Author Topic: "NO" 101  (Read 4177 times)


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"NO" 101
« on: November 17, 2005, 11:08:38 AM »
In a minute, I have to go downstairs and choke a lady classmate, before I do this, and inspired by what happened:

"How to say NO 101"

 I believe is a useful skill. Not just one ladies use to get out of date -" I have to wash my hair Friday night".

Now I consider myself observant and do make myself aware of surroundings. I try to have a plan, a back up plan, another back up plan...
I consider myself "pretty good on my feet", "spontaneous", and ...well..."if you cannot dazzle with brilliance - baffle 'em with bull-chips."

I have returned to College Campus after running an errand, and getting my backpack out of my truck toolbox I hear- "Clip-clop...Clip-Clop...", on the asphalt parking lot.  I happen to know "of" the young lady approaching, and I see the lady classmate I will choke shortly with hand to mouth and making snickering movements...Yeah I know, distance is your friend and all that stuff...

"Hi, I need a date Friday night. There is a Banquet I want to attend with a Speaker. " .

Now there is a time when a Southern Gentleman dons his Chivalary and helps a lady in distress, no matter of Political affiliation, Race, Religion, age , or whatever.   This ain't it.

I reply in a very even tone, looking straight at her - after I have popped my truck's hood, raised hood, and have produced a dime from my jeans pocket...

" I really appreciate the consideration, and am overwhelmed that you would consider me for such an interesting evening. I have however made plans to straighten these fins on my radiator here   where some large bugs have bent these. This can affect the efficiency of my cooling system".

Deer in the headlight look.  Small Pout. Clasps hands..." Oh My! that indeed could be serious, especially since the weather has changed and we did get down to 26*F last night. I hope your truck will be all-right....".

Don't Ask!   Just take my word for it - even though kinda sorta attractive, this gal is Crazy as a road tick, and I ain't gonna be caught near a banquet such as the one she wants me to attend with her...

She "clips- clops" away.  The soon to choked classmate is doing broken field running to the Main Campus, headed to the nearest Bldg...a bldg neither of us have any classes in.  

I did get close enough to this classmate, not close enough to choke...She mangaged to scoot into the ladies Room as I snuck in from around the Soda vending machine...I did get a free soda ( hers she left in the machine, upon seeing me in a reflection...).  I have no pride, I can stand outside of ladies room door partially cracked an be told I was set up and thought it would be funny.  I can tell an instructor - why I am outside the ladies room door. I can ask if he will find me another lady instructor , even a just another lady student to go in there, and drag the one I want to choke out.  Said classmate even asks another Girl to not leave the ladies room.  "Now  you wouldn't run in there and get her if no other ladies were in the ladies room now would you Steve?"

"In a heartbeat I would"
Business is  Business.

Dang it!  I was >< this close!  I end up with two ladies staying in there with the one I want to choke.  I head down the hall and hear " coast is clear - run...grab the elevator..." .

Chair of Dept is in the hallway now...  I nod, he nods  back - grinning. A former instructor is with him, he too is grinning.  I got a chuckle out of both. I asked for a key to the storage room for the class were outside of, told them I needed a really long piece of Cat 5e to make a lasso out of.

 "Would that be TIA 568-A or 568-B you'd be adhering to Steve".  
I don't need the RJ45s, just gimme the Cat 5e".  

I tried. Last seen / heard, classmate is doing broken field running from 2nd floor exit, to gain 1st floor entrance at another entrance.  Hey I can walk into a former instructors class and peer out the window, this lady instructor thinks  I hung the moon.  "Hey class meet Steve...he was my bestest student and my OLDest one as well,...whatever you need Steve, help yourself..."
Great...ended up showing how I remembered to do a stupid Access dealie. Whoop -de-doo. As my prey escapes - again.

Payback are gonna be hell...


So - what are your best lines for saying "No" .
What has been your best  line for saying "No". ?

Gotta run...exams to take.

Friday I am busy remember - making my radiator fins straight...



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« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2005, 11:22:21 AM »
I have however made plans to straighten these fins on my radiator here
LOL!  I am going to use that one.


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"NO" 101
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2005, 11:53:42 AM »
Heck, half the chicks up here would offer to help straighten the radiator fins.  And the other half, upon seeing me with the CAT5, would start talking about computers.

