Author Topic: Questions  (Read 1636 times)


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« on: December 05, 2005, 07:18:40 AM »

I have a couple on things all happening at the same time. Of course this happens when I am in the midst of something kinda important - like finals.  Must be why they call this stuff 'Life Experiences" - huh?  Smiley

1) Neuropathy.
I did not get this far in some studies and need to know if someone knows a good online site/ reference I am not aware of.  In particular Neuropathy in lower extremities - feet.   Older female, asthma, arthritis, and slight heart murmer.

2) Cancer.
Seeking same information sites/ references.  One not requiring being a member at this time.  IN particular , alternative meds such as Oxy- acid and similar.  One person in particular - 60-ish female, mod-radical breast surgery, 2.5 yrs of dealing with this and various regimes of Tx. Finally...18 months ago I suggested a Endo assessment, she is getting to see a Endo.  I just know her Thyroid is off kilter...

Pancreatititis, and Pancreatic Cancers.
I know a little about the former, ziltch about the later.  Again I need something more than WebMd or the local sources / teaching hosptials around here have on line.

Basically - one has to take an active role in Heath Matters.  I am trying to get the right questions asked from folks to get better assesment, Dx and the like. For instance - I used some skills I had to get mom off some meds, she is off some and got a Excellent fasting Chloresteral meds for this now.

Always been one to look stuff up because I wanted to know - or curious.  Internet just saves me from using Library and seem to be more current and updated more.

 My classes do have textbooks - just by the time published not always current - hence the reason we are testing on online text material instead of hard copy texts material.

My old medical texts and pharmacology references are the same way. Some meds today are not even in my older books.



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« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2005, 07:50:28 AM »
 Gonna be selfish and ask something for me.
 Been taking Cisco Curriculi. finishing up  CCNA I . Is Cisco Certs and such really that big of a deal?  Marketable? Cisco Routers and Protocols such as IGRP, and EIGRP really that "good" .  Is Cisco really teaching what one needs in the real world , a good outline of study - or just marketing in selling Cisco to students, whom in the real world will use other 'products' [Jupiter for instance].

Bottom Line : I am not getting any younger.

I  was raised into and stayed with a business for 35 years. I learned it as an apprentice.
I mean College was not something my family, or folks around me did. A peice of paper did not pay the rent or put gas in the vehicle - sounds tacky, but titles never these for me either. I either knew how - or I didn't. I saw folks with paper and titles that did not know how to cross a street without getting hit.

Yes I have peices of paper, I just went to learn the new stuff, tools and whatnot as it came about, they mailed me the pcs of paper, most stayed in envlelopes, and most are probably lost by now- means totally nothing to anyone except those persons in that business.

So I attend College and see folks doing Networking, or similar in CIS/IT. I have classmates - one in the Air Force for instance, been doing Admin for sometime. He will retire in a few yrs, and is taking this because he can and wants to , taking spanish too, just for something to do. His AF experience is most likely worth more than the  CCNA cert...I dont' know.
Another has been a Network Admin since he got out of the Army. Just learned by doing. He was taking this to satisfy his company that he could in fact do the work he has been doing and training new folks in the company.

Then he finds out his company is selling out and ...well...he is having to figure out what to do as far as a job. He will be getting severance come 'official time" - he thinks he can manage on the $62K package he will be getting. He never attended college, only to take some stuff for his curiousity [ mini- skirts 101 where he met his wife] and does not have a college degree. Just started out learning from the ground up.

Seems to me  (what do I know?) Not so much what you know - but whom you know. Always been this way in my experience. Corp / Bus is not what it used to be.  Seems the ideas of Employer/ Employee being a team is a long forgotten memory. I mean folks were like family and worked for the common good of business and employees.

I feel like Buffet's "Pirate looks at Forty" - 'occupation being - occupation is not around anymore'.

My Resume'  basically sucks. It reflects somethings I did over and over forever. More recent it reflects doing something while going to College. See I did some things in that other life that very few folks are aware of that happened in that business ( and similar)  We do not talk about it. It was how things were done before Express mail, FedEx or UPS even were around.  Not something one puts on a Resume'. All legit, just very private for security reasons.

I am giving serious thought as to finding someone in CIS/IT that will let me learn as I go along. Perhaps not a Cisco based curriculi. I mean once one gets out they are going to be taught how that company wants things done - observing standards and protocol of course, still the textbook is not real world all the time. I know that.

College is like making sure you can show up / log in on time for on-line classes, follow instructions, meet deadlines, and research stuff as need.  I guess if one can find a parking place, find the right bldg, or get logged into WebCt and all...well employer figures you can at least show up on time and flush the toliet.

A bit cynical perhaps, but kinda the way it seems. I had folks taking classes that worked with/ for me. Some stuff - like I do is to see if you can just hold onto sanity and deal with the stress. Has nothing to do with much else.

Yes I am looking to move. Not real comfortable with opportunities here. Everyone is selling out and not many new folks coming in.  I like this smaller college, like the instructors. Just evaluating the whole picture is all. Might be best to get past all this negative stuff that hit and have been trying to overcome [ID Theft for one] and just work and learn and worry about pcs of paper later.

One of them life things I guess.

Not wanting a big house, to be filthy rich, or big city. Just a small town, comfortable housing, an older truck that runs, and content.  

Oh well, back to IP addressing and figuring submasking I go...pre- final was fun, gotta work on weak areas.



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« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2005, 08:14:06 AM »
If I could make a living and not lay hands on another computer for the rest of my life I'd be the happiest guy on the planet.  IT work ain't all they make it out to be.



