Author Topic: Finally....a Republican who knows how to handle the press...  (Read 1270 times)


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Finally....a Republican who knows how to handle the press...
« on: November 16, 2008, 08:12:30 AM »

George W Bush's dog bites two people
With his master's party in disarray after defeat by the Democrats, Barney the terrier is forging an unlikely new role as the fiercest Republican attack dog in the White House.
By Colin Freeman
Last Updated: 2:09PM GMT 15 Nov 2008

President George W Bush's personal pet is facing the prospect of leaving the Oval Office in disgrace after biting not one, but two people during the administration's final weeks.

Perhaps unsurprisingly for a canine whose boss has not always enjoyed the most sympathetic media profile, the black-haired Scottish terrier's victims have been a television journalist and a PR woman.

Heather Walker, the public relations director for the Boston Celtics basketball team, has revealed how America's First Dog bit her wrist and drew blood after she tried to pat him during a White House ceremony honouring the team's 17th NBA championship back in September.

"I walked into the White House and in the first area you walk into, there are Miss Beazley (Mr Bush's wife Laura's Scottish terrier) and Barney," Ms Walker said. "They were sitting on this Oriental rug, and I just reached down to pat Barney and he attacked me."

Ms Walker, who had her wrist wrapped with a bandage by a Boston Celtics trainer, spoke out about her ordeal on Friday, just days after Barney bit Reuters television reporter John Decker's finger when he reached down to pat the seemingly docile hound. Sally McDonough, a spokeswoman for Laura Bush, remarked afterwards: "I think it was his way of saying he was done with the paparazzi."

Barney, whose has starred in several White House Christmas videos and has his own official website, has long been a controversial figure within the within the corridors of power. Karl Rove, Mr Bush's political strategist, once described him unflatteringly as "a lump," while former Russian president, Vladimir Putin, who owns a black labrador called Koni, is said to have remarked that such a small dog was unfitting for a world leader.

White House commentators have not been slow to analyse the significance of Barney's new belligerence, attributing it perhaps to his reluctance to vacate his Washington home and relocate to the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas. The White House's incoming occupant, Barack Obama, has promised to get his children a rescue dog in return for helping him during his election campaign.

The choice for America's new First Pet is being complicated by the fact that Malia, 10, Obamas' oldest daughter, is allergic to most breeds of dog - in much the same way as Barney now seems to be to some breeds of White House visitor.

Maybe Barney should be Palin's VP choice in '12....  =D
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Re: Finally....a Republican who knows how to handle the press...
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2008, 11:13:07 AM »
The White House's incoming occupant, Barack Obama, has promised to get his prop children a rescue prop dog in return for helping him during his election campaign.

The choice for America's new First Pet is being complicated by the fact that Malia, 10, Obamas' oldest daughter, is allergic to most breeds of dog - in much the same way as Barney now seems to be to some breeds of White House visitor.

Fixed it for you.

Terriers can be vicious, Vladmir Putin's comments notwithstanding. FDR had a Scottie during the war.


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Re: Finally....a Republican who knows how to handle the press...
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2008, 11:15:01 AM »
Leaving in disgrace?  More like as a hero, especially since his first victim was a media clown.
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Re: Finally....a Republican who knows how to handle the press...
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2008, 12:16:18 PM »
Terriers can be vicious, Vladmir Putin's comments notwithstanding. FDR had a Scottie during the war.

Terriers were never meant to be pets. They were bred so that poor English farmers could have a compact, easy to feed and handle dog that would be a champion rat killer (apparently the British snobs and supersticious wackos were averse to cats.)

That's right, they were bred solely to kill. They are big dogs in small bodies who will bite if they are threatened in the least bit. You could'nt pay me to keep one. They're evil.


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Re: Finally....a Republican who knows how to handle the press...
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2008, 12:26:26 PM »
That reporter has nobody but himself to blame for being bit. I saw the video.

The dog was half-asleep. It was looking in a different direction. He just reached down quickly and tried to pet its head. He startled it. You don't do that to any dog. If the dog is sleepy like that, you move into its field of view, move your hand slowly where the dog can see it, let the dog sniff, and then if it seems calm, keep your hand still in view to pet it. You don't move quickly if it isn't your dog.

But then, I've also seen people walk up and try to pet dogs that had ears back, tail between legs and lip curled, and wonder why they get snapped at. I've seen people reach down quickly behind a sleeping cat and touch it on the back/head and wonder why it pings into the air with all the claws out. People can be incredibly dumb when it comes to animals.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 12:30:27 PM by Manedwolf »

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Re: Finally....a Republican who knows how to handle the press...
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2008, 12:28:07 PM »
Hum... he's bitten two media people...

I'd say that Barney knows rats when he sees them.
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