Author Topic: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.  (Read 7425 times)


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Re: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.
« Reply #25 on: August 28, 2010, 11:25:16 AM »
So basically, ALL liberals are communists because a few liberals believe in communist principles.  Makes sense to me.   =D
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Re: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2010, 11:27:05 AM »
It's ok. Nobody's spitting on black congressmen. Nothing to see, so move along.
Wasn't that the guy who claimed this happened in a crowd with 4,327 cameras (or less) rolling and no one can identify any video footage showing anything like what he claimed? 
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Re: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.
« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2010, 11:33:11 AM »
Well, Dogmush is correct in that there's been no true reconciliation between nationalism and libertarianism.  And too many conservatives embrace something akin to "natural law" in forming their principles.  Unfortunately, "natural law" appears, historically, to be on the side of autocracy, with the desire for individual liberty to be a noble thrust against the grain.
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Re: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2010, 11:57:49 AM »
So basically, ALL liberals are communists because a few most liberals believe in communist principles.  Makes sense to me.   =D

FIFY....esp. if you've read The Communist Manifesto....
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Re: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.
« Reply #29 on: August 28, 2010, 12:07:00 PM »
1) Conservatism wasn't in charge between 2000-2006, "Compassionate conservatism" was. I don't find giving people government money compassionate nor conservative.

2) I guess when people think that life, liberty and property include that of unborn children, they are the Taliban.

3) Someone has a problem with federalism, I see. No conservative wants to implement blue laws across the country. I do, however, have no problem with localities enacting them on the preference of their majority. Don't like it? There's plenty of places without such laws.
I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

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Re: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.
« Reply #30 on: August 28, 2010, 04:14:47 PM »
2) I guess when people think that life, liberty and property include that of unborn children, they are the Taliban.


1) Conservatism wasn't in charge between 2000-2006,
  Of course it wasn't.  The fact that one ideological group tends to vote for a certain party doesn't mean that said party does exactly what they want. 
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Re: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.
« Reply #31 on: August 28, 2010, 05:01:08 PM »
3) Someone has a problem with federalism, I see. No conservative wants to implement blue laws across the country. I do, however, have no problem with localities enacting them on the preference of their majority. Don't like it? There's plenty of places without such laws.

I take it you disagree with the Lochner reasoning?
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Re: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.
« Reply #32 on: August 28, 2010, 07:11:24 PM »
Lets be honest, the majority of the American Conservative movement doesn't believe in individual liberty, economic achievment, and small levels of government involvement in one's life.

I do not argue your point, but I will take issue with the wording:
A goodly portion of modern-day Republicans do not follow lowercase-c-conservative principles.  Just because the word "conservative" is used as a synonym(even a pejorative) for "Republican" does not make it so.  As makattak said, the 2000-2006 years were led by "compassionate conservatives", which is another way of saying "center-right moderates".  G.W. Bush and Congress did little during those years to cut spending, enforce ethics and control abuses, or advance individual liberties - each of which are unarguably conservative values.

Again, don't get wrapped around the axle here, all I'm saying is that the threat is not MORE credible simply because a leftist made it.  In fact, on average I think a random APS member is much mor likely to have the ability to carry out a threat (not the motivation, mind you, but the ability) then the entire DU combined.

An angry fool is a thousand times more dangerous than a level-headed man with ability.

Now just based on my own experiance, those of us here on APS that care strongly for limited governmnet and individual liberty seem to be a limited subset of american "Conservitives".  John McCain and George W. Bush tend to personify the majority of conservitive that I see in central and north florida, as well as what I see written in national op-eds.  

I can hear your keyboards spinning up with versions of "They're not conservitive", to which I'd answer that they think they are, most conservitive voters think they are and the liberals think they are, so for all intents and purposes they're part, a large part in fact, of the American Conservitive movement.  You can throw the RINO label around as much as you'd like. The cold fact is outside of APS we're the fringe wacko conservitive, and the RINO's are the ones leading the movement.

Well, you asked for it.  McCain(spit) and G.W. Bush do NOT represent conservative American values.  Just because the news media says do, does not make it so.  Republicans are AT THIS INSTANT attempting to hijack the conservative movement in America, by playing along, but as has been discussed above, many of the incumbents who are trying to ride the TEA party wave are the same jackasses who pissed away their power in 2000-2006 through corruption, big spending, etc.

On the point that public perception of Republicans makes them conservative - that is simply not true.  Apply that line of reasoning to the Second Amendment debate.  Suppose that SCOTUS decided that "the militia" means the National Guard, because the militia in the 18th-century sense no longer really exists, and people don't use the word in the same way anymore.  That would irritate you, right?  2A means what it meant in 1787, right?  Conservative values are, for the most part, what they have been for a hundred years(i.e. what used to be just "American values").  Those who claim to embrace them, for the most part, do not.

