponents

Acabal of known corrupt thugs to manhandle dissenters and incompliant members of the press

The “messiah’s” henchmen
—Ayers, Alinsky, Wright, Farrakhan, Rezko, Chavez, Ahmadinejad and others...

Barack Hussein Obama has been carefully and quietly groomed by his powerful puppet-masters for more than 25 years now. King maker Dr. Khalid Al Mansour, who raised money to pay for Obama’s Columbia and Harvard education, groomed Obama and asked New York black nationalist Percy Sutton to write an entrance recommendation to Harvard on
Obama’s behalf, set his sights on seating the first “black nationalist” president in 1966.

Obama is not a modern day Martin Luther King. He is a modern day Malcolm X of Black Panther fame. He is not a new “messiah” of democracy. He is the new face of Black Nationalism and global socialism, consistent with the ideals of his friends, Al Mansour, Rev. Wright and Louis Farrakhan.

All the messiah’s men are in place and each is doing his job. The manufactured financial crisis was perfectly timed to hit only thirty days before the election. Although congressional Democrats and Obama’s “community organizing” are at the root of the crisis, the propaganda to lay blame upon Republican opponents has been successful.

Though John McCain led the failed effort to reform Fannie and Freddie, the propaganda press has convinced American voters to hold John McCain accountable for the crisis created and covered-up until the right time, by Obama and his associates.

Polls indicate that public talk of Obama’s known connections o terrorists and ACORN corruption have done more harm to Obama’s opponents than to Obama or his cohorts.

As the Obama propaganda machine, the “main stream press,” has worked around the clock to bury all investigations into the most mysterious and secretive candidate ever to seek national office, they have also worked around the clock to attack anyone who dared to speak against their “chosen” puppet.

In less than 24 hours, we knew more about Joe the Plumbers life than we are allowed to know about Obama’s life, after two years of campaigning. Sarah Palin’s wardrobe has received more press coverage than Obama’s life of corrupt associations.

The Cloward-Piven Strategy in Play
First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.

By forcing federal agencies and private sector industries to act as “affirmative action” outlets for “redistribution of wealth” via legislation from congress and the judicial branch, the systems have been overloaded by a growing “proletariat” movement always in search of access to other peoples earnings.

Once the system is overburdened and ready to collapse, American voters will demand socialist government solutions to problems created by socialists already responsible for bankrupting the system.

Americans will only support socialism from a soup line. The threat of a soup-line existence, caused by the Democrat manufactured financial crisis may be enough to cause Americans who would normally rather die than accept bondage, to support Obama’s kinder-gentler promise of “wealth re-distribution,” aka, socialism.

Since leftists have been successful in conning American voters into believing it is McCain and Bush who caused the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression, the fall
of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse is all but complete.

It doesn’t matter what the facts are. Ask any Obama supporter if they know or care about the facts surrounding any of the real issues or any true Obama positions and you will quickly learn that the facts don’t matter to Obama supporters at all…

Only those who know history, see the truth today

Those who are not well versed in the truth, the facts, the hard related evidence, are incapable of recognizing a lie when they hear it. Without a baseline of known truths to work from, the average Obamabot has no clue what they are being duped into supporting.

Like any good leftist political coup d’Ètat, the Obamessiah movement targets the poor, the under-educated, the weak, the ignorant, those seeking special consideration, asking what their country can do for them, willing to swap their freedom for free-stuff at the drop of a hat.

Every good coup d’Ètatneeds a proletariat class that can be manipulated via class and race warfare, to attack their neighbors and fellow countrymen with righteous
indignation and a belief that they have a right to the earnings and assets of others.

The people who marched with the Black Panthers in the 60s, followed Malcolm X and burned Watts during the race riots, murdered and intimidated employers and banking institutions through organized crime prevalent in the labor movement, anarchist bombers like William Ayers and international communists willing to use terror to achieve their political ambitions, this is the Obama constituency.

If you don’t believe me, just watch what happens if Barack Obama fails to ascend to the Oval Office. Part of this country will burn just
like the Christian churches in Kenya, burned by Obama cousin Odinga, when he lost the election and forced his way into a power-sharing arrangement via acts of deadly terror.

This is not a typical American election and every red blooded American can feel it.

This is a coup d’Ètat by Democratic process on a grand scale, as Thomas Jefferson warned against, “when 51% of the people can run roughshod over the other 49%.”

This is why Obama promises to only attack 5% of Americans for benefit of the other 95%. The mob is on his side. They are scared, they are angry, they are
ill-informed and they are ready to pounce on November 4th.

I have been warned repeatedly to stop attempting to warn the American people about the
Obamessiah coup d’Ètat.

But a nation that will harm me or my family just to shut me up isn’t worth living in anymore anyway.

It’s time for the American People to WAKE UP!

Obama’s family has stated that he was born in Kenya and now his alleged birth records have been sealed

Obama’s records at Occidental, Columbia and Harvard remain under lock and key

Obama’s 1996 membership in Chicago’s Socialist New Party have been ignored

Obama has refused to openly explain his life long associations with known terrorists, criminals and communists

Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Chavez, Ahmadinejad, CAIR Socialists and Communists openly endorse Obama

Obama’s entire campaign is built upon socialism, yet he mocks Americans who call it socialism

Saudi Royal family fixer Dr. Khalid Al Mansour has been grooming Obama for decades

Teamof Obama lawyers fighting to allow “illegal” fraudulent ACORN votes

And MILLIONS in foreign campaign contributions from “undisclosed” sources pour in...

It’s time for all good men and women of good character and conscience to RISE UP, while we still can.

You know something is very—very wrong in this election. You can feel it…

Truly patriotic Americans have only a few days left to do something about it…

DEMAND THAT OBAMA OPEN UP ALL OF HIS SECRET FILES before he simply runs the clock out!

Mr. Obama, I challenge you to OPEN YOUR FILES and prove me wrong!

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truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Re: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2008, 10:06:46 AM »
"The manufactured financial crisis was perfectly timed to hit only thirty days before the election."

Wot an idiot.

Of course, people were saying the same thing about the dot.bomb back in 1999/2000.

Anyone with a barely functional brain can trace the growth of the current economic environment back many months.
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Re: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2008, 10:24:00 AM »
The financial crisis had a lot of its roots in Democrat lawmakers pushing "fairness" on the banks, making them lend to people nobody should lend to, because they wouldn't pay it back.

They did not pay it back.

Those same Democrat lawmakers are now blaming it on the Republicans.

The Republicans are in full "Wut?" mode, and the Democrats are therefore succeeding.

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Re: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2008, 11:06:12 AM »
Obama is not a modern day Martin Luther King. He is a modern day Malcolm X of Black Panther fame.

Malcolm X wasn't a Black Panther. People who can't be troubled to research simple facts shouldn't try to masquerade as journalists.
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Re: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2008, 11:10:29 AM »
brace yourselves

obama couldn't carry malcom x's lunch
i respect him less, fear him more than louis farrakhan
It is much more powerful to seek Truth for one's self.  Seeing and hearing that others seem to have found it can be a motivation.  With me, I was drawn because of much error and bad judgment on my part. Confronting one's own errors and bad judgment is a very life altering situation.  Confronting the errors and bad judgment of others is usually hypocrisy.

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Re: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2008, 11:51:04 AM »
Conspiracy, or just damned bad luck ?   =(

Is Bush in on it, too...?  Grabbing more and more executive power just in time to hand it over to a Marxist ???  :rolleyes:

I must say that I feel like I am living in a bad dream, or watching a bad movie that I can't turn off.  It's like watching a train wreck about to happen and you can do nothing to stop it.

If it wasn't for my wife, my horse, and my cat I would be hopelessly depressed, and ready to liquidate all my assets into 100 proof and drink them  =|  (maybe not such a bad idea...?)
Freedom is a heavy load, a great and strange burden for the spirit to undertake. It is not easy. It is not a gift given, but a choice made, and the choice may be a hard one. The road goes upward toward the light; but the laden traveller may never reach the end of it.  - Ursula Le Guin


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Re: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2008, 12:00:04 PM »
Coups, literally or metaphorical, don't arrive overnight.  Obamaism took decades to develop.  It took a dumbing-down and it took the removal of our moral center.  When half your population is raised on MTV and Saturday Night Live and is de facto drug-dependent, you should expect them to be manipulable by anyone with fine words, a good suit, and plenty of help from bad company with deep pockets.

Are the Republicans complicit?  Of course they are.  Many of them expect to be in ruling stratrum, leftwing or rightwing, no matter.  The New World Order is about control--"for the greater good."
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Re: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2008, 01:02:34 PM »
Not a coup.

Operating within the confines of the Constitution - however strained - is allowed. What he so far proposes (openly) is nothing more than the continued expansion of accepted practice. The Legislature writes the bills, the Executive passes them into law and sees they are implemented, and the Judiciary confirms they are allowed by the Constitution - and all members of this system are in place by voluntary vote or appointment as Constitutionally directed.

A coup specifically involves an atypical change of those in power, either contrary to established rules (outright unconstitutional) or within the rules but due to violence or threat thereof (say, President appointing someone to a position vacated due to coordinated death threat).

Obama is NOT staging a "coup" (at least not yet). He seeks election through proper channels (birth certificate aside). No violence has been coordinated or threatened (vague reference to riots by chattering classes notwithstanding). Nobody has vacated their office under unsavory circumstances. While he may seek to introduce un-American policies, he is so far pursuing his goals according to what is Constitutionally allowed. Vigilance is warranted, yes, but don't confuse suspicion with lawbreaking.

I am concerned that many WANT something awful to happen, because that would be entertaining and justify circumstantial fears. Ergo, lots of over-the-top speculation is being generated.

There is indeed reason for concern. Study history, and watch for a repeat of Krystalnacht.

Defend the Constitution - but beware destroying it to save it.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 01:31:30 PM by ctdonath »
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Re: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2008, 01:33:06 PM »
The belief it is some type of coup seems to feed a hidden desire to believe that this isn't some massive accident, or confluence of incompetance, that is what is really most likely.
The Chris Dodds & Barney Franks lied to us about Fannie & Freddie, and their ilk acted as a bulwork against President Bush's attempt at regulating Freddie/Fannie, and Bush can also be criticized for not making it a bigger issue -- after all, he does have the bully pulpit and yearly "state of the union" addresses which would have served this purpose very well.
There are Wall Street guys with black hearts who are responsible, a kongress-full of kritters with stinking black hearts who benefited and prospered, and who aided and abetted .....  but, no, as bad as what "is" is, I can't go quite so far as to say it's a coup de etat.  (SP?) 
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Re: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2008, 01:46:16 PM »
I've already had nightmares about Obama winning.

I've talked to folks here in frisco, they don't know who the weathermen were, don't know about Rezko, don't know about Ayers, they think redistribution means "rich" people will bail them out.

The media has kept silent on BO's problems and played up any thing negative on John, even though they loved him for ever.

I think the "coup" happened years ago and they brainwashed the masses.
Politicians and bureaucrats are considered productive if they swarm the populace like a plague of locust, devouring all substance in their path and leaving a swath of destruction like a firestorm. The technical term is "bipartisanship".
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Re: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2008, 01:55:09 PM »
I think the "coup" happened years ago and they brainwashed the masses.

And yet Obama barely has a lead at this point, which to some indicates he will lose.

Methinks the term "coup" is wildly overused. If Obama ends up Prime Minister like his cousin in Kenya, then we'll talk about the term applying.
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Re: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2008, 02:06:08 PM »
Explain to me how financial and voter eligibility irregularities are Constitutionally-allowed...
"Domari nolo."

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Re: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2008, 02:25:53 PM »
I've already had nightmares about Obama winning.

I've talked to folks here in frisco, they don't know who the weathermen were, don't know about Rezko, don't know about Ayers, they think redistribution means "rich" people will bail them out.

The media has kept silent on BO's problems and played up any thing negative on John, even though they loved him for ever.

I think the "coup" happened years ago and they brainwashed the masses.

Coup is a bit much, but there is definately an establishment candidate, who enjoys the favour of those with power running against an establishment candidate, who is not favoured by those with power. 

As much as he and his supporters try to style this as a grassroots movement, he has far too much money from the powerful, nearly overwhelming media support (I have said this before, but its very similar to that afforded Bush during the buildup to Iraq) and far too many influential supporters (Murdoch being an early one) for it to be one.  If there is radical change from the Obama administration it will be because those people deem it in their interest. 
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Re: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2008, 02:35:07 PM »
Explain to me how financial and voter eligibility irregularities are Constitutionally-allowed...

Playing dirty and gaming the system does not equate to violent overthrow thereof.
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Re: Nut Job or Grain of Truth...
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2008, 04:30:20 PM »
It's a coup in the sense that the electoral process is being manipulated.  Obama and Acorn are going to steal this election, Chicago style, by systematic voter fraud.  I bet that Obama will win many of the key states by a margin smaller than the number of fraudulent voters in those states.

It isn't a coup in the sense that the authors mean it.  There's no grand conspiracy behind any of this.