Author Topic: Have to start looking for a new job...  (Read 1024 times)


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Have to start looking for a new job...
« on: February 08, 2006, 06:19:39 AM »
Okay wife and I are planning to move to Raleigh this summer so she can be near her sister and eventually her parents.  That means I have to start looking for a job.  I'm in Florida.  The job I need is in Raleigh.  That's problem #1.  My bigger issue, however, is the fact that I have never had to "interview" (in the traditional sense) for a job, ever.  Right out of high school I kept the job I had as an "after school job" and was promoted to assistant manager.  Stayed there for a few years.  Next job...general manager for a small company a friend owned.  That company sold to another guy whom I became good friends with and I stayed on.  Later on down the road, as business declined, he sold and recommended me for a job with the company I am currently with (he knew some people that knew some people--think Blockbuster founders).

It's now 19 years later and I am literally shitting a proverbial brick.  I'm in IT.  IT, as most of you know, is a a tough market--especially for someone with no college degree and no real professional certification.  All I really have is a great work ethic and 10 years of experience.  Most don't have that.  I took this job over 9 years ago and just kept working my way up into middle management and now I am pigeon-holed.  I have read all the "this is how you interview" stuff but that doesn't help me.  I guess I am just really concerned because it's more than just myself I have to be worried about now.  If I can't get a job, we can't move.  I need to sell our house but I need to make sure I have a job lined up first.

If I need to start a job in late July, when do I start looking/interviewing?  May?  Earlier?  My last resort will be a staffing company but it will probably mean a big pay cut if I do that (which I can deal with but would rather not).  Once I get in somewhere, I am 110% confident that I can make things happen but it's getting in the door that I am afraid of.

My brother-in-law is getting to know the IT manager at his office and has offered to try and get me an interview and put in a good word.  That'll go a long way--provided they need someone when I can take the job.

Anyway, just needed to vent and hopefully get some encouragement.



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Have to start looking for a new job...
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2006, 07:20:22 AM »
Start looking now.   They will ask you for a potential start in the interview, tell them your intended start date.

Temp services aren't necessarily bad.  Some employers use them as a try-before-you-buy for employees, buying out the contract if they like you.  Pays the bills in the meantime.


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Have to start looking for a new job...
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2006, 07:44:20 AM »
A couple ideas for you:

-On looking for work out of state:
Many employers seem to overlook out-of-state applicants, at least they'll call the local guys first.  In order to help there, I'd get a local phone number (at least they won't need to call you long-distance)- you can do that either through one of the online phone service providers (if you have broadband) or go down there and get a cell phone with a local number.  I'd also consider getting a PO box in the area you will move and having the mail forwarded to your home, or alternatively use your in-law's address on resumes (a home address and not a PO box would probably look better).  If none of these ideas are practical for you, don't worry- many people get out of state jobs without going through these steps all the time, it is just if you can do this it will be easier.

-On interviewing:
It isn't too big a deal, just try to relax.  For tips your best bet is to get professional coaching if you are worried.  The cheaper route, but very good (especially if you aren't too scared and need the reassurance of a one on one coach) is to get a couple books, or even check the advice found on some employment sites and the employment section of sites like Yahoo.

-On the lack of education/certifications:
First, experience is a good thing, stress your on the job accomplishments on your resume.  Showing real accomplishments on the job should look better to most employers than education, especially if it isn't an entry level position.  If you are worried, depending on your IT subfield there are quite a few certifications you can get pretty quickly, especially if you already know what you are doing.  If you basically know it already, you can be a MCSE, CCNA, CNA, etc. simply by taking and passing test (I only noted networking certifications since that is what I am more familiar with, there are similar certifications for other IT areas as I'm sure you know, and many simply involve passing a test to get them).  If you want a refresher, there are many training sites that have accellerated courses (sometimes just weeks or even days) for experienced professionals.

-When to start looking and other miscellaneous advice:
Start looking now.  A job search can take a week, or a year.  You don't know how long it will be so look now.  If you get something early, you can either try to negotiate a later starting date, or if they won't do a later date and it is a job you really want, maybe you can move early.

One thing you really should consider, especially with years of experience, is a recruiter.  They can help coach you on interviewing and resume writing.  Also, since you'll be moving to an area where you have no networking contacts, they have them.  I have a friend who is only 22, he only got his degree this year, and he's been in good jobs making good money (money that friends I have who are double his age don't make) for the past 3 years because he has used good recruiters.  He's also constantly turning down new job offers, once on some recruiters' radar they'll keep looking out for you.

If you don't get something before your deadline don't discount temp/staffing agencies.  I know nurses and lawyers who won't consider any other employment option (they like the flexibility).  Some pay decently, and it will help while you are getting acclimated to the new area.  Employers often use them as an extended interview, and you can use them to see what employers you like.  Some of the better agencies may give you resume and interview coaching as well.

Last, relax.  I know it seems scary, I know it is stressful, but you will survive it.  You are doing something that millions of people do all the time, some without any choice in the matter (layoffs).  You may even come out of it in a vastly improved financial situation.
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Have to start looking for a new job...
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2006, 08:42:01 AM »
Check your email, TarpleyG.


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Have to start looking for a new job...
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2006, 06:56:00 PM »
You might be perceived as lacking, but how about all these people who kept you on so long?  You must have some great references.

As for experience, you have had a lot of exposure to older systems and software.  In a state capita, you will encounter a lot of agencies who are ten or more years behind the latest proven systems.  you probably don't want to work for the gov, by there are companies who have to interface with the bureaucracies.

Finally, as the state capital, there will be a lot of non-profit organizations.  Find some you believe in and look them up.

People who can and want to work, usually do,  You will be fine.
If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic.


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Have to start looking for a new job...
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2006, 02:47:40 AM »
You must have some great references
References certainly aren't a problem.  I have made a great number of friends over the years at my current job and I have already spoken to them about personal references.

Finally, as the state capital, there will be a lot of non-profit organizations.  Find some you believe in and look them up.
My experience (or at least my intuition) tells me that these jobs usually lack in the $$$ department and while I would LOVE to have a job doing something that actually mattered, I have to put food on the table and a roof over our heads.  If something were out there that did that, I'd be all over it.



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Have to start looking for a new job...
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2006, 08:33:46 AM »
Start now and work it hard.  Finding a job will always take longer than expected.

A job search has three levels:  direct contacts, recruiters, advertisements.  Recruiters are very helpful and depending upon the job and company are local in their client base.  Get a resume worked up and get experienced eyes to rub on it.  

Recruiters are easy to come by. or or just google up "recruiters Raleigh"  Management Recruiters is pretty good and has branchs everywhere.  Find 3 or 4 to contact.  You'll send them your resume and they'll talk in order to clarify your situation.  You need to talk to several because they will address your situation in terms of their client base.  One point to remember.  A recruiter will not find you a job.  They will find their client an employee.  It may be you or it may not.  Their job is to satisfy the bill paying customer.

Internet sites like Monster are a good way to find out who is posting direct and who is using recruiters.  Go to Monster, pick out your profession, ID your geography and fire for effect.

Good luck!
"Men, it has been well said, think in herds. It will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."
- Charles Mackay, Scottish journalist, circa 1841

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it." - John Lennon