Author Topic: This is a tough old English bird...  (Read 1045 times)


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This is a tough old English bird...
« on: November 01, 2008, 10:10:51 PM »
     This story gave me warm fuzzies...84 years old and still fighting crime... humble too...

A poppy-wearing pensioner who foiled a raid on a jewellers has told how he used a "disabling move" he learnt in the forces to stop the sledgehammer-wielding burglar.

William Grove, 84, walked straight up to the hooded youth and tackled him as he tried to smash through a window.

He was the only person to intervene as the raid unfolded in front of a crowd of over 50 shoppers and office workers on a busy London high street.

The robber was so stunned when Mr Grove tore off his balaclava that he and his accomplice dropped their weapons and fled.

But despite his brave actions, Mr Grove, who served with the RAF during the Second World War, insisted he was not a hero.

He said: "My reaction was natural and instinctive, you can't have this sort of thing going on.

"I'm not a hero just a responsible citizen, a hero is somebody who jumps into the Thames to rescue a drowning child. My part was so small, it was all over in three minutes. Whether I would do it again next time I don't know, but this hasn't put me off...

Yizkor. Lo Od Pa'am

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Re: This is a tough old English bird...
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2008, 11:18:04 PM »
This, again? This has been happening recently, another gang ran into a jeweler there and smashed up all the cases.

Civilized place, there.

As for elderly vets, another one not long ago foiled a robbery at a grocer by nailing the robber in the head with a cabbage. He said that it wasn't acceptable for him to not take action, it's just what one must do.

The old vets there seem to be the only ones who remember when to fight anymore, unfortunately. Apologies to anyone here from there, but you're an anomaly if you'd fight...most of your countrymen have self-neutered. :|

Perd Hapley

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Re: This is a tough old English bird...
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2008, 11:31:42 PM »
Bully for him!

But I thought "bird" was Britisher slang for a dame, a broad, a hussy. 
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