Author Topic: "I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"  (Read 3470 times)


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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« on: December 12, 2005, 03:11:38 PM »
Who takes that seriously? I'd like to take a look at the last two "don't wanna post this on the internet openly" things I remember:

#1: The concept of using the "Machine Gun" in .50 BMG as a way to ban the round.

#2: The idea that burglars actually use metal detectors.

I'm sure you people can name a bunch more. One of them I remember from Warriortalk rolleyes was a technique of using a flashlight to disorient people, which the poster insisted should only be taught to certified LEOs.

I can understand #1 as a "I don't want to post this openly (because people will laugh at me)", but #2?! Not all criminals are plumb stupid, much as most of the membership would like to believe.

If I were going to do some burglary, a metal detector to run along walls and floors would be high on the list- one of the really neat little ones from Edmund Scientific. Looks like a tiny radio. So would be inexpensive NVGs with an infra illuminator flashlight, a compact infrared remote thermometer, pair of in-the-ear hearing enhancers, OC spray or stungun for unexpected dogs, etc. Not to mention a cordless drill, glasscutter, and whatnot. OH NOES, I just may have given a potential burglar a list of useful tools! I better edit it out and say how I "shouldn't talk about that sort of thing openly". rolleyes

Point being, if someone is on the internet to the point of browsing a forum you use, and interested in doing something wrong, they've probably thought up, researched, and decided apon the tactic or item that you think is some kind of big secret. Geez.

So why do people do it? To impress people? To feel superior? To deprive decent people of knowledge that might be useful, on the tiny chance that someone is going to use that information for malicious purposes, but would not have known about it otherwise?


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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2005, 03:54:38 PM »
It makes them feel as if their words and knowledge have the weight to change the world. Subconsciously they know that not a word they say actually matters, but by saying such things they think it prevents others from realizing this.

Additionally, some people use it as a means of pretending to know something that they really dont. For example there is always the guy who knows some kind of "secret" technique for disarming an attacker. While he can tell you that he knows this, and that anyone who attacks him is in deep doo-doo, he cannot reveal the details of the technique lest the criminal element use it to run amok killing cops. This is the same guy that "used to be in the special forces" and did all these secret missions that he will tell you all about, but he cannot actually tell you what his MOS was because *that* is actually a "secret".

Art Eatman

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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2005, 04:46:07 PM »
#2?  Burglars using metal detectors?  The last thing a burglar has available is time.  That is, he's gotta go in, find whatever's easy, and get out.  ASAP.

Think about MO:  A pro will open a chest of drawers bottom drawer first.  He saves the bit of time needed to close drawers.  Amateurs work from the top down, dumping stuff on the floor and waste time looking through the debris.

Sure, if a burglar knows of a hidden safe, and knows the occupants will be gone for a lengthy period, he might use a metal detector.  But, as implied above, some burglars are not only pros but are highly competent at their work...

The American Indians learned what happens when you don't control immigration.

Art Eatman

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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2005, 07:21:10 PM »
I've no way of knowing, but the second group is probably an extremely small percentage of the total...

The American Indians learned what happens when you don't control immigration.


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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2005, 08:21:29 PM »
I probably shouldn't be talking about this, but I'm fairly certain I'm being surveilled by ex-specops operators who defected from SEELE TEAM 7.53.

They're out to get my hand-painted AD&D figures, and will stop at nothing until they have them in their gore-tex clad hands of evil.
Your secretary is not a graphic designer, and Microsoft Word is not adequate for print design.

Brian Williams

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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2005, 02:49:04 AM »
I suppose i should not say this in an open forum but I am what I am and I done what I done...grin

Art Eatman

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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2005, 04:04:12 AM »
Aw, Brian, you prob'ly didn't do it, but don't do it again, okay?

Say, don't post anything about how you can change the computer program in a car, okay?  And nothing about radar jammers, either.

Smiley, Art
The American Indians learned what happens when you don't control immigration.

Brian Williams

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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2005, 05:16:14 AM »
What about microwave jammers?Huh?
or changing the program in my VCR???

and I did not put the Pop-tart in the microwave with the wrapper on.


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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2005, 05:23:39 AM »
When people act like something they post on the 'net is going to get hunted down by burglars.  Yeah, every meth-addict thief reads THR so they know your defensive plan and that you own enough guns to start a war.....

