Author Topic: Papal encyclical in part regarding intelligent design...  (Read 735 times)

K Frame

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Papal encyclical in part regarding intelligent design...
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2006, 01:28:25 PM »
I was digging around on the Vatican website trying to find the full text of the article.  It's actually an article in the Vatican newspaper L'osservatore Romano.  

I guess his first encyclical won't be until January 25.  I'm very interested to see if ID is addressed there.


VATICAN CITY, JAN 18, 2006 (VIS) - During today's general audience, Benedict XVI announced that his first Encyclical, the title of which is "Deus Caritas est," will made public on January 25. The official presentation of the document will take place in the Holy See Press Office at midday on the same day.

Explaining the contents of the document, the Pope said that "love today often appears as something far removed from Church teaching." Yet "It is a single movement that has various dimensions."

"Charity," the Holy Father went on, "is the love that renounces itself in favor of others. 'Eros' becomes 'agape' if one seeks the good of others, it becomes 'caritas' if it opens to one's own family and to the entire human family."

The Pope affirmed that his Encyclical "seeks to show that the very personal act of love must be expressed within the Church also as an organizational act. If it is true that the Church is an expression of God, it must be true that love becomes an ecclesial act."

"I feel it is a sign of Providence that the Encyclical will be published on January 25, the final day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, when I will go to the basilica of St. Paul's Outside-the-Walls, to pray together with our Protestant and Orthodox brethren."

Benedict XVI concluded his remarks by expressing the hope that the forthcoming document may "illuminate our Christian life."
.../ENCYCLICAL/... VIS 060118 (250)
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