Author Topic: Asking someone out...  (Read 8732 times)


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« Reply #50 on: April 02, 2006, 08:53:21 AM »
Dude, you're a high school sophmore.  I don't care what everyone else is doing.  I understand what your hormones are doing.  You still have no business even thinking about dating at this point in your life.  Concentrate on school, concentrate on your religious studies (whatever your religion is), concentrate on your future (it is already time to start looking into college, vocational school, the Army, whatever).  You will have plenty of time for dating later.

Make yourself more attractive to women now.  As stated above several times confidence is key.  Make yourself interesting, and more confident, by developing some skills.  Work out.  Get involved in some sports.  If you are already a jock concentrate more on your mind.  Develop some hobbies.  As you gain more skills in more things you will become both more confident in general and more interesting.  The guys in high school, and after, that I knew who had the best luck with the women were those who were well rounded.  You have more time and more opportunities for this sort of thing now while you are in school than you'll ever have again.  

If you must pursue this idea of high school dating then there are some keys.  From your post it doesn't sound like you know this girl very well.  You really need to get to know her a little, and have her get to know you, before you even think about asking her out.  Is this someone you just look at across the classroom or have you actually had a few good converstations with her?  I'm not saying become best buddies, in fact if you want to date her that is the kiss of death, but you need to be at least casual aquiantances.  Always be sure you are looking at her face when you talk to her, if you can't look her in the eyes the whole time then concentrate on the nose, just don't let your eyes wander.
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« Reply #51 on: April 02, 2006, 11:26:27 AM »
interesting reply chaim...

I agree that i should concentrate on jobs, school, etc (i'm not religious so that's one thing i don't have to do). however, these things are not going to be demanding every spare moment of my time. what's 2 hours every week at the coffeeshop?

not to sound egotistical, but i think i am relatively well rounded (considering my age atleast) and a good person to be around. i don't particularly like sports, and if i was a jock i don't know what i'd do with myself... haha. I am an artsy guy, interested in jewelery making and metalsmithing, bladesmithing, hunting, guns (of course), etc.

I should really stress these points:
she is NOT is any of my classes
we BARELY ever pass in the hall
she is in SOME of my lunch shifts and only SOMETIMES do i see her.

Because of that, if makes it very hard to say hi one day, then "think you did well on that test" the next day, etc. I fail to see how simply asking her to a cup of coffee is a kiss of death. and i know about wandering eyes; i try my hardest. hehe.


Headless Thompson Gunner

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« Reply #52 on: April 02, 2006, 11:43:41 AM »
Cripes, man.  High school is THE time for dating.  High school is all about learning to socialize.  Academics, preparing for the future, and all that other stuff is secondary.  And aside from college, high school is the only time in your life where you're thrown together with droves of people your same age and temperament.  It's a perfect opportunity to meet people to date.  Don't waste it.

TMM, quit worrying about how to ask her out.  There is no one magical right way to do it.  There are no wrong ways either (vomitting on her is probably a bad idea, though  Tongue ).  So just do it.  Ask her out already.  The worst she can do is say "no" and then graduate and disappear in a month or two.  What do you have to lose?


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« Reply #53 on: April 02, 2006, 12:38:55 PM »
I fail to see how simply asking her to a cup of coffee is a kiss of death.
I think that this is exactly what we're trying to say.!
APS #405. Plankowner? You be the judge.
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« Reply #54 on: April 02, 2006, 01:28:50 PM »
Quote from: Barbara
You were. Smiley

Now I remember why I don't date.  

Well, part of the reason. The part that doesn't involve hating people. Smiley
Glad someone's around to keep me in check Wink

TMM- If you don't see her that much, say hi and smile at her when you do. After doing that a few times, introduce yourself and see what develops.

Silver Bullet

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« Reply #55 on: April 02, 2006, 01:51:55 PM »
Youre going to get a lot of rejection when asking women out, but its no big deal:  guys and gals are going to have incompatibilities with other sometimes and have different tastes in partners, but it doesnt mean theres anything wrong with either of you.

You can think of asking women out as throwing seeds in your back yard.  Not all of the seeds are going to sprout, but some will.

(Seeds has another related implication in that sentence, but Im not playing that card.)

I hope my little insights are seminal for you.

(Wait; were not playing that card, I said.)   Shocked


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« Reply #56 on: April 02, 2006, 04:13:45 PM » many girls are you passing in the halls daily who might be date material?  Unless you are a student at The Citadel (you've already said you were still a sophomore in high school) I'm figuring there are LOTS of potential candidates for coffee with you.  Do you have some female friends you hang with?  Talk to them.  Get your confidence up.  You've got some time.  Well, a couple of months anyway before the school term ends.

You may be overlooking some nice rubies and emeralds with your eye focused only on what seems to be a diamond.


