Author Topic: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?  (Read 6865 times)


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Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« on: November 23, 2010, 11:48:23 PM »
One of the bloggers I read from time to time just posted this:

I find it odd that an ER doctor would be that grossed out by a locker room, but apparently so.  Back when I was hanging out on the Runner's World forums (don't go there anymore; too many jerks), the grossness of naked people in locker rooms was a favorite topic of rants.

I don't get it.  Isn't this the point of a locker room?  Go in street clothes.  Remove street clothes.  Nekkid alert!  Put on workout clothes.  Go work out.  Return to locker room.  Remove sweaty workout clothes.  Nekkid alert 2!  Shower.  Oh teh noes!  Nekkid Alert 3, with drying off involved! Put on clothes.

Ok, so apparently old people spend an inordinately long amount of time getting dried off and dressed, and for some reason this is gross.  Personally, I don't stare at other people in the locker room.  I look at 'em exactly as much as I have to to avoid walking into them.  If I talk to someone, I do so while looking at her face or while not looking at her.  Now, I get if someone is shy about others looking at them.  I know more than a few fat chicks who would rather die than use a public locker room.  Ok, that's cool, whatever works, except it seems kinda' sad that being fat is an excuse for not working out.  But this business of bitching about other people being nekkid in a locker just seems bizarre to me.

And the old people thing, to me, seems pretty easily explained by a bunch of factors working in combination:

1) They aren't late for work, daycare, class, or anything else.  Personally, I'd just as soon take my time too, I just don't have the time.
2) They're stiff and sometimes sore.  Maybe tired.  I figure if some eighty year old lady works out for an hour, odds are she's more fatigued at the end of the hour than the average 24 year old.
3) One big commonality I have observed in old people is that they tend not to give a darn what other people think.  Creeping dementia or earned privilege, call it what you will--it just seems pretty common in old people.

But ok, so old people spend more time than young people being naked in locker rooms.  I will admit that kids sometimes bug me--they get underfoot and don't have much of a sense of personal space, which makes it hard to not look at them, and our culture is so freaking paranoid about kids that I'm always worried some helicopter mom will freak out on me for glancing at her nekkid precious snowflake.  It is irritating when people hog the facilities--like the woman who somehow needs to spend forty minutes and eighteen different tools and products to do her hair in front of one of two sinks in the place.  I imagine there is some male parallel, although I can't imagine what. 

But just being undressed?  That's about the most reasonable and non-intrusive thing I can imagine doing in a locker room.  When I was a kid and steeped in excessive modesty rules, we all changed under towels, super-fast.  That was great, I guess, except for being incredibly awkward and you never actually got dry.  When it's 30 degrees out, I prefer to wear dry clothes.   

Now, I realize there's gotta be some gender disparity in acceptable locker room behavior, but for the sake of curiosity, what is the deal with locker rooms and nekkid people?  What do you think is ok, not ok, or downright gross, and why?

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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2010, 12:05:16 AM »
I must most heartily disagree! :mad: Being dry is more important when it's hot outside, than when it's cold!

Other than that, I agree.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 01:43:57 AM by Fistful »
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2010, 12:41:50 AM »
I have no REAL idea why, but it's true. Old guys at the Y like to stand around buck naked and talk, often with one leg up on the bench.

My personal theory is that it comes from 1950's and earlier sex-segregated gym and (often nude) swim class, where being comfortable with your nudity in the locker room or pool was important for not being the "weird kid". (possible accusation of being latent/homosexual) Instead it was the kid who was nervous and wanted to be modest, cover himself, change quickly who was the "oddball", and picked on etc.

Now it's the opposite, loitering or spending extra time naked is the "weird" behavior.
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2010, 12:49:15 AM »
A guy that stares is just creepy.  I don't normally go to a gym to work out (if I do it at all it's usually a long bike ride, or hiking, or something), but when I have, my general policy is to not stare, to keep myself covered at least with a towel around the waist when it's not necessary to be nekkid (but otherwise not worry about it too much), and when I do have to converse with others, look at their face.  I'm not ashamed of my body, nor am I particularly embarresed to see others nekkid or be seen nekkid by others, but out of politness I just try to minimize that as much as practicable.
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2010, 01:00:45 AM »
Unless it's a woman whom I find physically attractive, people nude are pretty gross looking. I've never been comfortable with being nude in front of others, either.

