Author Topic: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)  (Read 2790 times)

Ryan in Maine

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  By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press Writer Charles Babington, Associated Press Writer   – 1 hr 26 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Frustrated liberals are asking why a Democratic-controlled Congress and White House can't manage to close the Guantanamo prison or keep new gun-rights laws from passing.

After all, President Barack Obama pledged to shut down the military detention center on Cuba for suspected terrorists. And Democratic control of the government would suggest that any gun legislation leads to tighter controls on weapons, not expanded use.

Even as they grouse, however, liberal lawmakers acknowledge that no one factor explains last week's disappointing back-to-back votes in Congress.

The Obama administration is focused on other priorities, they say. Party leaders don't want to endanger Democratic lawmakers from conservative districts by stressing divisive issues such as gun control.

On Guantanamo, many say, Obama and his allies were caught napping as Republicans stirred public fears about relocating suspected terrorists.

"I think it's one of the few times that he didn't think it all the way out," said Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., an unabashed admirer of the president.

As for trying to keep loaded guns out of national parks, Cummings said, "I don't think he put a lot of energy into it." Issues such as national security and the distressed economy deserve greater attention, at least for now, he said, adding that the president "picks his fights very carefully."

The whining continues in the link.

One question I had though, was where did the huge difference in reaction come from Brady/McCarthy vs. Gratia-Hupp?


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Re: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2009, 09:24:48 PM »
Not sure I understand your question.
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Re: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2009, 09:40:46 PM »
RE: Gitmo . . . I think the Democrats are coming to realize that terrorists are bad guys, and if they enable them to set foot in the USA and spread their radical agenda - even in prison - nobody BUT the Democrats will be blamed.

If some terrorist is released into US society and kills someone, there WILL be people blaming Obama and every Democrat who voted for it.

And blaming Bush won't work when it comes to ducking the blame.
Trump won in 2016. Democrats haven't been so offended since Republicans came along and freed their slaves.
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Re: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2009, 09:44:50 PM »
The whining continues in the link.

[sincerity] Wow. That's so exciting. I haven't hear any leftist extreming sniveling and whining in a long time. [/sincerity]
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Re: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2009, 10:11:40 PM »
I don't think the president or too many politicians of any stripe think through the decisions they make.
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Re: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2009, 10:13:59 PM »
or keep new gun-rights laws from passing.

Love the way that's phrased.
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Liberals frustrated on gun, Guantanamo issues
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2009, 12:02:28 AM »
It seems the people are getting the liberals attention.  I wonder if the TEA parties has anything to do with it. Why else would the Dems NOT go for gun control and to bring Gitmo prisoners to the USA?

Liberals frustrated on gun, Guantanamo issues

 By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press Writer Charles Babington, Associated Press Writer – Sun May 24, 8:41 pm ET
WASHINGTON – Frustrated liberals are asking why a Democratic-controlled Congress and White House can't manage to close the Guantanamo prison or keep new gun-rights laws from passing.

After all, President Barack Obama pledged to shut down the military detention center on Cuba for suspected terrorists. And Democratic control of the government would suggest that any gun legislation leads to tighter controls on weapons, not expanded use.

Even as they grouse, however, liberal lawmakers acknowledge that no one factor explains last week's disappointing back-to-back votes in Congress.

The Obama administration is focused on other priorities, they say. Party leaders don't want to endanger Democratic lawmakers from conservative districts by stressing divisive issues such as gun control.

On Guantanamo, many say, Obama and his allies were caught napping as Republicans stirred public fears about relocating suspected terrorists.

"I think it's one of the few times that he didn't think it all the way out," said Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., an unabashed admirer of the president.

As for trying to keep loaded guns out of national parks, Cummings said, "I don't think he put a lot of energy into it." Issues such as national security and the distressed economy deserve greater attention, at least for now, he said, adding that the president "picks his fights very carefully."

Such explanations provide small comfort to left-leaning Democrats after eight years of George W. Bush's presidency and nearly a dozen years of Republican control of Congress.

"We'll probably end up passing more gun bills" that expand owners' rights "than we did during the Republican administration," said Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., a leading gun control advocate. "That is what surprises me."

She placed less blame on the White House than on ordinary Americans and advocacy groups that are consistently outflanked by gun owners' groups, especially the National Rifle Association.

"Until the American people say enough is enough, and get active in it," Democratic control of Congress and the White House will not be enough to turn the tide, said McCarthy, whose husband was killed by a gunman in 1993.

Two votes in Congress last Wednesday dismayed many liberals and exposed the limits of their influence even with Obama as president and Democrats holding solid majorities in both houses.

The Senate voted 90-6 to join the House in blocking the transfer of any prisoners from Guantanamo. Harsh treatment and indefinite detention of suspects there have sparked worldwide criticisms of the U.S. government and helped al-Qaida recruit volunteers, said Obama, who pledges to close the prison early next year. Lawmakers say they want more details on where detainees will be sent.