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« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2005, 09:56:15 AM »
You know, sm, I know several folks, my son being one, who live by doing odd jobs for older folks.  Painting, woodwork, tile, wallpaper, trades that usually have to be licensed for but do it anyway without (light plumbing elect etc), powerwashing etc.

You go around to senior centers, churches get a few jobs, do good work, don't rip folks off, and your name starts getting around.  Baby Boomers are the largest group of Americans.  They have the 2nd highest level of cash.  Their parents have the most $.  Old ones are dying off and the largest transfer of wealth from the wealthiest to the 2nd wealthiest is occuring RIGHT NOW.  the boomers would rather play with their toys and are looking for folks to do stuff for them.  The person who figgers out what the boomers HAVE to have, (and they can surely pay for it) and DELIVERS that HAVE to have, will be very prosperous and busy for the forseable future imho.

If I had handyman skills, that is what I would do.  My neighbor DougBob retired from an electrical utility, but he is also a handyman.  He has been busy for a year now, just by word of mouth.  We live in a recreational type area, lots of cottages, retirees (with $) etc.

My son has done all of the above but he is very skilled in installation of high tec fiber optic wiring (low voltage etc)  He is turning homes into Smart Homes.  That's the name of his business, by the way.  Smart Home Audio and Video.  Sound, Video, computer controlled homes, computer and phone wiring etc etc.  Rich folks like gadgets.  Rich Baby Boomers want the gadgets and can pay.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2005, 01:46:42 PM »

My cousin and I did handyman type work for about a year when I was taking a break from life in my early 20s.  Once we got rolling, we had to turn away jobs.  Took about 2 months to where we had work almost every day.  I had quite a bit of money in the bank then IIRC.  My FIL says I should start it up again when my wife and I move to NC.  If I can get a few minor health issues knocked out, I may just take his advice.



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« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2005, 02:08:15 PM »

Heh.  When I pick up a hammer, women and children run for cover.  Of course some of my helplessness is by design, refined by countless hours of grand oaths, broken lumber, shattered toilets and wallpaper cut off too short.  All I need to do is mention some job that requires tools and DougBob shows up within 5 minutes with a truck full of tools, beer, and mockery of my girlyman tendencies.  Of course I drink the beer as I sit in the lawn chair watching DougBob do all the work. Heh.  So, who's the dummy?
When in the kitchen with SWMBO, and there are eating utensils and cooking and preparation materials scattered around, all I have to do is pick up a fork and with a lost look on my face, ask "where does this go?"  That is always followed by "Get out of my kitchen, go read your paper or talk to those damn fools about guns again".
When you get to NC, give me a call.  I think I have Foreman in my genetic makeup. heh.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2005, 02:47:05 PM »
Well, here's a question for all you handy folks: Tonight, there is water in my basement. I hadn't used the washer for 4 days, so its not that. The area around the sump pump is not wet. There are no leaks from the outside that I can determine. The hot water heater seems to be fine as does the water softener.

The only place there is water is around the furnace and the one little water line doohickey appears to be in tact and tucked where its supposed to be tucked.

So why is there water in my basement?


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« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2005, 03:09:35 PM »
If you have a high efficiency furnace, there is a water line that disposes of excess condensation.  Usually furnace installers drill a hole in the basement floor and shove the line in there and the soil underneath absorbs the water.  After time the soil limes up with whatever metals/solids in the water and the soil is not porous anymore, so the water backs up onto your floor.  Take out the water line and jamb a metal rod down the hole and see if you can rile things up a bit.  Or run the hose to an actual floor drain.  Do you have an attached humidifier on the furnace.  Might be a problem with that as most of them are force fed water from the the water line and the humidifier may be shot or a water line to it or in it may be corroded.

If that is not the case, maybe the water drain line is broken off inside the furnace.  Take the removable panel off and look inside, see if you can trace the water line.  Do the same with the humidifier if you have one.   If you can't find anything obvious, maybe you'll hafta call the furnace guy.  Like I said, tool + grampster = chaos.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2005, 01:17:55 AM »
all I have to do is pick up a fork and with a lost look on my face, ask "where does this go?"  That is always followed by "Get out of my kitchen, go read your paper or talk to those damn fools about guns again".
HEYYYY, that works for me too! But only during cleanup or put the groceries away time.

Sorry sm, I have none of the answers you seek. Good on ya to get yourself back in school though. It ain't easy. I've tossed the idea of going back for a Masters  myself but have found that to stop what I AM doing to go to work in a college degree related field would result in a MAJOR cut in pay. Maybe when I retire...
Avoid cliches like the plague!

Bob F.

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« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2005, 04:41:46 PM »
Damn, I'd love to hit the lottery and start up a company. Lots of talent here, just not sure what we could do, but we'd do it well!!

Like some of y'all, my talents aren't necessarily where my education is.  Here comes tha grammer police!

Stay safe.
"I always have my primary weapon, it's right between my ears."


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« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2005, 05:09:40 PM »
Well, here's a question for all you handy folks: Tonight, there is water in my basement. I hadn't used the washer for 4 days, so its not that. The area around the sump pump is not wet. There are no leaks from the outside that I can determine. The hot water heater seems to be fine as does the water softener.

How old are the water lines on the washer?

 These hoses if they let go will flood a house, they tend to do so when gone for a day or, etc. Always a good idea to shut both the hot/cold water off where attaches if leaving for any lenghth of time. I forget how much pressure there is - it is a lot of water per hour.
 Sometimes, they leak a wee bit, beofre they let loose. Sometimes it is only the 10 cent washers playing out.

If can, new metal water lines are best.  For sure new gaskets for the hoses each year, replace the rubber hoses every 3 years.