My memory of locker rooms is forever seared by an event in high school gym class. Everyone had hit the showers, and suddenly there was a lot of shouting and laughing. One of the school's basketball stars, for reasons I'll never know, became erect while showering. I remember feeling bad for the guy for a few seconds, then remembering he was an SOB, and my sympathy dissipated.


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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2010, 01:49:54 AM »
My memory of locker rooms is forever seared by an event in high school gym class. Everyone had hit the showers, and suddenly there was a lot of shouting and laughing. One of the school's basketball stars, for reasons I'll never know, became erect while showering. 

In middle school after gym class I was in my skivvies (so not totally nekkid) in the locker room and one of the other boys says, in a loud voice "LOOK, SUMPNZ's GOT A BONER!!!"  I didn't (seriously).  Thinking much quicker than I normally would in such a situation, I responded to the effect of "If you think that's a boner I'd hate to see out small your dick is". 

Strangely enough that kid didn't bother again for a very long time.
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2010, 02:02:11 AM »
And starting this thread in a family-safe forum is a recipe of FAIL. Add a dash of fail to the boiling pot of fail, and gently stir in two teaspoons of fail.  :P
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2010, 02:22:52 AM »
And starting this thread in a family-safe forum is a recipe of FAIL. Add a dash of fail to the boiling pot of fail, and gently stir in two teaspoons of fail.  :P


Discussion of socially acceptable behavior in an arguably awkward situation involving nudity.  A non-sexual situation involving nudity.  If there are five-year-olds in a locker room, it should be ok to discuss how much nudity is socially acceptable in said locker room in said five-year-old's presence without abandoning decency.

The closest it's gotten to alluding to anything remotely sexual is a story about middle school.  I suspect any (male) middle schooler lurking here could probably identify and would probably be neither shocked nor mystified.  Since when does "family friendly" equal "maintaining the fiction that we are all fully clothed at all times?  I mean, we could go all Victorian and be shocked at the suggestion that people exist below the waist.  I could even make my very best attempt to faint in shock and embarrassment the next time someone posts a pic of himself in shirtsleeves, but it seems a little silly.


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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2010, 02:37:53 AM »
No... at the gym I go to, old people seem to purposely flaunt their nudity. I mean, they will leave the "naked area" whilst still naked, and stand in from of the mirror while combing their hair, still naked, then stand around for a while before they proceed to the "naked area" and sit on a bench and send a text message whilst STILL naked before remembering to put on their clothes, almost as an afterthought.

I go to the gym, work out, change quickly, shower, swim, shower, change quickly and I am done with it. I dont walk around in my birthday suit for 20 minutes just for the fun of it, like the 60+ men do.


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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2010, 02:50:40 AM »
I don't either--but if I had the time, I might.  I sweat for a good forty-five minutes after finishing my workout, and I hate putting on clean clothes while I'm still sweating heavily. 


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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2010, 08:27:56 AM »
The building I work at recently took over management of the showers from the gym, and needed to completely remodel them. So I spent a lot of time in there. When I'm just trying to replace a showerhead, I dislike it when some old guy (and yeah, almost always old guys) leaves the shower opposite and walks up to talk to me while still vigorously soaping and scrubbing his junk. If being uncomfortable with someone conversing with me while they manipulate their genitalia is weird, I guess I'm weird.

It is also rather annoying when they wander about the room, going to the sinks, putting a leg up on the counter so they can use the blowdrier on their anus/perineum/testicle area, coming up to me as I'm retrieving something off the floor and engaging me in conversation while their boy parts are a foot from my face etc.
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2010, 09:21:24 AM »
You had me at the blow dryer. That does sound weird, and downright hard to ignore. 

So...pre-1960's gym class?  Have they not noticed that prolonged nudity isn't quite as acceptable anymore, or do they just not care?


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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2010, 09:58:02 AM »
Heh, I did a thread like this last year from the men's side. I believe then my main pet peeve was not only the old guys, but specifically the guys that will do stuff like get out of the shower and put a t-shirt on and that's it. They then stay in the locker room another half hour wandering around and yacking in the state.