Tried to bore one by describing a circuit I was working on.  Figured she'd get up and leave, 'till I found out she was EE/CpE.  Bad mistake, couldn't shake her for a few hours, as I don't have the heart to tell a nice girl to leave.
I still say 'Give Detroit to Canada'


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"NO" 101
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2005, 11:53:49 AM »
Ok... am I the only person who would like to have a camera on Steve when these things happen? And he seems to run into situations like this a lot... Wink


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« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2005, 11:54:08 AM »

"Hello husband of classmate I want to choke".

"Hi Steve, hang on - daughter wants t say hi - "Hi Steve, had fun in daycare today...."

I inform Hubby as to what HIS wife did, and my intentions. He laughs. He agrees, said person whom ask me is more crazy than a road tick...
"So what do you want to do ?
We agree on something.

I get to talk to 4 year old again. "Mommy got paid today, and is bringing home Pizza, and is going to buy that movie you wanted, be sure and REMIND her when you call her in a minute on her Cell Phone - okay?.

"Yeah, Pizza and the new movie I wanted...!!!".

Hey, us guys have to stick together, women do it all the time. Besides, got the Hubby out of cooking dinner, made a kid happy.

My payback is "mostly" complete.  Tongue


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« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2005, 11:58:08 AM »
Now you need to stop over for some of the pizza and watch the movie with the 4 year old while you stare at the strangalee with a grin on yer face.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2005, 12:40:27 PM »
Trust me you don't want to know my lines for saying no. Art's Grandma would box me in the ears.

But I like the straighten the fins on your radiator.

Iowa- 88% more livable that the rest of the US

Uranus is a gas giant.

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« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2005, 04:21:28 AM »
Well, after everything else fails, I'm not above confessing to be a closet-homosexual.  After said woman (let's use her real name Carla), fails to get the hints time and again, a gay confession works pretty good, if you can keep a straight face.  Best part is when she tells a friend your confession and THEY have to keep a straight face as well.


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« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2005, 05:10:57 AM »
I have never pretended to be a lesbian to avoid dating someone.  



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« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2005, 06:52:26 AM »
Barbara, I have to agree with that: lying about your preferance can actually get you in deeper. A friend tried that: then had to dodge all the guys the girl tried setting him up with...


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« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2005, 07:01:15 AM »
Heh..I didn't really lie, but I will admit to having given folks that impression to avoid boys. And it has backfired, because at least one of my friends then proceeded to try to fix me up with girls, which I wasn't interested in either. Smiley


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« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2005, 07:31:57 AM »
Er..Barbara, cough, boys?Huh? ahem...why are you.....well....never mind.  Tongue  Tongue
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2005, 08:53:26 AM »
Cooties, Grampster.


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« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2005, 09:41:33 AM »
cheesy   All your cooties belong to us.  cheesy
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2005, 09:41:58 AM »
There are advantages to be being older.  
There are advantages to "I didn't grow up - I just got bigger" -Art.

True Stories:

I used to suggest to Ladies, especially those in Sales Reps, or Similar out in the public/ going to workplaces - to wear a thin wedding band. In hopes of not getting hit on.

Times have changed and seems a Wedding Band does not equate to being faithful.

I was married at the time, and wearing my Wedding band. The young lady was trying to decide on something to buy. She was very explicit, in how she would trade services for goods. Now she had money- OLD money family, about 8 years younger than I in a $1500 outfit ( told later) with a slit up the side all the way, and the top was not hiding what a bra would be covering - if she would have been wearing one. She was wearing that dress, and that dress only.

I looked her square in the eye. " I'm flattered, married and respecetfully decline".  She made more "movements" and verbalized even more.
"You have Wesson oil, paint, and a black light...and a wall you don't mind getting flourescnt paint on?"

She paid for the mdse. Expressed how she was not going to mess up a room she had spent $35k remodling with custom wallpaper, antiques and such.


My wife at the time was a nurse, being around kids and in and out of gloves, she wore a simple plain band to work.

She was cornered in a Supply room by another younger gal , and not only hit on, tried to kiss her.

"Okay, you got out of Miss. Rich Bitch with the Wesson oil idea - help me out. I dont' really want to report this lady, she is a Resident Doctor visiting..."

I invited myself to show up and surprise her for lunch at work.  I spied the Res Dr, all by myself, she was eyeing my wife. Well, I knew the folks up there, including Security.  

I grabbed my wife, hurried her to another supply room, kicked the door shut...and had to put my hand over wife's mouth to keep from laughing at first. Res Dr was wide-eyed, and shocked. Wife and I made all sorts of noises, and we came out looking all desheveled.  My wife almost pee herself as I was making noises with a supply cart, and she was making noise thru fingers over her mouth (trying not to laugh still) and once in a while would yell out, slap her hand onto the wall...

