If groups of people HSUS/PETA/et.al. were going through national forests out of during open season and harvesting loads stopping the hunting of deer, screwing up the populations, I doubt people here would have the same reaction.
These idiots are no different than the HSUS types that go into the woods banging pots, swooping on hunters with ultralights, and otherwise doing everything, regardless of legality, they can to interrupt hunting just becuase they don't like it.
Obviously the UN isn't going to do anything about this. The whalers are doing something illegal that the whole world frowns upon... the econuts are just trying to get attention to their cause and it seems to be working...
They are not doing anything illegal. They are, as previously pointed out, exploiting a loophole in a treaty. They could "unsign" and then do all the whaling they wanted without the pretense of research so long as they stayed in international waters. So what if the rest of the world frowns on it. If they don't like it they can levy sanctions or prevent Japanese ships from entering their terrortial waters.
can't say I feel bad for the Japanese poachers who get gassed/lasered/etc.
So you support the use of tacticts that could legitmately be charged as aggrivated assault at a minimum in most US courts? Just to stop an activity that is lawful because you find it somewhat distasteful?