Author Topic: Hives!  (Read 1039 times)

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« on: November 14, 2005, 08:32:39 AM »
this morning i woke up covered in hives with both of my eyes swollen. they have pretty much went away by now but i cant figure out what caused them.

two weeks ago i started taking protein and creatine supplements to help with working out. they have been working fine but i am wondering if its possible that i am allergic to one of these.

other than these, my diet and routines have stayed the same so i am pretty sure i havent come in contact with anything else that would have caused the hives.

do any of you guys have insight or experience with taking supplements and having problems with them?

Art Eatman

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« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2005, 12:59:25 PM »
I had to deal with hives when doing a treatment for skin cancer, using Efudex.  It got bad enough that I needed a shot of Benadryl, and took 50-mg capsules before dropping back to topical application of Benadryl cream.

You probably need to gett off the supplements.  You can work out with an ordinary balanced diet and do just fine.

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« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2005, 06:44:47 PM »
I recall the first thing I heard in Micro Biology :
 " anything one puts on their skin, or in their body - they can become allergic to.

This was repeatd a LOT in that class, other medical classes, Rotations and in the Main OR.

Baselines of a person ( or oneself) then anytime a new med is 'scripted , or used from OTC, reactions can occur.
Women are prone to yeast infections for example, just they way they are plumbed. Eat Yogurt, and other live cultures to help prevent.

Sounds like a Reaction to the meds to me as well.  Benedryl is still the most Rx for this .

In my case, I took a Sinus Med with Aspirin [ASA], I went into  Anaphalatic shock.  Benedryl I always used for allergies anyway, still think it is the best Antihistamine.  I ate a lot of Benedryl, and continued to with the high doses of meds to get me over all this.  I was so swollen, hands like catcher's mitts, I could not wear my shoes, I could not get my legs into my jeans.

Mine hit me in about 5 min from time of injesting the Asprin.  My Doc said, "sometimes the system  says "Screw It"- I don't like anymore - and reacts.  In my case my system did not want Asprin.

Sometimes it take a little time to develop, I have a friends wife taking Cancer treatments, various meds, chemo...she has times she reacts...violently to meds.

Another good example is ladies and Make- up. A lady will 'break-out' and blame the make-up Mfg for changing the formula.  No, more like - the system says it no longer wants that make-up product.

Yes, we hadAdlult  patients that after time taking supplements, prescribed suppliments  developed reactions. Some even 4 wks or so of being on something as "innocent" as Ensure...vitamin mineral supplemet. Same with kids taking supplements.

One has to look at the whole system. Including other meds, currently taking, or how long since stopping taking one. Takes time to get a med out of one's system.

Another thing to consider/ remember is Similar  things...or ...' Parallels".   For instance if a person develops a reaction to Seafood, most often they react to Iodine and Betadine...we asked this of patients in the Hospital...reason why folks are asked so many times, they do not think it is important, or they simply forget.

Works the other way too. Seen folks in the OR  break out when Prepped with Betadine...note to chart to advise patient they may be allergic to Seafood. Consult Physician, Allergist for test when healed up from surgery. Just avoid seafood in the meantime...

I am way out of the loop now on some of this...the basic information given is right.

Two handy links to look up meds and check for compatability, reactions, and other information.


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« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2005, 03:00:43 AM »
For about three years, I would very rarely break out in hives, usually in the fall.  Two of these episodes landed me in the hospital.  I was NOT a pretty sight.  I never did figure out exactly what caused them, and my doctor didn't seem extremely concerned.   However, looking back, it seemed always to be around gutter-cleaning season, and I suspect it was leaf-mold....

Good luck.  Hives are no fun, but they're not the end of the world.  Keep your Benadryl handy.