Hey, old people:
Bite me.
I'm tired of hearing about your "fixed income." Get off the TV with your complaints of "fixed incomes."
Guess what: I'm on a fixed income, too! You think I can just invent money? Heck no, if I want more money than what I actually have, I have to do one of several things...
1. Borrow it
2. Work more
3. Invest the little I have into creating more money, with the risk of losing money
4. Get by without it
Do you think I just assume I will make more money next year, and the year after, and the year after? Heck, no!
In fact, you're on less of a "fixed income" than I am! You've got social security, medicare, pensions and/or investments you've made. Supposedly, you can survive (and probably do much better than just survive) without working an hour all week.
You think I can do that?
Then, to top it all off, if you want more income available, take your skills and/or capital resources and invest them into a revenue stream.
My skills and capital resources are less than that of old people.
If you have no skills or capital resources and are an old person, you can still be a door greeter at WalMart (or similar job). You still get your ss, medicare, pension, investments... and somewhere between $7 and $10 an hour to just stand and smile at people for however many hours a week you are willing to ACTUALLY WORK.
(This rant inspired by a "screenvision" commercial at the movie theater last night prior to the movie, with a bunch of old medicare/ss recipients whining about cost of health care and being on a fixed income.)