Author Topic: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?  (Read 55349 times)


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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #50 on: April 26, 2010, 06:29:19 PM »
That goes into LEO quality and local laws.  I'd really hope the LEO taking the call gives and 'And?'  Would you throw a hissy fit about being asked if you have a permit?

I'd probably reserve the hissy fit for later, but if a police officer approaches me for no reason and asks me for identification, my first response is likely to be, "Why? Have I done something wrong?" What transpires after that would determine the need for a hissy fit.

You are an attorney, Ned, or almost. Remember Terry vs. Ohio? What did the Supreme Court decide were the minimum criteria for a police officer to conduct an investigatory interview? There must be a reasonable suspicion based on clearly articulable facts that a crime has been committed, is being committed, or is about to be committed.

So you have a person in a public park on a sunny day with scores of people around, and he has a camera. How can any reasonable person contort that into a reasonable suspicion that a crime is being committed? What are the "clearly articulable facts"? He has a camera? Whoops -- cameras aren't illegal. Now what? Ohmigawd, he's ... he's ... he's TAKING PICTURES! Hmmm ... taking pictures isn't a crime, either.

Now what? If an officer approaches Mr. Photographer and Mr. Photographer isn't in a talkative mood, he can legally just get up and walk away. Of course, police officers don't take kindly to being ignored, so Officer Friendly would probably then escalate things, probably leading to a violation of Mr. Photographer's civil rights.

And things would continue downhill from there.

But, yeah ... go ahead and call the cops when you see someone with a camera. It's for the children.
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #51 on: April 26, 2010, 06:33:18 PM »
But, yeah ... go ahead and call the cops when you see someone with a camera. It's for the children.

bit of a stretch from what was posted isn't it? from seeing someone taking pics of my kids who won't stop when i asked him to "see someone with a camera call the cops?
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #52 on: April 26, 2010, 06:35:29 PM »
Actually, when I am out taking pictures of the mountains, etc., I would really appreciate it if you could stay out of the shot.  I am not that good enough with Photoshop to be able to remove people, although I am told it can be done. 
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #53 on: April 26, 2010, 07:17:55 PM »
There seems to be a bit of scenario drift.

The discussed situation was a photographer taking pictures of children who refused to stop or to explain themselves in a satisfactory manner.  A concerned parent informing a LEO of that suspicious person. 

A Terry stop [as taught to me] is a 'freezing' of the situation.  There isn't enough reasonable suspicion for an arrest, but by golly, frisking the guy is just a good idea.  While they are out there, I don't know any LEOs that jump right ahead to frisking folks before saying 'hi.' 

If the suspicious person readily identifies themselves and basically laughs it off, whats the worry?  If they spot the LEO and try to evade him and are otherwise super furtive and suspicious, well, I see nothing wrong with a Terry Stop.  If you act suspicious, its just plain reasonable for people to be suspicious of you. 

LEO are folks too.  There is nothing wrong with them observing what is going around.  I know I want my LEO to stroll round the park and be engaged with the community.  Its an unhealthy environment when all engagements with LEOs are seen as hostile confrontations.  I don't think I'd want to take my children to that park.   =D
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #54 on: April 26, 2010, 07:36:57 PM »
Crap!  I was gonna go and start a diatribe about escalating from generalized suspicion/concern to reasonable suspicion/circle the wagons to violate their civil rights and cut off their heads.

But then I thought about it and realized that most of you are responding like a bunch of liberal weenies - it's all about how you FEEL.  And, strange as it seems to me, most of you are feeling that this subject is ickky enough to warrant some over-reaction.

Caution is never inappropriate, and many times the only way caution can be allayed is by "checking things out".  But it does not need to be a hostile confrontation with the involvement of the cops, or unslinging your discreetly-carried AR-47/AK-15 revolver of semi-automatic destruction or the calling of the cops as the initial response.  And if you do want/feel the need for the cops to show up on the scene how about hiving them something to go on besides "I feel all Spidey-tingly"?  Articulate that hunch based on training and experience that falls just short of RAS/PC but makes you want someone to do a Terry stop in spite of the fact that SCOTUS has said Chester the Molester can walk away from the approaching cop (at any speed chosen) without that action being sufficient cause to escalate a Terry stop into a full-blown detention.