 The price of a lottery ticket seems to be the maximum most folks are willing to risk toward the dream of becoming a one-percenter. “Robert Hollis”


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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2005, 05:24:59 AM »
Deleted by me.

El Tejon

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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2005, 06:19:27 AM »
A burglar with the mental firepower to operate a metal detector?!?!

This guy I have to meet.Cheesy

Justin, just because you are paranoid doesn't mean that SEEL Team 37.5 isn't out to get you!
I do not smoke pot, wear Wookie suits, live in my mom's basement, collect unemployment checks or eat Cheetoes, therefore I am not a Ron Paul voter.

Brian Williams

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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2005, 09:20:09 AM »
It was good and showed that I really did not do it Steve did it, so blame him....


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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2005, 12:40:47 PM »
Deleted by me.

Last edited by sm (Today 03:41:18)
Absolutely sublime.
Your secretary is not a graphic designer, and Microsoft Word is not adequate for print design.


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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2005, 12:49:29 PM »
Well...just keep  it to yourself. If you have lost my email, just PM me thru THR.


'In another life" as they say, I was one whom did things not talked about in a Legit business. Just how business was done. We did not have 911, FedEx, or UPS.  Actually I am still careful about some matters because some think I  still do that other life. There is that part about me knowing stuff and it not being shared.

Yeah, metal detectors are useful for some matters.

See in that other life, we just did what we did. We did not know about Team SEEL, Mall Ninjas, or even what a ninja roll was...awareness and not being Prey was the Rule of the day. Hence the reason many times I get Chided about firearms, equipment and such. We didn't have some of this stuff...even if we did we would not use it.  Low Profile means Low Profile.  Software not Hardware.

Put it this way, sometimes an obvious secure something such as a safe - was a decoy. I mean I had a tow truck back into a storefront and the whole safe taken...
Not going to say where the good stuff was - but it was NOT in that safe.

I learned this lesson the hard time before a safe was taken and ~ $750K  worth of goods was in that safe...

Same as the time all the folks at gunpoint were marched into a walk-in vault, the small amount goods taken and employees locked in the safe. Bulk of valuables were not in the walk-in vault. On purpose.

Oxygen tanks were  added to many walk- in vaults real darn fast after that "incident" - trust me.

May explain why I think out of the box as much as I do.  How I was taught.
Do not look like a BG or a dumb plain looking J.Q. Public.
Same applies to where valuables are kept - how easy to determine where they are kept.

It is true when we got the word the BGS were in the Bldg, I tossed $250k worth of goods into the trash can, added more trash on top of it.
BGs were halted, when the LEOs and our EP guys ran in...and the owner asked where the package was...I dumped the trash can onto the floor and picked thru and found it all.

Owner was totally shocked, he was pissed and going off on me in Yiddish.  The EPs and LEO, standing there with  Black Evil Guns..." I damn sure would have not looked into that mess for the goods...

If the BGS had made it to us...and yes they were armed. Been kind of stupid to have had these in the one visisble safe. Time did not allow me to take to the hidden one. I was too busy tossing, covering up, and getting below the steel plates ( hidden in the decor) with a shotgun in hand out of sight.

Ah yes...that other life - some interesting times for sure.


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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2005, 05:54:12 PM »
Some political discussions need to stay very private.  The anti-gunners monitor places like THR like hawks.

Confidentiality issues can arise, as is happening on this thread:


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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2005, 10:20:42 PM »
When people act like something they post on the 'net is going to get hunted down by burglars.  Yeah, every meth-addict thief reads THR so they know your defensive plan and that you own enough guns to start a war.....
Noone says that the crackhead has to be a mastermind behind a theft. I found this on another site, a guy had a website which not only listed a large number of unique and expensive guns, but also his email address that contained his full name, and if IIRC, it was apparant what state he lived in. He had a hot burgularly where the perps caught him unawares in broad daylight and demanded the safe combinations and a grocery list of guns.
"now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb" -Dark Helmet

"AK47's belong in the hands of soldiers mexican drug cartels"-
Barack Obama


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"I shouldn't talk about this on an open forum"
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2005, 01:04:27 AM »
Shoot, the guy had a website period. It'll have your contact info- and if it has phoney info, it can be de-listed from ICANN within 24 hours.
I'm just a computer dummy and I could figure out the guys home address in about 3 minutes. Sad
"now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb" -Dark Helmet

"AK47's belong in the hands of soldiers mexican drug cartels"-
Barack Obama