Author Topic: In case You Were Wondering About Meirs on Roe v wade:  (Read 1489 times)


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In case You Were Wondering About Meirs on Roe v wade:
« on: October 18, 2005, 02:11:26 PM »
And this is the FOX news version:,2933,172560,00.html

Questionnaire Shows Miers Opposed Most Abortions
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
 WASHINGTON  Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers (search) revealed in documents given to the Senate Tuesday that in 1989, she supported a constitutional amendment that would ban all abortions except those necessary to save the life of the mother.

"If Congress passes a human life amendment to the Constitution that would prohibit abortion except when it was necessary to prevent the death of the mother, would you actively support its ratification by the Texas Legislature?" asked an April 1989 questionnaire sent out by the Texans United for Life group.

Miers checked "yes" to that question, and all the rest of the group's questions, some of which asked whether she opposed using public funds to pay for abortions and would use her influence to bar "pro-abortion" people from city health boards and commissions.

That answer is already causing some concern on Capitol Hill.

Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., told FOX News that the issue is confusion and that she is unsure how she will vote on the Miers confirmation until she knows the nominee will protect her constituents rights.

"This thing is being very mishandled," Boxer said. "This is a very troubling nomination."

In 1989, Miers ran for, and won, a seat on the Dallas City Council. She served a two-year term and did not run for re-election after restructuring of the council eliminated her at-large seat. Administration officials insist that Miers' answer then does not reflect how she will decide cases on related topics.

"A candidate taking a political position in the course of a campaign is different from the role of a judge making a ruling in the judicial process," White House spokesman Jim Dyke said Tuesday.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan later added that Miers recognizes that personal opinions and ideology have no place on the bench.

"We all have personal views," he said. "Some of us have religious backgrounds as well. All of those have no role to play when trying to make laws."

GOP Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn of Texas, who support Miers, say the questionnaire was written while Miers was a politician, and she would leave political decisions behind as a judge.

"That information is interesting, and some people may draw their own conclusions from it, but I believe that Harriet Miers will be the type of judge who will not attempt to pursue a personal or political agenda from the bench," Cornyn said Tuesday.

The 1989 questionnaire was included in 12 boxes of documents given to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Chief among the other documents was her answers to another questionnaire, one given to her by the Judiciary Committee. The 12-page form asked about her qualifications and connections to the president and Republican interest groups, and also demanded explanations about how she would handle conflicts of interest in cases brought by the White House.

Other questions included whether Miers had given anyone assurances about how she would vote on any case that came before the Supreme Court.

Senators will use their questionnaire and the 12 boxes of documents to determine specific questions to ask Miers in meetings and confirmation hearings, tentatively scheduled to begin Nov. 7.

"The hearings will not start until there is a date agreeable to her," said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter (search), R-Pa. "It would be unfair to start the hearings before she is ready."

Miers, President Bush's nominee to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (search), will also visit with more senators on Capitol Hill Tuesday, including Republican Sens. John Thune of South Dakota and Wayne Allard of Colorado.

In the Judiciary Committee questionnaire, Miers answered "no" to questions asking whether anyone during the nomination process discussed specific cases or legal issues with her to get an assurance on her positions. She also answered "no" to whether she told anyone how she might rule if confirmed.

The questionnaire also reveals that the White House was considering Miers for its first Supreme Court nomination along with now-Chief Justice John Roberts.

"When Justice Sandra Day O'Connor first announced her desire to retire, I was asked whether my name should be considered," she said in the questionnaire. "I indicated at that time that I did not want to be considered."

Miers said she then led the staff search that ended in Roberts' nomination. But she said her role was more passive after Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist (search) died.

"At some point I understand that individuals at the White House began considering me," she wrote. During four meetings with Deputy White House Counsel William Kelley, Chief of Staff Andrew Card and Bush, Miers said she "realized that my name was under consideration."

Bush offered her the position over dinner Oct. 2 and she accepted, she wrote.

