Author Topic: How Stupid Can People BE?  (Read 5448 times)


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How Stupid Can People BE?
« on: November 10, 2005, 06:07:32 PM »
Just got done watching a segment on ABC Primetime about a 16 yr old female McDonald's employee who was coerced into a strip search and following sexual abuse based upon a hoax phone call by someone claiming to be a police officer.   This was all caught on surveillance tape in the manager's office.  The girl was left with only an apron to partially cover herself.  At one point the female McDonald's manager calls her 42 yr old fiancee to come in and maintain custody of the girl so that she can attend to her duties in the restaurant.   Following the instructions of the hoaxer, the man gets the girl to drop the apron, jog in place and do jumping jacks completely nude.  He then administers approximately 10 minutes of naked spanking per telephone instruction from the "police officer" on the phone AND ALSO COERCES HER TO PERFORM ORAL SEX.  The ordeal lasted for over 2 hours!

This happened in Mt Washington, KY last year.  The McDonald's restaurant in question is only 4 blocks from the local police station!!!

A multi-state police investigation resulted in the arrest of a 38 yr old man in FL.  Reports of similar hoax calls ceased upon his arrest.

There have been over 70 reported incidents of this hoax in fast food joints all over the country resulting in several cases of strip searches of female employees (and in 1 case A FEMALE CUSTOMER !!!)  all over the country.  I know that fast food isn't brain surgery, but crimenetleys...HOW STUPID CAN PEOPLE BE!

The McDonald's manager and her (former) fiancee were both arrested...the fiancee is facing 40 yrs for false imprisonment and sodomy.  The manager being interviewed was obviously lying through her teeth...her story just doesn't match the crystal clear video taped evidence.  She kept saying "I thought I was following the orders of a police officer".

I hope this poor little girl get a gazillion bucks out of McD's...I'll bet they just open their checkbook and ask "How much?"  No way they ever want to end up in front of a jury in that neck of the woods.

OK, rant over.
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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2005, 06:16:35 PM »
How Stupid Can People BE?
I'm not sure there's a limit... shocked
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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2005, 06:19:23 PM »
As a general rule, I try to NEVER ask the question in the thread title: someone will try to answer it, and my little remaining faith in humanity will disappear...

 And it wouldn't supprise me if the father/brother/boyfriend of the assulated was allowed certain "liberties" with the manager's former fiance...


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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2005, 06:38:28 PM »
How Stupid Can People BE?

I'm not sure there's a limit...
As an ER nurse, I can assure you, there is no limit to how stupid people can be!!



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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2005, 07:19:43 PM »
How Stupid Can People BE?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2005, 09:06:29 PM »

Look on the bright side.

If there's no limit -- if it's infinite -- then that's at least one resource we'll never exhaust.

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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2005, 09:24:27 PM »
I watched that also, some people are VERY stupid! There were two guys that refused and walked out, what were the other people thinking?!

Why would you even listen to someone on the phone telling you to take off your clothes and allow someone else to strip search you? That girl was stupid, her manager was stupid, the managers boyfriend was stupid and allowed himself to become a sex offender and it just kept on going.

I couldn't stop shaking my head at how stupid these people were. The worst part was this wasn't the first time this guy had struck, he's been doing it since '94. At least they finally caught him.


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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2005, 12:23:37 AM »
You realize that a fair portion of the people who are claiming to be "victims" of this hoax are simply using that as an excuse to deflect blame.

Think about it, manager and and her FIANCE go up to a soft-headed employee and explain they need to strip search them, and end up SODOMIZING her, then they claim that they believe that they were victims of a hoax?

These people read the same story that the rest of us did, and now they are using it as an excuse.


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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2005, 12:41:41 AM »
I hope this poor little girl get a gazillion bucks out of McD's
Yep.  There we have it again.  That entitlement attitude.  You're right however, they will pay just because it will be cheaper for them instead of doing the right thing and standing up to fight a nonsense lawsuit.  McDonald's is in no way negligent here.  McDonald's corporate management has no way of knowing what's going on at that time and takes steps to prevent it.  If you can show fault by them then sure.  The blame lies squarely on the 3 people involved.


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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2005, 02:15:04 AM »
O.K., no one is going to point out the elephant in the room so I will.  The real question is why are WOMEN so stupid.  I know, I know, we're not allowed to think such things in that way in this society anymore, but these hoaxes aren't aimed at males.  It's clear that we're not allowed to discuss obvious patterns anymore if those patterns point to A. high level government conspiracy, or B. are unflattering to women (noticing how trashing men though is flat out encouraged by popular culture).

As was pointed out originally, this is not new at all.  Even after multiple occurences, there is still a section of women out there who almost seem to want to be scammed, or that expect to be scammed and won't verify (and somehow are so clueless that they've never heard of the previous instances that everyone else has).  What boggles the mind is that her female manager (who absolutely should have known better) also fell for the whole thing and is also clearly devoid of intelligence.