Either that or just be such an obvious witness that you would drive away even the most determined lurker.

OK, I just realized I've finished the diatribe I was not going to start.  Thank you for your time and attention.

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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #55 on: April 26, 2010, 08:30:35 PM »
Does anybody even bother to teach it anymore?  I occasionally fish in the park, and I have to find places that are hard to get to just to cut down on the number of unattended small children wandering over to talk to me.  I may not look as socially unacceptable as some of you guys, but I can generally scare off the beggars in a parking lot.

Some of us do.  A friend of mine asked me to show his younger sister and parents just how dangerous the internet can be.  Thats a story for another time.
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #56 on: April 26, 2010, 08:41:25 PM »

Does anyone have access to current statistics on who the abusers are?  Strangers or people the kids know or parent know?  I thought I have heard it was the people they know more often, but I can't remember.

Let me say it again: unless a you've known a person since your child was an infant (at least), that person will start out as a stranger to your child. "Grooming" is something pedophiles do to gain access: by the time they're actually transgressing, they're often considered a friend of the family...

I'd probably reserve the hissy fit for later, but if a police officer approaches me for no reason and asks me for identification, my first response is likely to be, "Why? Have I done something wrong?" What transpires after that would determine the need for a hissy fit.

You are an attorney, Ned, or almost. Remember Terry vs. Ohio? What did the Supreme Court decide were the minimum criteria for a police officer to conduct an investigatory interview? There must be a reasonable suspicion based on clearly articulable facts that a crime has been committed, is being committed, or is about to be committed.

So you have a person in a public park on a sunny day with scores of people around, and he has a camera. How can any reasonable person contort that into a reasonable suspicion that a crime is being committed? What are the "clearly articulable facts"? He has a camera? Whoops -- cameras aren't illegal. Now what? Ohmigawd, he's ... he's ... he's TAKING PICTURES! Hmmm ... taking pictures isn't a crime, either.

Now what? If an officer approaches Mr. Photographer and Mr. Photographer isn't in a talkative mood, he can legally just get up and walk away. Of course, police officers don't take kindly to being ignored, so Officer Friendly would probably then escalate things, probably leading to a violation of Mr. Photographer's civil rights.

And things would continue downhill from there.

But, yeah ... go ahead and call the cops when you see someone with a camera. It's for the children.

Ok... you're saying that confronting said photographer is an over-reaction. Then lay out how the scenario WOULD continue, and going much further out to left field than I am by suggesting that someone taking pictures of kids MIGHT be a pedophile. Wow.

I REALLY want Monkeyleg or Oleg to weigh in on this one. I'm willing to bet that either of them, out taking pictures on a nice sunny day, would react fairly calmly if confronted by a concerned parent. I know *I* would, if confronted in such a manner. This being the digital age, I would also do my best to lay the parent's concerns to rest, by showing them the pictures I had taken, and deleting any that showed their child if they so desired.

You're demanding "civility" from everyone else, yet categorically stating that you will not act in a civil manner (And things would continue downhill from there.). Consistent much?
Caution is never inappropriate, and many times the only way caution can be allayed is by "checking things out".  But it does not need to be a hostile confrontation with the involvement of the cops, or unslinging your discreetly-carried AR-47/AK-15 revolver of semi-automatic destruction or the calling of the cops as the initial response.

Maybe the original scenario wasn't worded well. If *I* were the parent, I would approach the photographer, and ask what they were doing, as it seemed they were taking pictures of my child. I would explain that this makes me uncomfortable, and why.

I can see Oleg being so approached, getting a bit of a deer in the headlights look, then setting the parent's fears to rest. Most pedophiles would try, but would likely use many of the statements that have been made here ("there's nothing against the law about taking pictures!" "Are you saying I'm a pedophile?" etc). Such a person would also likely back off and move away from the confrontation if they made no headway.

Would I right away call the police? Would depend on a LOT of factors. But I DO know that, were *I* the one approached, there wouldn't be any escalation on my part...
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #57 on: April 26, 2010, 08:57:40 PM »
Let me say it again: unless a you've known a person since your child was an infant (at least), that person will start out as a stranger to your child. "Grooming" is something pedophiles do to gain access: by the time they're actually transgressing, they're often considered a friend of the family...

Can you translate that into English, for those who don't speak BACA?
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #58 on: April 26, 2010, 09:01:51 PM »
Can you translate that into English, for those who don't speak BACA?
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #59 on: April 26, 2010, 09:07:38 PM »

That should explain what I mean by "grooming"...

The rest is fairly straight-forward, but let me break it down a bit...

"Stranger Danger" is something that has been kinda debunked by the statistics: there usually aren't guys in trenchcoats, lurking around arcades to lure kids with promises of candy/beer/porn/whatever. Unfortunately, that "debunking" has caused many parents to let their guard down...

A common technique is to befriend not just the child they wish to victimize, but the entire family. Pedophiles will spend a LOT of time, showing themselves as "great friends", always willing to lend a hand with whatever... especially when it comes to watching the kids. By the time actual abuse starts happening (and usually LONG before it's discovered by the parents), this person is now considered a "close friend", or even "adopted family".

So... if such a case was reported to the authorities, it would be a "family friend" as perp, NOT a "stranger".

No, I don't have any hard stats to back up this: I'm surmising from my experience. But I can see how this could VERY easily skew the statistics...

I think we've all had a "friend" who turned out to be bad news, one way or another. This is just an extreme case of "bad news"...
No Child Should Live In Fear

What was that about a pearl handled revolver and someone from New Orleans again?

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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #60 on: April 26, 2010, 09:12:39 PM »
OK, thanks. 
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #61 on: April 26, 2010, 09:13:18 PM »
Heck, we have an example in our own usual ouvre.

Most homicides aren't committed by "strangers", they are committed by someone the victim knows in one fashion or another.  Strangers just aren't likely in the normal course of business to get close enough to be able to (or want to) target any one individual.  It's statistically like being hit by lightning.

But once you start forming relationships you start creating vulnerabilities.  Predators, sexual or otherwise, look for those and/or deliberately create them.

"Not all unwise laws are unconstitutional laws, even where constitutional rights are potentially involved." - Eugene Volokh

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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #62 on: April 26, 2010, 09:41:15 PM »
A couple quotes from Strings article I found especially striking.

Little girls do not need to be dressed up like teenage rock stars, with make up and mini skirts and a come-hither look they don’t even understand (pedophiles later tell little girls like this it was their fault and use the defense that the child “wanted it” and was “sexually ready” because of the clothes and behavior mommy and daddy allowed).

A-freaking-men. The little kid "talent shows" make me want to throw the so-called parents who parade their kids around like a pedo-buffet into a wood chipper.

Little boys do not need to be raised to believe sex is a joke (it instills embarrassment when they are sexually abused, resulting in fewer boys coming forward than there actually are, leading to further abuse as an adult).

When a 13 y/o girl is raped by a male teacher it's made into a crappy tv movie about how horrible it is. When a 13 y/o boy is raped by a female teacher late night talk shows make jokes about it.
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #63 on: April 26, 2010, 09:58:05 PM »
"Stranger Danger" is something that has been kinda debunked by the statistics: there usually aren't guys in trenchcoats, lurking around arcades to lure kids with promises of candy/beer/porn/whatever. Unfortunately, that "debunking" has caused many parents to let their guard down...

No, it can be your neighbor and his "boyfriends" lurking behind the haystack at 5.30am when your teenage daughters are out feeding their ponies  :mad:
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #64 on: April 26, 2010, 09:59:28 PM »
No, it can be your neighbor and his "boyfriends" lurking behind the haystack at 5.30am when your teenage daughters are out feeding their ponies  :mad:

yotes gotta eat.... >:D
It is much more powerful to seek Truth for one's self.  Seeing and hearing that others seem to have found it can be a motivation.  With me, I was drawn because of much error and bad judgment on my part. Confronting one's own errors and bad judgment is a very life altering situation.  Confronting the errors and bad judgment of others is usually hypocrisy.

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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #65 on: April 26, 2010, 10:03:09 PM »

yotes gotta eat.... >:D

Don't think I didn't think about that  ;)

I spent the next four months trying to catch them at it again.  :police:

Sucks to have to clear your yard every morning before your womenfolk can go outside  :mad:
Freedom is a heavy load, a great and strange burden for the spirit to undertake. It is not easy. It is not a gift given, but a choice made, and the choice may be a hard one. The road goes upward toward the light; but the laden traveller may never reach the end of it.  - Ursula Le Guin


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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #66 on: April 26, 2010, 10:05:08 PM »
Or just provide overwatch and let your (heavily armed) womenfolk clear the yard.  >:D
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #67 on: April 26, 2010, 11:11:42 PM »
Balog wins one internetz
No Child Should Live In Fear

What was that about a pearl handled revolver and someone from New Orleans again?

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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #68 on: April 26, 2010, 11:13:00 PM »
Or just provide overwatch and let your (heavily armed) womenfolk clear the yard.  >:D

I like the way you think, Balog.
Snohomish County, WA  USA

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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #69 on: April 27, 2010, 01:41:51 AM »
"Daddy, do I have to?"
"For the last time, YES."
"But I hate that thing!"
"Honey, you know the new rule--armed at all times."
"But why that puky green P32?  Why can't I use the pink one?"
*sigh* "Because your sister's already got it, and she's out on a date.  Besides, hopefully nobody will even have to see it."
"FINE."  =( "But I get the pink one next time, right?"
"I promise, cupcake."

/dad goes up to the second-floor office window and picks up his daughter's Hello Kitty CAV-15 with an ACOG that she "grew out of," glances out the window occasionally to check if she's okay, and logs back onto APS

"The chances of finding out what's really going on are so remote, the only thing to do is hang the sense of it and keep yourself occupied. I'd far rather be happy than right any day."
"And are you?"
"No, that's where it all falls apart I'm afraid. Pity, it sounds like quite a nice lifestyle otherwise."
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #70 on: April 27, 2010, 01:45:58 AM »
I'm probably a little weird, but on the very short list of things that were absolute deal breakers for me when looking for a spouse was "unwilling to get a carry permit and go armed at all times." And (a part) of the reason we're so dedicated to home schooling is that self defense, situational awareness, and firearms handling are all acceptable "classes."  =)
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #71 on: April 27, 2010, 03:55:03 AM »
The discussed situation was a photographer taking pictures of children who refused to stop or to explain themselves in a satisfactory manner.  A concerned parent informing a LEO of that suspicious person.

Satisfactory explanation to whom?  A stranger in a public parks owes you an explanation about his activities?  And what if, such as in the scenario, he says he's taking pictures of wildlife and such?  What do you do then?

If you are going to escalate a situation beyond just asking and accepting the answer, you need something other than "I didn't like his answer" or "he made me feel uncomfortable".  The answer to all of this was said on the first page.  If other people acting lawfully in public is enough to make you feel uncomfortable, it would be best to remove yourself and your children from that public place.  But the onus is on you to make yourself feel better, not the stranger.  No one is obligated to alter their lawful public behavior to fit your emotions.


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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #72 on: April 27, 2010, 04:25:08 AM »
Taking pics of someone's child in public is legal. Reporting that suspicious behaviour to the cops is also legal. But one of these legal activities is apparently sacrosanct, and the other a trampling of the Constitution and civil rights.

If you came home late at night and saw a stranger forcing his way into your neighbor's house, would it be a trampling of civil rights to call the cops? After all, it could easily just be one of the teens in the house sneaking a boyfriend in, right? How dare you report people acting suspiciously to the cops, you Quisling!!! :rolleyes:

But I guess if one is so maladjusted that a polite question concerning your suspicious behaviour must be answered with a rude insistence that you're breaking no laws I could see why you'd view normal human interaction unfavourably.
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #73 on: April 27, 2010, 04:32:20 AM »
If you came home late at night and saw a stranger forcing his way into your neighbor's house, would it be a trampling of civil rights to call the cops? After all, it could easily just be one of the teens in the house sneaking a boyfriend in, right? How dare you report people acting suspiciously to the cops, you Quisling!!!

Strawman argument - the first example, that of calling the police because someone is making you uncomfortable, is far different than the second example, where you are viewing a crime in progress.
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Re: Alice Day: when did pedophiles get a holiday?
« Reply #74 on: April 27, 2010, 09:21:01 AM »
But I guess if one is so maladjusted that a polite question concerning your suspicious behaviour must be answered with a rude insistence that you're breaking no laws I could see why you'd view normal human interaction unfavourably.

How polite is it when you and every other busybody in the park take turns demanding an explanation of perfectly legal activity?