Except on the 1989 questionnaire, Miers has not revealed her position on the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling which legalized abortion in all states.

Senators who have met with Miers say the nominee believes the Constitution includes a right to privacy, the constitutional underpinning of the 1973 ruling.

Confusion around Miers' position on the right to privacy came after Specter told reporters Monday that she had told him she believed the right existed. Specter, a supporter of legalized abortion, said Miers had indicated support for two privacy-related rulings regarding contraceptives.

But former Sen. Dan Coats (search), R-Ind., who is helping Miers in her confirmation process, told the Associated Press in a telephone interview that Specter was mistaken about one of them  the Griswold v. Conn. case, a 1965 ruling which overturned laws barring the use of contraceptives by married couples.

"When asked about the Griswold case, Harriet Miers said what she has consistently said all along, and that is [that] she is not commenting on specific cases," Coats said.

Specter aide William Reynolds subsequently issued a statement saying the senator "accepts Ms. Miers' statement that he misunderstood what she said."

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (search) of South Carolina told FOX News that too much attention was being placed on the abortion issue.

"We can't have the whole confirmation process turn on the abortion question," Graham said. "It's not fair to the nominee. It's not good for the judiciary long-term."

Graham also defended Miers' lack of judicial experience, pointing out that 10 of the last 34 justices, including Rehnquist, were not judges before being appointed to the Supreme Court.

One prominent conservative pundit who has come out against the Miers nomination said she faces a tougher nomination fight than Roberts experienced.

"If she cannot explain herself on really important cases, she's going to be humiliated and defeated," columnist Charles Krauthammer told FOX News on Tuesday.

Sen. David Vitter, R-La., issued a statement saying, "My top questions are: does she have a consistent and well-grounded conservative judicial philosophy and what objective evidence is there of it from her life's work?"

"With her conservative judicial philosophy, she understands that judges must not legislate from the bench," said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the conservative American Center for Law and Justice and a Miers supporter. "And while she may hold personal views that underscore the value of human life, it would be wrong for those views to be used against her in the confirmation process."

Miers also met with Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. on Monday, and Schumer later told reporters that Miers made it clear to him that she wasn't going to answer questions that could show how she might rule on Roe v. Wade.

When Schumer asked Miers about her position on Griswold, she demurred, he said.

"I'm going to give her a break," Schumer said. "She's not a constitutional lawyer  she never reported to be a constitutional lawyer  but she clearly needs some time to learn about these cases, to become familiar with these cases, and then she will be able to give the American people her views."

Many conservatives fear Miers will become yet another Supreme Court justice appointed by Republican presidents who publicly opposed abortion, only to demonstrate support for Roe v. Wade once on the bench.

Justice David Souter, appointed by George H.W. Bush, and Justices O'Connor and Anthony Kennedy, both appointed by Ronald Reagan, have all voted to uphold the 1973 ruling.

FOX News' Wendell Goler and the Associated Press contributed to this report.


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In case You Were Wondering About Meirs on Roe v wade:
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2005, 02:49:28 PM »
Many conservatives fear Miers will become yet another Supreme Court justice appointed by Republican presidents who publicly opposed abortion, only to demonstrate support for Roe v. Wade once on the bench.
People need to learn the difference between opposing something on moral grounds and supporting it on legal grounds. I heartily oppose the idea of neo-nazis marching in the streets, however I recognize their right to do so and would not seek to curtail it. The real question we need to ask is how she feels about the LAW not her opinion on the issue.


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In case You Were Wondering About Meirs on Roe v wade:
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2005, 03:00:25 PM »
"People need to learn the difference between opposing something on moral grounds and supporting it on legal grounds."

Uh-huh.  I was born at night, but it wasn't last night.

Or, another relevant question we could ask is how have those SC candidates who previously swore under oath that their religion would not "color" their decisions have done in regards to independently deciding based on law:

A synopsis:

Justice Antonin Scalia

Age 64
Years on the bench 12
Appointed by President Reagan (Republican ) in 1986

Justice Scalia has consistently voted against the protection of Roe and has likened abortion to sodomy, polygamy, incest, and suicide.