Life (except abortion doctors and fed agents), Liberty (except for the fags) and the pursuit of happyness (as long as beer on Sunday doesn't make you happy).  Small levels of government (after we use it to block a church in a place we don't like).

The America that abortion-doctor killers would like to see is not an America where I would wish to live.
Gays have the very same rights straights do.
Just because some backward county or state restricts alcohol consumption does not make it a conservative value.

the leaders tend to be as well or better educated then us around here.

It has been my observation that the more "educated" a person is, the less connected with reality he becomes.  I suppose that confirms your point :)

Most still don't mind the Patriot Act, G-Bay's fine, use the .gov to shut down the GZM, Sure the cops can GPS tag your car, send SWAT after thos nasty weed dealers, and make sure my Social Security gets paid on time.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety..."

So basically, ALL liberals are communists because a few liberals believe in communist principles.  Makes sense to me.   =D

You seem to be employing sarcasm, but your statement is truer than you think.
You are not what you say, or what you think.  You are what you do, what you vote, and what you publicly support.  The modern liberal who voted for Obama(or Pelosi, Boxer, Reid, etc.) and will vote for him again is effecting change toward the enactment of socialist(not communist) principles.  Just because they don't consider themselves socialists, communists, or whatever else does not make them innocent.  For the same reason that the early-2000s Republican majority is not conservative - because of what they did - the majority of liberals is advancing the socialist cause, one feel-good safety-net program at a time.

On an aside, someone needs to do a comprehensive tally of deaths resulting from right-wing nuts and left-wing nuts.  I'm so very tired of hearing Islamic terrorism excused/marginalized by the claim that "people walk into post offices, they walk into schools, that's what Columbine is"(Tavis Smiley interview, PBS).  I am similarly sick of hearing that rightists are dangerous and leftists are not. 


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Re: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.
« Reply #33 on: August 29, 2010, 12:47:34 AM »
CRM's nah, progressive repubs just fits them better. kinda like retreads, they look the same as the normal progressives, just don't go as far, or as fast. and if you overheat one it pops. [popcorn]


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Re: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.
« Reply #34 on: August 29, 2010, 11:13:31 AM »
CRM's nah, progressive repubs just fits them better. kinda like retreads, they look the same as the normal progressives, just don't go as far, or as fast. and if you overheat one it pops. [popcorn]

Hey now... I run on retreads ;)
Still waiting for McCain to *pop* :)

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Re: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.
« Reply #35 on: August 29, 2010, 08:34:52 PM »
Lets be honest, the majority of the American Conservative movement doesn't believe in individual liberty, economic achievment, and small levels of government involvement in one's life.

This is a curious statement. 

Do you differentiate between freedom and liberty? 

And this may seem completely unrelated, but I'm curious what you think: do you object to HOAs?


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more off topic crap on HOAs
« Reply #36 on: August 29, 2010, 10:23:56 PM »
when we are to the point breaking hoa "rules" will earn you jail time, where are we?

edit: forgot to change the subject  =(


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Re: more off topic crap on HOAs
« Reply #37 on: August 29, 2010, 11:26:22 PM »
when we are to the point breaking hoa "rules" will earn you jail time, where are we?

Wonder how much it costs to rent a sprayer truck full of Roundup for a Sunday night drive?....
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Re: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.
« Reply #38 on: August 29, 2010, 11:59:01 PM »
Do you differentiate between freedom and liberty? 

Do you?  If so, you should start a thread on the subject.  I've been told there is a difference, but I've never understood what that might be.
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Re: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.
« Reply #39 on: August 30, 2010, 01:19:27 AM »
geoffrey nunberg tries. [popcorn]

Wonder how much it costs to rent a sprayer truck full of Roundup for a Sunday night drive?....
i suspect that will be the next step in the (prank?)war. [tinfoil]


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Re: Death threats ae now being made against TEA Party group.
« Reply #40 on: August 30, 2010, 06:11:41 PM »
I gotta wonder how bad the HOA issue would be if they modified the rules on foreclosure just a bit.  What would it do if they required them to sell the house at or near actual market value rather than gifting some buddy a sweetheart deal at an auction.  Of course, anything over what is owed including probably a real estate agent goes to the homeowner.

Have any of you served as head of an HOA?  Have you ever been offered kickbacks for stuff like this?
As an engineer with some responsibility at an operating plant, I have been offered cash for "used" equipment or parts.  A number of others I have known said much the same thing.  One guy said a dealer pulled out a wad of cash to add to it. 

I guess that is a big thread drift.  As for the OP, death threats suck, but on the national political scene, they seem to be common.
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