Author Topic: Matt Latimer Gets Taken To School  (Read 5695 times)


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Matt Latimer Gets Taken To School
« on: September 22, 2009, 01:46:48 PM »
Latimer was yet another GWB staffer (speech writer) who has written a kiss-n-tell book about his days in the White House.

He was hired and managed by William McGurn, who read Latimer's book and has some thing to say yo him...

When Speechwriters Kiss and Tell
A man I hired was not the star he thought he was.


When the sun rises over our capital city this morning, its denizens will awake to a truly novel tale: The aggrieved ex-staffer—wait for it!—disillusioned by Washington. The tome out today is by former Bush speechwriter Matt Latimer, who describes the White House as "less like Aaron Sorkin's The West Wing and more like The Office." In Mr. Latimer's hands, it reads more like "The Princess Diaries," full of hurt feelings and high-schoolish drama.

Like all kiss and tells, "Speechless: Tales of a White House Survivor" is thick with atmospherics intended to suggest the author's importance: a West Wing office, meetings in the Oval, rides on Air Force One, etc. Like most kiss and tells too, it's divided between heroes (Mr. Latimer and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld) and idiots (pretty much everyone else). And like so many kiss and tells, the tale of failure, foolishness and vanity it reveals is not necessarily the one the author intends.

As the senior staffer who brought Matt to the White House, let me start by adding some perspective. In a memoir that takes us from Matt's childhood in Michigan through all the morons and phonies he worked for in Washington, only Mr. Rumsfeld gets the full gush. Left unmentioned is that Matt is on Mr. Rumsfeld's payroll, working on the former Defense Secretary's memoirs. Not that Mr. Rumsfeld need fear. If this book is any guide, an employer will read how stupid Matt really thought he was only after he's no longer being paid.

In the same way, Matt neglects to mention that personnel took away his West Wing cubby when they needed space for someone more important. Or that he spent the next few weeks knocking on every door in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, looking for a room sufficiently grand to display his large and ever-expanding collection of framed testimonials to himself.

Ditto for Air Force One. Yes, he was on it, but not because he was important. To the contrary, I put him on it because he was failing. At one point in the book, he admits that he "never felt the connection" he was supposed to feel with the president. Bringing him into the Oval and getting him on Air Force One was a (losing) attempt on my part to get the president to warm up to him. These are distasteful things to have to say publicly about someone who once worked for you. And I would have taken them to the grave had Matt not used these props and the snippets of conversation he picked up to paint a highly distorted view of some very good people during some very tough times.

Nowhere is this clearer than in his account of putting together the address to the nation the president delivered last September during the financial crisis. Matt does capture the chaotic feel that surrounds any last-minute, high-stakes, prime-time speech. In his version most everyone—the president, economics adviser Keith Hennessey, counselor Ed Gillespie, etc.—comes across as a bumbling idiot.

I was gone by then, and had my own doubts about some of the solutions proposed. But I also knew Ed and Keith to be solid free-marketeers. And I had a better appreciation for the difficulties involved when I called Ed and he recounted a Roosevelt Room meeting that had led to the president's speech.

In that meeting, the Fed chairman and the Treasury secretary warned the president that if he didn't intervene, the global financial system was in danger of collapsing and America of plunging into another Great Depression. Certainly the decisions should be debated. But, Matt takes the cheap route, snarking about people struggling with those decisions while never explaining what he would have done differently.

As for how conservative President Bush was, this too is a legitimate argument that will continue for years. As conservatives debate, however, surely the hurt feelings of a speechwriter ought to be weighed against a record that includes turning around the war in Iraq, standing up for our intelligence officers, supporting our allies in Eastern Europe with missile defense, cutting taxes, concluding trade agreements, appointing good judges up and down the federal bench, and standing firm on the preciousness of human life—positions that brought down the derision and mockery of elites across our country.

In fairness, it's not all yucks. On the day Mr. Rumsfeld resigns, Matt recounts a scene in the Defense secretary's office. "You were my star," (emphasis in the original) he tells Matt. "And, uh, I probably never told you that." Right there in the secretary's office, Matt reports, "I started to cry.'"

Right there too we see Mr. Bush's greatest failing: Never did he look into young Matthew's moist eyes and tell him, "You are my star." If he only had we would have a very different book.


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Re: Matt Latimer Gets Taken To School
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2009, 04:14:21 PM »

Another nobody attempting to cash in by running down a Republican President? 

Do tell. :rolleyes: =D
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Re: Matt Latimer Gets Taken To School
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2009, 04:27:57 PM »
his book better sell. job hunting will be more challenging after this
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Re: Matt Latimer Gets Taken To School
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2009, 04:36:37 PM »
Who is William McGurn and why should we trust his opinion?
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Re: Matt Latimer Gets Taken To School
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2009, 05:20:26 PM »
Who is William McGurn and why should we trust his opinion?

