Author Topic: The Local Weatherman Is An Idiot.  (Read 1285 times)


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The Local Weatherman Is An Idiot.
« on: February 12, 2006, 05:47:29 AM »
I realize forcasting the weather isn't necessarily an exact science; especially so in these mountains of Western N.C.  They tend to play havoc with the expected patterns of whatever systems may be passing by at the time.  It's rather common for it to be snowing at my house and raining just a couple miles down the road because of a few hundred feet of difference in elevation.  Or, it will downpour in one spot, and be bone-dry in another just a short distance away.

Because of this, and the nature of meteorology itself, one might offer the weatherdude some latitude (<- Ha!), and I suppose most folks 'round here do just that.  But it seems there is a common notion with many people I know that thinks this one guy in particular is a complete boob.  Ostensibly more so than the other forcasters that work with him.

The winter storm that is chugging its' way up the East coast dumping upwards of a foot of snow blew over us early Saturday.  Most of the region only got 2-3 inches.  Locally, we got about 4 inches.  Nothing major really; a fair portion melted off by Saturday evening.  A huge blizzard, so to speak, was predicted and Asheville proper, where the weatherdude operates from, got mostly nothing at all.  A little snow, mostly rain, and on the 11 P.M. broadcast he launched into a healthy repudiation of his previous predictions.

But that's not why I opine.

You see, during that same broadcast he proudly annouced that county where their station is located, and the northern part of the county in which I reside were no longer under a winter storm watch.  He further stated that while the areas bordering Tennessee might get a few more inches of snow overnight, his county and my locality would likely only get less than an inch of snow if any at all.

When I went to bed last night, it was still snowing.  The couple of inches that melted during the day had returned.    I knew something was hinky...

At present there's at least half a foot of new snow on the ground.  That's in addition to what was left from Saturday; and it's still snowing. :/

I kind of expected this.  We're under a heavy snow warning until 6 P.M. today, and have been since late Friday night.

But the weatherdude seemed to be completely oblivious to that fact, as he never once commented on it during his Saturday night forecast.  He flat-out said that the snow was over for most of the region, save for the immediate area along the state line.  He never once mentioned that heavier snowfall was possible for the area in which we're located.

Maybe I'm being too hard on him... likely so...  But then again, quite a few folks who also saw his Saturday night broadcast have the same sentiments.

His periodic ineptitude wouldn't be so bad if he weren't such a cheesy goofball on the air.

Ehhh... makes life more interesting I guess. rolleyes Wink

50 Shooter

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The Local Weatherman Is An Idiot.
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2006, 06:00:52 AM »
Best weather report I ever saw was in Portland OR a few years ago. The weather guy said "it might rain, it might not" and that was it! He was right, it rained in the morning and it was clear by noon.

Don't worry though, we have the same idiots forecasting weather here in Kali. Nothing like actors that can't find work doing the news/weather.

Declaration Day

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The Local Weatherman Is An Idiot.
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2006, 07:42:45 AM »
I've always thought that a weather forecaster is only as good as the technology he relies on.

I could be wrong!


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The Local Weatherman Is An Idiot.
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2006, 07:48:48 AM »
Come to New England. We got well over a foot and it's still coming down to beat the band. I already did driveway snowblow take 1...

I got a spare shovel if you're interested. I'll make chili...

Avoid cliches like the plague!

Felonious Monk/Fignozzle

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The Local Weatherman Is An Idiot.
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2006, 09:04:03 AM »
Even with good technology, that area (East TN, Western NC) is a b!tch to try and forecast.
There have been a few good ones over the years, but most of them have moved on to other locales as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

The biggest idiot I've ever seen is Todd "Carolina MushMouth" Howell, on WBIR TV in Knoxville.
He looks like a cross between Opie Taylor and Howdy Doody, with a big s#!t eatin' grin all the time.

He is a native of Charleston (NOTHING against that), but he has that staccato, thousand words per minute speech typical of Charleston, and has OBVIOUSLY had to work (unsuccessfully) with a speech coach over the years, but CONSISTENTLY falls back into that machine-gun Charleston speech reminiscent of an Earls Scruggs banjo solo on 78 speed.

For a LONG time, he'd sign off and say "and for dub bee uh are, Ah'm Tod Hal"

Now, before you flame me, I'm a Southern boy, too, but for PETE'S sake, if you're going to be a talking head, work your dialect training sufficiently that you can speak the language with sufficient clarity to the point where a REASONABLE percentage of the country can understand you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rant off.


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The Local Weatherman Is An Idiot.
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2006, 11:40:33 AM »
Easy fig,,, EASY!! Around here we got "Bob's Discount Furniture". Bob does his own commercials. Very annoying.

Avoid cliches like the plague!


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The Local Weatherman Is An Idiot.
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2006, 06:37:46 PM »
Onl right weather forecasters are those rocks.  you know, the ones with the accompanying signs that say 'If the rock is white, its snowing'.

If I care to know the weather, I look out the window.  Anyways, for the next few months, it'll be partly cloudy, low of teens, high of mid 30's, chance of snow, almost certainty of lake effect snow, winds breezy to 30MPH.
I still say 'Give Detroit to Canada'