Author Topic: Harley Evolution Engine Life  (Read 40004 times)


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Harley Evolution Engine Life
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2006, 04:01:19 PM »
I can't believe I found this thread so late.


Cruisers are weaksauce (no offense to cruiser owners).  If you want to get something that handles as well as a shopping cart get a mid 1980's ford taurus.  You're young, get a fun bike.  Don't limit yourself to a 636.  Evaluate what you want out of a bike and how much you want to spend.  The second tier sports bikes like the ZZR, the yzf600R, the F4i, all have far inferior suspension and brakes to a modern supersport.  Even if you don't "need" the capability, I'd recommend getting a minty used condition 2003-2004 supersport over a new second-tier bike.  

Why are your insurance rates so high?  I'm 24, for me liab/comp/theft on my 2003 SV650S and my 1989 GS500 was 444 dollars a year.  Me thinks you need to shop around.  if you are 25, I hear state farm has great rates.  

Also consider going to a track school that lets you rent a bike (such as penguin, STAR, california superbike, etc.), by improving your skills even at a sedate pace your "skill reserve" will large in case you have to deal with the unexpected, DY crosser, bad pavement, no traction, etc.


PS I'm going to star school in april probably

PPS I got my acceptance letter from krannert for 2006.  Not sure wear I'm going though.

...has left the building.

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Harley Evolution Engine Life
« Reply #51 on: January 25, 2006, 09:45:53 AM »
CDN and Smith- I think I may have to wait until spring because I don't know if I will have the disposable scratch to buy outright. I may still finance depending on a few factors come spring/early summer.

atek3- CONGRATS! If you come to Purdue that would rock. You already have someone here to shoot and ride with. lol@the Harley story.

I think my rates are so high because I'm ultra high risk with one speeding ticket and a 5mph fender bender. I say that tongue in cheek because I didn't expect such minor infractions to have such a large impact on my insurance rates. I'll be 25 in November. I can't get the 636 out of my head. IMHO it is the best looking sportbike of all time.


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Harley Evolution Engine Life
« Reply #52 on: January 25, 2006, 02:10:38 PM »
Sucks re: the insurance thing.  I've never reported an accident or left a speeding ticket on my record.  Every 'incident' I paid out of pocket and every ticket I either had a lawyer fix, or went to traffic school to keep it off the record.  A couple of weeks ago however I got a bad speeding ticket 62 in a 35...with laser, it'll be a toughy to have dealt with, I may have to bite the bullet and go to school, but that is still way BS.

Granted the 636 looks super ill.  It might be wise to weight until november, a) so you can get lower insurance rates and b) so you can save a fortune buying a 636 when it is raining/snowing/cloudy.  If I were in your shoes I'd be taking the two-fiddy to the track to work on your cornering skills, preferably at a track school.  Then when you get the 636 in the fall you can be as safe or as hooliganish as you desire.

Purdue is a good school but whether I go is contingent on the acceptance/financial aid packages offered by other schools.  I'm pretty confident about my admission chances at Tuck, but Hanover, NH is 90 minutes from EVERYWHERE, shooting, cities, civilization.  I'm not sure I could do a 3 hour round trip just to hit an IPSC match, and IPSC is way cool. OTOH you're also 90 minutes from Loudon International Raceway Smiley



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Harley Evolution Engine Life
« Reply #53 on: January 25, 2006, 05:03:03 PM »
Dan, I'm the same way about the Honda 919, but it's not the right bike for me because of all the things it can't do well.  You need to find one that does both...makes you forsake your car day after day, AND does everything you need.


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Harley Evolution Engine Life
« Reply #54 on: January 25, 2006, 05:14:35 PM »
Quote from: Smith
Dan, I'm the same way about the Honda 919, but it's not the right bike for me because of all the things it can't do well.  You need to find one that does both...makes you forsake your car day after day, AND does everything you need.
double true.  I'm digging my SV650S.  It's not the prettiest, the fastest, or the most comfortable, but it does everything well enough.  With minor modifications it is good for the track, twisties, commuting, and in a pinch sport-touring.