As was also mentioned, this even occurred with a female CUSTOMER.  It is impossible to fathom such amazing stupidity unless one lets go of the brainwashing that men and women are equal.  Actually if you are observant you will notice that everywhere in media, women and feminity are actually portrayed as SUPERIOR, and men are dolts and hairy neanderthals.  There is no attempt to sugarcoat the message in most programming that "the world would be at peace and would be fair if women ran it."

I can't claim credit for noticing this among situation comedies, but some years ago, I heard someone point out (the unbelievably obvious) that in every t.v. comedy, the man is portrayed as a bufoon and an idiot (frequently fat), while the wife is usually this attractive superhero/supermom/super organizer etc with no inherent permanent flaws.  The male character is intentionally made to be so incredibly weak that the few flaws in the female character(s) have to be emphasized just to make things appear even by the end of the show.  The male is always begging for things and is rather subservient to the female character.  Sometimes this turns into open humiliation against the male character when they have the male say or imply that it is "his money" or "his house."  The audience predictably lets out an "ooooooo" and the female character trounces him and puts him back in his subservient place.

Obviously, one could have a field day analyzing the specifics of why so many women are stupid enough to submit to a strip search just because somebody on the phone claims to be a cop.  It's the last part of that sentence that speaks volumes about women that is rather chilling.  In case you haven't noticed, women are fiercely loyal to the government control system these days.  Notice how the fact that the police have zero authority to order strip searches over the phone does not even OCCUR to these moronic females who fall for this.  What's scary, is that psychologically speaking, women are urged by nature to be loyal to the MOST powerful control system they can find (probably a mechanism to ensure offspring survive).  As long as government remains the dominant control system, we're going to continue to see most women make amazing assumptions about police power like this.  When all the real power was contained within the family unit, women were stunningly loyal to that system.  Prior to 1950, women were mind blowingly loyal to their husband even when they had a really really bad one (obviously not a good thing, but take it up with nature and nature's God who programmed women).  

Now, the ugly truth is that government has become women's super husband (think about it, government is super powerful, can't die, is endlessly corrupt, thus being the ultimate "bad boy," provides endless goodies, doesn't leave the seat up, and acts as a 24 hour "watcher," "listener," and "protector."  Obviously, the human male just cannot even begin to compete with that).  They walk around with their little cell phones and are just itchin' to dial 9-1-1 and summon government agents if so much as an ant farts (remember all the news accounts of SWAT teams being summoned by cell phone wielding women when young boys were just playing army, or to deal with a "man with gun" who is actually just using a camera with a long lens?).

It should scare the hell out of everyone to know that we have people who are so terrified to question things like strip searches for themselves.  Even worse, our society is so conditioned to being a police state that these women totally assume that the "cop on the phone" must have the authority to order them from a remote location to strip search.  Americans are getting so conditioned to having zero privacy and zero rights, that THIS ISN'T THE ONLY CASE where people assume, and behave as if government agents have all power.  I'm always amazed at how many people I meet who ASSume that we already have FULL gun registration.  I show them a gun or two and they ask me incredible things like "Soo, how much did it cost to register all your guns," or "How do you change the registration on your guns if you want to sell them."  What's hilarious, is after I explain the truth to them, I've had folks (sometimes even gun owners) actually ask a different question that still starts with the assumption that gun registration is universal.  The brainwashing is incredible to behold.

It's no wonder that police behave as if they have all power (and have become extremely arrogant, trigger happy, and downright abusive to people) when you have a population that has been conditioned to assume that they do.  None of this bodes well for what's left of our privacy rights.  Some people just can't seem to understand how we arrived in this mess as a nation.  They just don't have the thinking skills to notice that it started with "benign" things like vehicle registration and social security numbers.  Once you accept that government has some majical authority to number you and to register your property, liberty and privacy just go down hill fast from there.  THAT, is how we arrived at the point where we have air heads stripping for pretend "cops" in restaurant offices.  Kinda takes the humor out of it doesn't it?


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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2005, 02:48:36 AM »
Kinda takes the humor out of it doesn't it?
Not really...

I know a few stupid men too. Usually it's because they're so smart they're stupid, I deal with them all the time. The art is spotting them before it gets too far. Thanks for the manifesto.
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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2005, 04:16:04 AM »
Quote from: 280plus
Kinda takes the humor out of it doesn't it?
Not really...

I know a few stupid men too. Usually it's because they're so smart they're stupid, I deal with them all the time. The art is spotting them before it gets too far. Thanks for the manifesto.
Heh heh.  +1 280plus. Cheesy

I couldn't have said it better myself.


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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2005, 04:53:15 AM »
If it wasn't for stupid people, there wouldn't be anything good on TV.

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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2005, 05:02:42 AM »
If it wasn't for stupid people there wouldn't be ANY television.

Having spent the last 45 years in dealing directly with the general public, I am no longer amazed by the witless wandering around by so many bipeds.

Oddly, those that seem to have a great deal of edumaction tend to be very witless about the mundane things that should be easy.  I think maybe because they might be well schooled in one particular thing, it creates an illusion in their minds that they have a command all things.  I think that's why I've become somewhat dubious of the weight and value given having a lengthy formal education.