Casey - voted against the right to legal abortion
Stenberg - voted in favor of ban that did not contain an exception for a woman's health

"Roe was plainly wrong- even on the Court's methodology of 'reasoned judgement,' and even more so (of course) if the proper criteria of text and tradition are applied." - J. Scalia, Planned Parenthood v. Casey

"My votes in abortion cases have nothing to do with my pro-life views. They have to do with the text of the Constitution. And there is nothing, nothing in the Constitution that guarantees the right to an abortion." - J. Scalia, The Buffalo News, March 14, 2002

"Today we are told that 30 states are prohibited from banning one rarely used form of abortion that they believe to border on infanticide. It is clear that the Constitution does not compel this result." - J. Scalia

"Abortion is a unique act, in which a woman's exercise of control over her own body ends, depending on one's view, human life or potential human life. Nothing in our Federal Constitution deprives the people of this country of the right to determine whether the consequences of abortion to the fetus and to society outweigh the burden of an unwanted pregnancy on the mother. Although a State may permit abortion, nothing in the Constitution dictates that a State must do so." - J. Scalia, with J. Thomas and J. Rehnquist, Stenberg v. Carhart

Justice Clarence Thomas

Age 52
Years on the bench 11
Appointed by President Bush (Republican) in 1991

During his confirmation hearings, Thomas claimed he had no opinion on Roe v. Wade, he had never read the decision, and he had never discussed it. Yet, just one year later, with no explanation as to how he made up his mind, he sided with those who would reverse Roe and who would overturn the right to safe, legal abortion.

Justice Thomas is considered one of the most conservative justices on the bench, usually voting with Justice Scalia. He also has consistently voted against the protection of privacy and a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy in Roe and believes Roe was incorrectly decided. He is staunchly opposed to abortion.

Casey - voted against the right to legal abortion
Stenberg - voted in favor of ban that did not contain an exception for a woman's health

"In 1973, this Court struck down an Act of the Texas Legislature that had been in effect since 1857, thereby rendering unconsitutional abortion statutes in dozens of states. As some of my colleagues on the Court, past and present, ably demonstrated, that decision was grievously wrong." - J. Thomas, with J. Scalia and J. Rehnquist, Stenberg v. Carhart


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In case You Were Wondering About Meirs on Roe v wade:
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2005, 03:20:15 PM »
We all have personal views," he said. "Some of us have religious backgrounds as well. All of those have no role to play when trying to make laws."
That tells me everything I need to know. Since when does the SC "make" laws?


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In case You Were Wondering About Meirs on Roe v wade:
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2005, 04:02:59 PM »
A woman's right to choose is a medical decision, not a political one.
Be careful that the toes you step on now aren't connected to the ass you have to kiss later.

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In case You Were Wondering About Meirs on Roe v wade:
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2005, 04:12:25 PM »
damned trolls


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In case You Were Wondering About Meirs on Roe v wade:
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2005, 06:26:59 PM »
I wondered how long it would take before Bountyhunter popped up over here with his agenda.  Sad
"Bother", said Pooh, as he chambered another round...

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Standing Wolf

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In case You Were Wondering About Meirs on Roe v wade:
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2005, 06:41:08 PM »
As far as the leftist extremists are concerned, abortion is the only issue of substance that might be considered by the Supreme Court.
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In case You Were Wondering About Meirs on Roe v wade:
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2005, 06:44:57 PM »
Bountyhunter, let me make this official:  APS is not the Legal & Political forum on THR, nor is it an overly political forum in any shape, size or form.  We talk about anything and everything under the sun, but we don't try to become a political discussion group.  As such, overtly political threads are not welcome here, and I'd be grateful if you would please not start them.  If this becomes an ongoing problem, we'll discuss the matter and do something to make the situation more concrete and more permanent for future reference.
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