Sorta lukewarm I guess because she is excited to go the range with me this weekend. I told her I needed to my new deer shotgun sighted in this weekend and also to make sure my 30-06 is still on target for deer hunting this fall/winter. (We have a rifle season finally in Iowa)
I bought a j frame back in August and her words were "I like the cute little gun"
She doesn't care that I carry at all, I always come to her place with one on my person, she hasn't freaked out at all about it since we started dating back in March.
One time she told me that if someone broke in her apartment and if she had a handgun she would shoot them in the knee caps, I told her that the chest was a bigger target. She was worried about killing someone, I told her if she needed to use a firearm against a person that that person was trying to kill you, she agreed.
She keeps hinting to me that I bought her a pistol or a shotgun for Christmas, I actually bought her something else already that every woman wants (its is not a firearm) but I might have to pick up K frame for her.