People who have been self taught, are curious and have a modicum of common sense seem to be quicker in grasping the vagaries of daily life.
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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2005, 06:33:38 AM »
I agree with a lot of the responses.

The interviewer asked the girl involved "Why did you comply with this?"

She responded "My parents raised me to obey adults."  "I trusted my manager, she was supposed to protect me."

As far as TrapleyG's condemnation of our entitlement attitude goes, I agree.   But if anybody deserves to be compensated for being tortured, publicly humiliated, falsely imprisoned/kidnapped, and sexually abused under color of authority (management) this poor girl does.  I know that the Big McDonald's In The Sky (Corporate) isn't responsible here, but the franchise owner most definately is....beyond the liability of the stupid asst manager involved.  I hope both the manager and her former fiancee spend a long time behind bars.  I don't know, though, if this were my daughter I think this situation might cross the threshold of being worth taking my own chances in front of a jury.

I agree that it does open a window on the nanny state mentality of the rank and file folks in our society.  It does not bode well for our survival in hard times if the Gov't is not able to maintain the trappings of civilization.  It's a microcosim of "I was only following orders" parroted at Nueremberg.
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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2005, 07:33:01 AM »
It's a real shame what happened to this girl. I have a slightly different perspective on this since the McDonalds in question is only 15 miles down the road from where I am typing this right now. I have heard or read all the details that didn't make it on Primetime.

Having worked in fast food during my younger years, I can say without doubt that the average employee and/or junior manager is that stupid. They're trained to do everything out of the manual and not think for themselves. If you can take them out of that comfort zone you can manipulate them very easily.

The boyfriend/fiance who the asst. manager has now dumped, went along because he was a dirtbag who was getting off on what was happening. That's just my opinion mind you, but he came in to find a nude, compliant teenage girl and just went along with it.

Mt. Washington is a small town just south of Louisville. As the girl pointed out, she new the detective who was working her case. Given the proximity of the police station to the restaurant, it was probably likely that the handful of police they have are regulars for coffee. Why didn't this manager get suspicious when she was speaking to an officer she didn't know?

A lot of unanswered questions to this, that hopefully will come out in trial.


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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2005, 01:10:38 PM »
What disturbs me almost as much as the act is the fact that this girl was raised to be so blindly obedient of authority that she would let them do this to her. Ugh, what a disgusting situation on so many levels.
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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2005, 02:39:31 PM »
O.K., no one is going to point out the elephant in the room so I will.  The real question is why are WOMEN so stupid.
I'll bet you're really smooth with the ladies...
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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2005, 05:06:39 PM »
Who was it that said, "everytime we make something idiot proof, someone invents a better idiot?"  There is no limit to idiocy.   The REAL problem is that we are attempting to remove the consequences of idiocy, usually death ,dismemberment, dishonor, disgrace and disillusion. Every lawn mower with a safety guard represents one more idiot who will live to reproduce.

Standing Wolf

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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #19 on: November 11, 2005, 07:14:00 PM »
The older I get, the less amusing stupidity becomes. I used to laugh myself silly at the Three Stooges when I was a kid.
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« Reply #20 on: November 11, 2005, 08:27:24 PM »
I used to laugh myself silly at the Three Stooges when I was a kid.
My god.  I'm so sorry.
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« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2005, 04:54:52 AM »
Wow,  I am not even bother with most of the textual butt-kicking.  You obviously believe what say and I'd be wasting my time.

Stupidity is an equal-opportunity employer.  With men, it generally takes the form of "Hold my beer and watch this!"

Seriously, you have seen an episode of COPS, have you not?


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« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2005, 06:09:06 AM »
Yeppers, seen a few episodes of cops...lived a few episodes of cops as a reserve LEO.

Ever heard the expression "Auditioning for your freedom??"

DUI suspects will often jump through whatever hoop the officer tells them to at roadside in a desparate (and usually fruitless) attempt to prove their innocence.

Same concept at play in this incident at McDonald's, and according to the report, several other fast food joints.

Young, niave girl stands accused of a theft.  This is anathema to her, as she strives to live a good life.  She knows that she is completely innocent of the offense.  Confronted with two levels of authority in her mind (police & manager) she submits to humiliation to prove her innocence.  She expects it to end at any moment, but once she has started to comply it only gets worse and goes on for more than two hours, facilitated and excerbated by her manager...a person she implicitly trusts.  There's all kinds of psychological issues at play here, none of which this girl is prepared to deal with.

Not to tread on a sensitive subject for many, but anyone care to compare/contrast the percentage of folks in Europe circa 1933-1945 that meekly cooperated with authority figures, or authority figures that cooperated in massive human rights violations and genocide?  The human mind can be a very dangerous place.
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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2005, 08:57:55 AM »
I would pay good, good money to watch a debate between CatsDieNow and Masterpiece

Good money.

And I would bring popcorn.

A very large bag of popcorn.

Of course, given that Masterpiece isn't going to even attempt to respond to this thread, I suppose we all know who the winner already is...
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How Stupid Can People BE?
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2005, 10:38:00 AM »