One in particular was always irritating because he happened to be a city gov big wig who works a building over from me. He interacts with my office a lot so he would always talk to me when he saw me in the locker room. Not only was he one of the "shirt - no pants" guys, but he was also a close talker, and he most often managed to talk with me while I was sitting on a bench, so guess what was dangling right in front of my face?

The funny thing is that I told this story to a couple of the women I work with, so ever since, every time they see him around work, they tell me they get the "no pants" image in their heads and have to do everything they can from bursting out laughing while they talk to him.  :laugh:

I don't deal with the locker room shenanigans anymore since I've changed my workout schedule from before work to after work, so now I just go home after my workout.
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2010, 10:02:00 AM »
I think Kyle nailed my opinion.  I don't have a problem with being naked but I try and minimize my exposure out of courtesy to other people.  Wear a towel to and from the shower, stand so my junk is facing the lockers when I put on pants, wait until I'm dressed to go do stuff like use Q-tips to clean my ears in the sink area.

I think you would be utterly justified in asking someone to back up or go put some clothes on if they did something like stand there talking to you with their junk in your face.  You may be that comfortable with your body but I'm sure not.

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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2010, 11:01:52 AM »
You had me at the blow dryer. That does sound weird, and downright hard to ignore. 

So...pre-1960's gym class?  Have they not noticed that prolonged nudity isn't quite as acceptable anymore, or do they just not care?

I think it's both, and that's my theory.

Although one other thing. As you age, your connective tissue breaks down, stretches, things begin to sag...

And uh... because of the help of gravity and decrepitude, ONE part of the anatomy kinda/sorta benefits from this. (from a normal male insecurity perspective...) They may just be showing off.  :laugh:
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2010, 11:05:10 AM »
Thank you all for making me feel better about my gym. I have witnessed/experienced none of the problems you all have.
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2010, 11:59:08 AM »
So, I'm an old guy.  The reason Old People (tm) don't move too fast is two fold:  1.  We don't have anyplace special to go (unless it is the bathroom :P =D) and  2. We don't much give a rat's behind what anybody thinks about anything, especially being nekkit. :O 

We have learned that there just isn't anything that's important enough to get your pants in a wad over.  Besides, it's fun to obstruct people in a hurry. >:D =D
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2010, 12:02:52 PM »

We have learned that there just isn't anything that's important enough to get your pants in a wad over.  Besides, it's fun to obstruct people in a hurry. >:D =D

If you would only stop obstructing us with your weiners...
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2010, 12:11:21 PM »
I thought every gym was like the shower scene in Starship Troopers???


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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2010, 12:59:45 PM »
This thread makes me want to contribute this.
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2010, 01:03:05 PM »
lol  i'm one of those folks that naked is like "so what" unless someone starts humping your leg.    maybe its a japanese thing.  my house was largely clothes optional till i had kids. now not in deference to momma and her ideas of child raising
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2010, 01:29:19 PM »
I thought every gym was like the shower scene in Starship Troopers???

I would start going to the gym if they had Denise Richards in the shower.
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2010, 01:40:02 PM »

Discussion of socially acceptable behavior in an arguably awkward situation involving nudity.  A non-sexual situation involving nudity.  If there are five-year-olds in a locker room, it should be ok to discuss how much nudity is socially acceptable in said locker room in said five-year-old's presence without abandoning decency.

The closest it's gotten to alluding to anything remotely sexual is a story about middle school.  I suspect any (male) middle schooler lurking here could probably identify and would probably be neither shocked nor mystified.  Since when does "family friendly" equal "maintaining the fiction that we are all fully clothed at all times?  I mean, we could go all Victorian and be shocked at the suggestion that people exist below the waist.  I could even make my very best attempt to faint in shock and embarrassment the next time someone posts a pic of himself in shirtsleeves, but it seems a little silly.

OK. So I was exaggerating a little. It's not the most faily thing in the world. Underneath all the exaggeration, I am still correct.  :P
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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2010, 01:48:08 PM »
Fox labs pepper spray + naked genitalia = win.

Though I personally think you people are wusses for changing clothes. One should marinate in sweat before bathing.  :P

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Re: Ok, what's the deal with locker rooms?
« Reply #24 on: November 24, 2010, 02:42:44 PM »
Nekkid alert!

You said 'nekkid'.  *giggle snort* =D

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