This went on for 5 minutes.  Then we exit.

Wife is getting her scrub jacket back on, fingering her hair back in place. Me,  tucking shirt in, buttoning buttons...putting on a show.

Another Lady Doc ( really cool) and Security, were in on the deal...knew what I was going to wife didn't

 ... "Whew baby- I like this spontaneous suprise stuff"  Wife directing this to Res Doc whom had hit on her... as she was flirting with me...

"Dadgummit, can't you two middle age folks control your hormones". _Security
"No" we replied.  Then I asked if the Hospitial Helicopter made it a "mile high" in flight.
Wife explained the "Mile High Club" the Res Dr. whom had hit on her.

Never bothered my wife again, the rest of her rotation.

Boy did wife and I get some funny looks and replies when on her day off later on , and we were up at her work to see some Artwork done by kids one day.  Went to check out some new remodling and all since during work hard for to get away and see what all is going on...

Security and aforementioned Cool Lady Dr asked where we had been... both of us all windblown looking and such "We went up to the Heliport to check out the new Helicopter and stuff..."
"You didn't??"

Wife grinned " Yep Sure did".  

That is all we did.  To this day they probably have their own ideas - we saw no reason to correct them.

Sometimes being around in the 70's has its perks.  Sometimes you have to shock back and be more shocking.


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« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2005, 02:46:11 PM »
I've explained to more than one sales lady (especially in "adult" establishments) the proper way of dealing with amorous advances: keep a wodden ruler handy. When a guy starts his BS, hold the ruler out with your thumb at 8 inches, and say "you must be at least this tall to ride this ride". Most guys will slink away at that point: the ones that don't will "whip it out" to prove, at which point the lady uses the ruler as a paddle: "put that thing away!"... :evil:

 I've had more than one report of this technique being used effectively...


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« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2005, 12:54:45 PM »
I sometimes have social difficulties due to being blunt and tactless. I rarely make up excuses, I just say no. I don't call in sick to work either. I call in and say that I won't be coming in to work. I have a hard time with lies, white or otherwise.
Maybe a rare occurence, but then you only have to get murdered once to ruin your whole day.


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« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2005, 03:57:26 PM »
Well, this technique isn't really for "social" use, but in view of the high-quality replies so far, I may as well contribute my share.

Most prisons have a "segregation" or "control" unit, where "difficult" inmates are locked up, often in solitary confinement, for punishment of internal disruptions, etc.  A large proportion of those in "seg" are sexual offenders - masturbating in public, hitting on female CO's, etc.  Not the nicest people in the world...

At one prison where I was a visiting chaplain, the guards in Seg. complained to me.  A number of the inmates would masturbate as female CO's were walking down the corridors, trying to time their "arrival" as the officers walked past the barred doors, so that they would be splashed.  Needless to say, physical retaliation was out of the question (CCTV cameras everywhere), and since the guys were already in the harshest confinement conditions in the prison, what were the guards to do?

I gently pointed out that Seg. was supplied with air freshener in yellow aerosol containers (due to the inconsistent personal hygiene of many of its inmates).  I further mentioned that brake parts cleaner was available in similar yellow aerosol containers.  I further expounded on the shrinking properties of brake parts cleaner when applied to more sensitive portions of the male anatomy.  I may have mentioned how quickly brake parts cleaner evaporates, leaving no trace behind.  I finally discussed how a yellow aerosol container, seen on a B&W CCTV monitor, was hard to distinguish from a different yellow aerosol container.

The next time I visited the prison, I was informed (deadpan) by the shift leader that a few days ago, there had been five minutes of "awful screaming" in the morning from the Seg. unit.  I was further informed that some inmates had complained that they had been sprayed in intimate areas by staff, but that this could not be proved, as only a residual redness remained on the skin, and the yellow aerosol cans alleged to have caused the damage (as seen on CCTV in the officer's hands) were entirely consistent with the air freshener with which they were issued.  I understand several inmates were charged with making false allegations against staff.

As I went through the units later that day, I was presented with a large box of chocolates by the female Seg. staff.

No further reports of inmate "spraying" were received from the Seg. unit for quite some time, I'm told.

Let's put the fun back in dysfunctional!

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« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2005, 06:25:30 AM »

Thanks for   waxing   philosophicaly.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw