Author Topic: Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?  (Read 9524 times)


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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2005, 03:17:06 PM »
I've seen from up-close what can happen when depression is ignored or written off as something else.  An old friend of mine has major, major anxiety problems.  One of the main problems that led to her first (of many) suicide attempt was that she was so afraid of telling her parents or even her friends what was going on...  Major fear of being judged, of thought of as weird, of getting looks for taking medication, etc.

A lot of the time talking to parents or friends isn't an option because they're part of the problem or wouldn't understand.  Comments like "just go out to the park and meet people!" are even worse, because they betray the trust the person had in you to ask for help.

Find a qualified third party you can talk to.  For some, that means a priest; if that's not an option, find a therapist.

Good luck.


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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2005, 02:20:59 PM »
Vodka7, absolutely spot on.

For those who haven't been through major depression or anxiety, it's impossible to explain. People will either shun you or tell you to just "cheer up." My boss, my co-workers, and even my wife didn't understand. One anxiety attack was so bad that the bed shook, and audibly.

After having the chains of depression/anxiety on my shoulders for so many years, it's impossible to put into words how great it felt to be free again.

There are people I know who've now gone most of their lives suffering from depression and anxiety, but refuse to acknowledge it. Their lives are still controlled by the problem.

On a day many, many years ago, I felt the anxiety attack coming on when I was driving on the interstate. By this time I knew, from counseling, just what was going on. And I told myself, "I know what this is, I know why it's happening, and I refuse to give in."

After that, it was a new life. Taking motorcycle trips alone all over the country. Standing on the cliffs at Big Sur or on top of the world at Glacier Park. Walking out of a meeting with clients with most of the deal that I wanted. Opening my own business.

None of this would have been possible without recognizing that there was a problem and getting help.

Quintin, maybe your depression is temporary. Maybe not. But don't let yourself live forever with it.


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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2005, 03:33:14 PM »
Monkeyleg,  This is off topic a bit, but didn't you have a post on the RT at THR about starting your new biz, and were asking for tips?  Sounds like it's working ?  IIRC?
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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2005, 08:34:34 PM »

I'm 23 also.  When I was younger, I had depression.  Being the weird kid I was, I checked out a bunch of books on the subject and read them all.  Cover to cover.  A lot of them recommended pills.  I dislike mind altering drugs, legal or illegal.  After meditating on the subject for a while, I figured out that it was probably a combination of the chemical aspect of my brain as well as the psychological.  I was having a rough time at life, and found ways to cope.  My medicine was reading.  I love reading, and that's what got me through my childhood.

This is how I coped.  You have to find your own form of therapy.  Maybe it's seeing a shrink or a therapist, maybe it's pills, maybe it's simply finding a better job or some relaxing hobby.

Joined the Army.  Did some stuff, saw parts of the world.  Was highly respected for my technical abilities.  Got plenty of medals.  Now I'm getting out in December.  I've seen the worse aspects of "the real world", they made me a bitter and cynical person.   Transitioning hasn't been easy for me, due to circumstances.  One of those circumstances is wondering if I'll be sent off to Iraq while I'm counting down the days.  I've been shot once, and do not look forward to the chance of being shot again.  If I go, I go.  If I die, I die.  The uncertainity aspect is what bothers me the most.

I should be dead.  There are many times when I should have died.  There have been times when others died, and I wondered why them and not I?  Divine intervention?  Or the more likely, sad reason, "stuff happens".

One day at a time.  Best of luck.
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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2005, 01:54:15 PM »
Grampster, yes, I've started another business in the last year. The one I was referring to, though, was one I started in the mid-eighties.

RevDisk, you've been through a lot. Keep in mind that scores of millions of Americans are eternally grateful to you for what you've done, and what you may have to do.


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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2005, 02:49:32 AM »
Depression is a tough subject because, in the English language, we use the same word to describe two totally different phenomena:  
--one is a chemical imbalance in the brain
--one is a dissatisfaction with circumstances

Each has very similar symptoms yet very different causes and treatments.  

I had a wife with clinical depression.  It was very frustrating because the docs just wanted to prescribe pill after pill, on the basis of 30 mins in the drs. office.  No investigation of the root cause of the problem.


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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2005, 11:26:50 AM »
Depression is just a normal part of life. And that's because life sucks...generally speaking. It's a cruel, nasty world where jack booted tyrants would try to take our guns. And steal our women and rape our sheep. Oh wait that last part is Blazing Saddles, nevermind.

Look we all have demons. Some are open about it, many don't like to talk about it. And some are whiners looking for sympathy. (Which I say good for you, if there's a cute chick around).

I myself am a born again Christian. So I turn to the bible. I also believe "chemical imbalance", and "attention deficit disorder" and "bi-polar" and all that kind of stuff is not just merely the physical. The spirtual level has so many fingers into our lives, and it's unseen. Just because it's unseen does not make it any less real. So I would like to say I disagree with the pill popping of so many. It's a dangerous thing we play with. At what? THe so called expertise of doctors.

I think most people use escapism to get away from their problems. Which is only logical. So I'll guess I'll offer you my solace. Have you believed in the Lord Jesus Christ yet?

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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2005, 10:47:24 AM »
Standing Wolf,

"I've known an assortment of people who've tried various anti-depressants. Not a single one found relief that way."

Pity you and I have never met, then.

Zoloft saved my life.



It's obvious that you're one of the few who truly understands.
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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2005, 03:58:39 PM »
Just as the body is often born less than perfect, I believe the mind is also.  Not to lecture but life is seems (and sometimes is) more of a struggle for some people.  Their is no shame or dishonor in seeking to gain an equal balance in your outlook, who knows...seeking help may be the wisest and most rewarding action some have ever taken.
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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #34 on: March 29, 2005, 01:17:07 PM »
I'm 29.  2 years ago, I was diagnosed with major clinical depression.  Basically, for more than 15 years I hadn't been able to hope in life, or find anything worth loving about myself.  The people who loved me tried very hard, and for very long...

Well, I had to make a choice.  I spent a year trying on my own to get better in my depression, and it wasn't working.  I had wonderful, fantastic friends, pretty dedicated therapists, loving parents, and a pair of fantastic pastors supporting me, but it still wasn't enough.

I hated the idea of taking meds for depression.  At the time, it seemed to me that I would rather die than give up the right to "feel" for myself.  I thought that any improvement on meds would just be a chemical lie.

But some of you from THR will remember my picture of the two people I love the most.  And they wanted me to stay alive.  So...  Because I loved them too much to let them down or lose them, I decided to give medicine a try.

At first, Zoloft was hell.  It was like walking around with cotton wadding in my head.  My sex drive disappeared.  I had really disturbing nightmares.  My depression actually got worse (as Slide Lock and PW can testify to).  But I found out that's not uncommon.  It turns out that we hold back things we can't deal with, and when the meds start working, a lot of the stuff we bury even in our depression comes to the surface.  But I stuck with it.  One of the reasons I love my friends so much is that they were a huge part of my motivation for making it through.

So... I toughed it out, and after a month or so, things started to get better.  The medications did NOT make my depression go away.  I've been on Zoloft for about 11 months now.  Again, it has NOT made my depression go away.  What it did, instead, was to ease the weight of my pains just enough for me to start working through the issues that caused me pain.

I wish I could give you a huge success story, but I'm still battling.  Taking meds has been part of me still being around.  But it's only a small part.  I would encourage you to re-read Phantom Warrior's post, because all of those things have also been in my life.  And without ALL of those things, I don't think I'd have made it.

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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #35 on: March 29, 2005, 04:34:44 PM »
Depression is a very mis-understood and untreated condition in this country.  My brother works for a hospice in Lexington and spoke about depression in the terminally ill.  Along the way, he quoted that 30% of the people in this country suffer from depression.  Only 10% of those get any treatment at all.  Of that 10% only half get adequate treatment.
THe original post sounded like the poster had a situational depression.  I would be depressed if I didnt feel like I was getting anywhere.  I think that is different from a true depression.  Change the situation and you change the depression.
I have had depressive anxiety for most of my life but usually it was a come and go sort of thing and I didnt think much about it.  Recently I have been having episodes of it.  Compared to what I hear from a lot of people the episodes are not bad bu they have been very painful for me.  The funny thing is that for me, life is great.  I really have everything I want and there a million people who would trade places with me tomorrow.  But I have this dull feeling like I am walking through jello.  Things are difficult to get done.  I cant focus or concentrate for very long.  I feel like I want to cry sometimes for no particular reason.  Why havent I called my doc on this?  I dunno.  Not bad enough I guess.
But comments about "overcoming" it or toughing it out show the person knows nothing about depression.  You wouldnt tell an insulin-dependant diabetic to tough it out without insulin, would you?  This is no different.
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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #36 on: March 29, 2005, 05:41:02 PM »
someone on slashdot had this to say about the popular antidepressant "effexor"

"Effexor"? Sounds like an antidepressant for h4x0rz.

Do you suffer from persistent feelings of of fux0r3dness?
Do you feel inexplicably pwn3d, more than 3 or 4 days a week, even though j00 r
teh 1337?
Does life just seem to sux0r?

You may be suffering from depression. It's a disease that fux0rs over (some
number) of people every year, just like yourself. Call your d0x0r, to r0x0r your
b0x0rz w17h 3FF3X0R!"



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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #37 on: March 30, 2005, 07:41:34 AM »

   As a man who has been on different antidepressants at different times, I can tell you that you are correct about AD not removing the underlying psychological causes of your depression.  But it sounds like the Zoloft is not an ideal fit for you.  Each of them affects different neurotransmitters.  Zoloft, IIRC, affects seratonin primarily.  Others, like Effexor and Lexapro (which I'm on now) also work on norepinephrine reuptake.  That can have a huge effect on anxiety.  I was on Effexor, too, at one time, and I can tell you that, like Lexapro, it does not hamper your sex drive-if anything, it increases it.

   Since you are no longer in a crisis situation, you should talk to your doctor about gradually changing your meds.  Maybe supplementing them (I've only been on the Lexapro for six weeks, and that was added to Paxil).  It doesn't have to be so difficult.

   Standing Wolf, please add me to the list of people whose life is better for these drugs.  They didn't just save my life-they allowed me to experience stability and joy, something every person should have the opportunity to experience.  Before the meds is like a different, more painful past life.  They haven't fixed anything, no.  But they've allowed me to play on an even field, instead of from the bottom of a pit.
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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #38 on: March 30, 2005, 11:23:53 AM »
To the originator of this thread -- I did not read the many replies, once I started seeing things like "go see a shrink".

You are NOT depressed.  You are bored.

Go take a risk for God's sake.
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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #39 on: March 31, 2005, 05:52:34 PM »
Quintin-- my prayers go out to you.  A bunch of us have suffered anywhere on the spectrum from non-specific feelings of dissatisfaction with life, to full-out, suicidal, bottom-of-the-dungeon depression.  Mine's been Chronic, low-grade for 30 years.  Spooky Pistolero had AMAZINGLY insightful antidotes, if yours runs on the milder side.
And yes, it's a GOOD thing to go talk to a professional counselor.  They can help decide if the meds are a good idea for you or not.

Monkeyleg, you and I have talked some before, and I appreciate the way you get up and fight the battle daily.  Thanks for your friendship.

...and finally,
Spooky-- a HUGE +1:
"I'm definitely an introvert and love 'me' time.

I noted that it happened whenever I started 'thinking inward' all the time. That is, thinking of me and my situation and not worrying about those around me. When I started making others my primary concern, things got much better.

You must laugh. Absolutely have to. Watch funny movies. Be around light-hearted people. I used to force myself to watch the Stooges until I at least cracked a smile. I keep movies like 'Dumb and Dumber' and 'Young Frankenstein' on hand for emergencies.

Get fresh air, breathe deeply, realize the positives of your life, think of what you could do to love others more and improve their day.

Enjoy a hobby. Shooting is obviously massive for most of us, and .22 plinking is a good therapist. I also smoke a pipe which works wonders.

Those are helpful things to me, I hope something was relevant for you. Best of luck, friends.


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Anyone taking anti depressants? Or dealing with depression?
« Reply #40 on: April 01, 2005, 06:11:54 AM »
I was on Prozac for 7 months. Only thing I can compare it to is getting a jump-start on your car. It helped me get out of a low, a little more concentration. That was 12 years ago. I dont know what your trade is but I find that doing something productive really helps me avert lows. I do woodworking, and golf although it makes me pissed sometimes. Hell I was your age too. Be active. Change things that you can see that might be enablers to depression.