Wiki gets the broad brush:
William McGurn was the chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush until February 8, 2008.[1] Formerly an executive with Newscorp, McGurn also served as the chief editorial writer with The Wall Street Journal. From 1992 to 1998 McGurn served as the senior editor of the Far Eastern Economic Review. Prior to this he was the Washington bureau chief of National Review. He now writes "Main Street" at the Wall Street Journal.

He also was Latimer's boss at the White House.


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Re: Matt Latimer Gets Taken To School
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2009, 05:22:11 PM »
Who is William McGurn and why should we trust his opinion?

He was Latimer's boss, and is a real journalist with considerable experience and a Wall Street Journal columnist who's earned the respect of a great many readers.
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Re: Matt Latimer Gets Taken To School
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2009, 05:25:33 PM »
Interesting read about Kay Bailey Hutchison, one of our Texas Senators and Gubernatorial candidate....and her "purse boys"......
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Re: Matt Latimer Gets Taken To School
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2009, 11:21:01 AM »
Considering all the "hit piece" books that came out during Bush's second term, I didn't need this editorial to guess that this book would not be too good.  It was a good editorial though.
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Re: Matt Latimer Gets Taken To School
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2009, 05:20:29 PM »
He also was Latimer's boss at the White House.

Isn't that a reason not to trust his opinion on the matter? Latimer wrote a book that makes McGurn's friends look bad, so it looks to me like McGurn decided to write something that makes Latimer look bad. It seems ridiculous for him to complain about how a book is filled with "hurt feelings and high-schoolish drama" when he's writing a piece full of it himself.
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Re: Matt Latimer Gets Taken To School
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2009, 05:48:24 PM »
Isn't that a reason not to trust his opinion on the matter?

No.  Besides, Latimer stands to make a tidy profit, if the book sells.  McGurn, not so much. 

Which parts of McGurn's letter strike you as "hurt feelings and high-schoolish drama"?

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Re: Matt Latimer Gets Taken To School
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2009, 06:46:40 PM »
Which parts of McGurn's letter strike you as "hurt feelings and high-schoolish drama"?

Oh, the beginning, the middle, the end and the headline?
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Re: Matt Latimer Gets Taken To School
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2009, 02:50:30 AM »
Here's a little bit of a transcript form a CNN program:

BLITZER: All right. Let's discuss what we just heard from Matt Latimer, the former speech writer for President Bush. Joining us now our senior political analyst Gloria Borger, a pair of CNN contributors, Democratic strategist Donna Brazile and national radio talk show host Bill Bennett. Gloria, let me start with you. It's not unusual for an insider to write a tell-all book.

GLORIA BORGER, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Yeah, this is just plain self-promotion. He said he wanted to be like a tape recorder. I think what he really wants to be a cash register. This is all about cashing in, and I want to know why did he stay in the Bush White House if he thought that he was surrounded by buffoons and incompetent people? I think this is nothing more than an effort to try and make money and promote himself in a way.

BLITZER: Bill Bennett, he does really suggest that a lot of the people who worked in the Bush White House were way over their heads. They weren't qualified to be there just because they were pals with the president, they got those jobs.

BILL BENNETT, NATIONAL RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Talk about way over your head. He's way over [his] head. That's the best job he'll have ever. The guy is a worm. He's a worm. He belongs under a rock next to Scott McClellan. This is so disgusting. I don't know if Don Rumsfeld knows what he's getting. I have been critical of the Bush administration, but I did not work for the George W. Bush administration. This kind of disloyalty is — you know, give me ten ultra liberal Paul Begalas for his integrity. [Latimer] needs to read his Dante. He probably hasn't read "The Inferno." The lowest circle of hell are for people who are disloyal in the way this guy is disloyal and the very lowest point Satan chews on their bodies. Maybe Scott McClellan will chew on this guy's leg in the after life. So creepy and so disgusting. Why waste 15 minutes on this guy?

BLITZER: Let me ask Donna. What are the ground results? You know a lot of people who have worked in Democratic White Houses and Republican White Houses. Sometimes these people come out and they write these books and others just hold it to themselves.

DONNA BRAZILE, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: You know, Wolf, I think when you have the opportunity and the privilege of working in the White House or on Capitol Hill, I think part of that job is to help protect the institution, and there are some things that are said in the room that should stay in the room and most professionals understand that. Clearly this young man had no bright lines. He was taking notes and hopefully wanted to cash out as Gloria says.


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Re: Matt Latimer Gets Taken To School
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2009, 04:26:00 PM »
This guy is on Cavuto's show right now.  What a weasel. 
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