Also Wednesday, the House voted overwhelmingly to join the Senate in letting people carry loaded guns in national parks and wildlife refuges. More than 100 House Democrats and 174 Republicans voted for the gun measure, which was attached to an Obama-backed bill imposing new restrictions on credit card companies.

Earlier this year, gun-rights supporters derailed a bill to give the District of Columbia voting rights in Congress by adding a provision that would repeal the city's strict gun regulations.

The gun votes were less surprising to many Democrats than were the Guantanamo developments. The NRA remains among the most powerful lobbies, and many lawmakers take care to stay off its political enemies list.

"People do not want to be on the wrong side of this particular cultural divide," said Rep. David Price, D-N.C., who supports tougher gun controls. "It's too bad there's not a more responsible national organization" to counteract the NRA, he said.

In some ways, the gun-control lobby is choking on Democratic success in congressional races. "The seats we're picking up come disproportionately from those more conservative areas," Price said, where linking the Democratic Party to gun control can be dangerous at re-election time.

Rep. Lynn Woolsey of California is another Democrat frustrated by the gun debate. When she asks colleagues why they don't support tougher restrictions, she said, they reply, "You just don't get it, Woolsey. You don't have our districts."

"It has to do with being afraid they'll lose their election if they stand up against guns," she said.

Guantananamo is a more pressing issue for the administration.

For months, congressional Republicans and conservative commentators said Obama's plan to close the prison would place terrorists on U.S. soil, even though the locations presumably would be prisons. By the time the administration offered more details and reassurances, congressional Democrats were backpedalling, voting to block funds to relocate detainees.

"I'm not sure they realized the opposition they were going to come up against," Woolsey said.

Many Democratic lawmakers predicted that Obama will resolve the Guantanamo problem and eventually turn to gun issues, where he has advocated ownership rights with "common sense" regulations.

"I do believe that down the road the president will start working on some of the gun violence issues," said McCarthy, the New York Democrat. "But let's face it," she said. "We've got an awful lot of issues on our plate right now."

Ryan in Maine

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Re: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2009, 01:01:42 AM »
Not sure I understand your question.

Brady gets shot, turns into an all-costs anti-gunner. McCarthy's father is shot, she turns into an anti-gunner. Gratia-Hupp's parents are shot and she becomes one of the strongest and clearest voices on pro-gun issues. And her circumstances are arguably the most tragic.

Who needs senators that are going to ditch you in times of crisis? We need more senators who are going to stand elbow-to-elbow with us in the face of danger.


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Re: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2009, 01:13:40 AM »
or keep new gun-rights laws from passing.

Love the way that's phrased.

I loved it too. Damn those rights that don't fit our vision of liberal utopia.


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Re: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2009, 12:19:19 PM »
"I think it's another one of those few times that he didn't think it all the way out,"

Fixed it for her.

And why the democrats are suddenly against bringing the Gitmo prisoners to the US ?  For the same reason that the Kennedy's et al are against the the Wind Farm off cape cod, why low income houseing is a great thing except when it's in their neighborhood.

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Re: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2009, 12:37:30 PM »
I loved it too. Damn those rights that don't fit our vision of liberal utopia.

I took it to mean that he liked the fact that a journalist used the term "gun rights," instead of calling them "laws that prevent common-sense safeguards on guns." 
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Re: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2009, 03:15:26 PM »
Yeah, I got it from the start.

I just found it rather amusing that a liberal (who is supposed to be all about any kind of right) would sneer in print about a "gun right" while trying not to sound like a big time hypocrite about it.


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Re: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2009, 07:55:09 PM »
I think it is because not all democrats are extreme left liberals with an agenda.

People like Pelosi would never be elected in fly over country -- and there are quite a number of house democrats from those states.


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Re: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2009, 08:02:07 PM »
Brady gets shot, turns into an all-costs anti-gunner. McCarthy's father is shot, she turns into an anti-gunner. Gratia-Hupp's parents are shot and she becomes one of the strongest and clearest voices on pro-gun issues. And her circumstances are arguably the most tragic.

Gratia-Hupp was herself at risk of dying by the hand of the same murderer who killed her loved ones?  Also, that perhaps G-H is made of sterner stuff and actually might have made an attempt to stop the murderer instead of pulling a "Full Shalala."


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Re: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2009, 08:19:21 PM »
Also, that perhaps G-H is made of sterner stuff and actually might have made an attempt to stop the murderer instead of pulling a "Full Shalala.
She said she would have stopped the massacre, except she obeyed the Texas laws at that time, her pistol was in the glove compartment of their vehical.

She also started Texas on the road of the laws that are in place today because of her parents dying.

Three cheers for Gratia-Hupp.


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Re: Liberals are really good at whining (guns/Guantanamo article)
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2009, 09:03:53 PM »
I think it is because not all democrats are extreme left liberals with an agenda.

People like Pelosi would never be elected in fly over country -- and there are quite a number of house democrats from those states.

Even the (D)'s from rural parts of liberal states like Kali and NY often find themselves being elected by a pro-gun constituency....

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