Author Topic: Human Zoo : Tire Gauges  (Read 1519 times)


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Human Zoo : Tire Gauges
« on: October 10, 2005, 07:37:25 PM »
Life is like one big human zoo to me. I guess I just take note of surroundings and observe stuff.

I bought gas today at a Mom&Pop Grocery Store with Gas pumps. This one still has free air, and the air hoses at the pump.

Husband is driving wife's car she is with him. So she gets out of passenger side, proceeds to insert a card into pump and pump the gas. Husband is checking the tires.

"Honey, you have 39 PSI in these tires..."
"Can't be, I just checked and made sure they were 35 PSI three days ago..."

So she gets her Tire gauge from Purse, sure enough hers read 35  PSI.

There happens to be another tire guage in the vehicle - it read 42 PSI.

I offered to let them use mine , Mine read 33 PSI.

"Did we appear to be Keystone Kops running around checking air and comparing guages?'

I grinned and said politely - yes they had.

Nice couple, about my age.

Husband quipped " Does anyone really know what the Tire Pressure Is?"

His wife and I groaned at the bad pun...


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Human Zoo : Tire Gauges
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2005, 09:14:37 PM »
His wife and I groaned at the bad pun
Whereas I seem to have missed it entirely.
If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic.


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Human Zoo : Tire Gauges
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2005, 01:28:14 AM »
Old Chicago song, "Does anybody really know what time it is?"

Yes, bad pun...

Avoid cliches like the plague!

Brian Williams

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Human Zoo : Tire Gauges
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2005, 05:49:53 AM »
[politically uncorrect oriental voice on] CONFUCIOUS say;  Man with 1 tire pressure gauge "know" what tire pressure, man with 2 has no idea. [politically uncorrect oriental voice off]

sm's corallary; 3 people with 3 tire pressure gauges are Keystone Kops.....


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Human Zoo : Tire Gauges
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2005, 08:11:43 AM »
Human Zoo: Tire Gauges Part II

Bicycles. Tongue

Growing up we had two Fillin' Stations. I spent more time at the Esso station than the Texaco across the street.

Texaco were mean old men, did not want me to mow their grass, and wouldnt' save ball bearings for me to use with my slingshot. I was at the Texaco anyway, kid comes in with his bike and asks he may borrow a tire gauge "please mister please?"

Grumpy makes a sarcastic comment : "Just air it up until it blows, then back off a little".
Kid about 9 just looks at this grumpy old guy. Grumpy guy " oh move out of the way, let me show you - don't need a gauge". Pssssssss.....Psssssss.....BOOM!
Kid is crying, goes into office and hell hath no fury like a momma whose kid has a busted tube!  Just a shaking that finger.
I being me,  "Mom - going to Otasco...oh yeah gonna ride not hitchhike, I'll be back when I return" .  I go to Otasco, install new tube bought by Grumpy's money with kid and his mom. I was the neighborhood bike "fixer upper".

Esso. I liked these guys, I got to mow the grass, sickle the weeds, and ball bearing removed had my name on them for my slingshot.

New girl in the neighborhood, Granddad visiting, new bike. "Yes honey, it is a special B-day indeed, won't be long the training wheels will be coming off I am sure. Let Grandpa air these tires and we are all set. Grandpa used to work at a Filling station when he was young...


" I forgot, Grandma said to remind you to use this".

Me... "Yeah mom, going to Otasco, be back when I get back"

So I offer and offer accepted to show Grandpa where the Otasco is. WE do the new tube at the Esso station. Granddaughter gets soda, candy bars and a silver dollar to NOT tell Grandma.

I see this kid and weaving down the street next day.  Grandpa out of breath trying to keep up ..."Told Grandma thought it might be a good idea to buy a Bike Pump , reason it took so long yesterday...cost me a silver quarter to keep Granddaughter quiet at supper last night too...".  

I was a "regular" at Otasco, guns, ammo,bikes, bike stuff...etc.,  and like the Esso station- they too saved me the Red rubber inner-tubes which I made slingshots with.

I'd come home smelling like Esso or Otasco, mom could tell the difference somehow.
"I see you found more red rubber..."
< screen door slams shut>
I was out the door headed to the shop to make another one..."
"Better not be using my good scissors - again"


Oh one of my  'duties" at Esso and Otasco, if a flat was being fixed, my place to strike the match and light the glue....Tongue

I turned all right no matter what some folks may think...


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Human Zoo : Tire Gauges
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2005, 05:17:33 PM »
One thing Steve - as seemingly proven - no two gauges will read the same, well not exactly.

I have a real old deal on my compressor which when it doesn't leak gives air and then reads a pressure on a display (analogue - this is way pre digital!).

Amazing really - that reading is usually no more or less than a pound off one of the small pencil dealies - closest i have found and both are old - I mean - OLD!!

What really bugs me is when my wheelbarrow tire goes soft to point that rim seal is gone - devil of a job getting air in - usually have to wrap tire with bungees first to spread it and get a partial rim seal first.  Needs a damn tube in it really.
Chris - P95
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Human Zoo : Tire Gauges
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2005, 05:37:10 PM »
Zoo, circus?

There aren't 2 clocks in my house that read the same time. The only one that really matters is the one in my truck because its set exactly the same as the clock at work.
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Human Zoo : Tire Gauges
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2005, 06:26:29 PM »
Quote from: Brian Williams
[politically uncorrect oriental voice on] CONFUCIOUS say;  Man with 1 tire pressure gauge "know" what tire pressure, man with 2 has no idea. [politically uncorrect oriental voice off]
Sounds more like Charlie Chan.