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« Reply #57 on: April 02, 2006, 04:35:24 PM »
Do you have some female friends you hang with?  Talk to them.  Get your confidence up.  You've got some time.  Well, a couple of months anyway before the school term ends.
Also it is easy to project whatever you want into someone you don't know. Idolizing and falling for the fantasy is a bad habit.
You may not really like her if you do have a date, and there is nothing wrong with that.

You actually might be the best catch that she ever has a chance to date. Plenty of cool hot girls marry idiots.
Don't cut a girl slack for too long just because she is hot.

Of course you will never know if you don't approach her.......


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« Reply #58 on: April 02, 2006, 08:45:02 PM »
I fail to see how simply asking her to a cup of coffee is a kiss of death
I didn't say it was.  I said that if you do pursue dating in high school (or anytime really) it is easiest if you get to know a girl/woman a bit before you ask her out.  If you talk to her sometimes you will know if you have anything in common, if you both can stand each other, and you will have some idea if she has any interest in you.  What I did say was the "kiss of death" is if you take this idea and wait until you are actually friends, once you cross that line there is no return (in most cases).

I suggest that you shouldn't date right now.  Ideally wait until you are out of high school (college age kids get plenty of practice too, and if you develop yourself between now and then you should have more confidence as well).  At least wait until your senior year.  I come from a perspective where I do not see dating as just fun and games, it is a pretty serious thing.  Eventually, regardless of how seriously you look at it (or how casually), serious emotions can develop.  At your age are you anywhere near ready to get married if things go that far, of course not and so why play with your (and her) emotions like that.  Further, dating can lead to other places as well.  You may think you are a good boy who will know when to say "no", well, let me tell you (I haven't always been religious so I have some knowlege of things) human biology is a powerful thing and it isn't easy to stop at A when you are with some beautiful young thing who wants to move on to B or C.  You may be the kind of guy who says "that's exactly what I want", well, sexual behavior can easily lead to some serious life altering consequences.  Are you ready if you get some girl pregnant?  What about if you contract some disease?  These are just a few reasons to wait.

There are also more positive reasons to wait.  Giving yourself 2-3 years will give you more maturity.  If you develop yourself in other ways you will gain confidence in yourself.  Make friends with girls and you'll find it easier to talk to girls in general and thus when you do start dating it will be easier.

If you must get started now there are things you can do to make it easier.  Make friends with more girls.  Girls know girls, as you make friends with girls you'll meet their friends.  If you are friends with these girls you probably have something in common with them, they probably have something in common with their friends, making it more likely that you'll have something in common with their girlfriends than some random girls.  Get involved in clubs and activities at school that have some girls participating.  Join the school choir or drama club for instance.  It will be fun in and of itself, and you'll get to know quite a few girls and it is easier to ask out girls who you already know a little than complete strangers.  Forget about asking some girl out who you've never even talked to before, even if she says yes (and a stranger probably won't) it is the least likely situation to become anything worth while.  If you really want to ask out this particular girl you need to start talking to her occasionally, have some converstations, before you actually ask her out.
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« Reply #59 on: April 03, 2006, 03:42:37 AM »

See, the thing is that my advice is not just exclusive to picking up women.  It is an equal-opportunity strategy.  It's called "stroking the ego" when applied to men.  

Everybody likes to be complimented.

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« Reply #60 on: April 03, 2006, 12:43:46 PM »
Quote from: CatsDieNow

See, the thing is that my advice is not just exclusive to picking up women.  It is an equal-opportunity strategy.  It's called "stroking the ego" when applied to men.  

Everybody likes to be complimented.
Very true Smiley


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« Reply #61 on: April 03, 2006, 03:39:23 PM »
Have I mentioned how nice your hair looks today? Tongue

Avoid cliches like the plague!


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« Reply #62 on: April 03, 2006, 04:16:02 PM »
Just ask her out. If she refuses, keep asking her and following her around until she gives in or files a restraining order against you. Tongue
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« Reply #63 on: April 03, 2006, 05:45:53 PM »
Hopefully, you've already followed the advice here and landed a date.  

If not, here's some general advice.   I'm turning 25 on 6/6/06, and Gods, what would I have given for advice 10 years ago.  

The reason why women are perceived to date jerks instead of nice guys is typically because too many jerks have confidence and too many self-claimed 'nice guys' lack spine.   Women can smell desperation a mile away, and for some odd reason, it's not a turn on to most of them.  The biggest 'trick' is to have a healthy amount of self-esteem, self-respect and plenty of spine.   If you ask a lady out, and she says yes, congrads.  If she says no, shrug it off, be polite and let her know the offer's open if she changes her mind but you're not gonna lack any sleep over it.   In the long run, it doesn't pay to be a jerk or a human doormat.   Women can spread information very quickly, and being labeled a jerk or chronic 'nice guy' amoung the female community will drastically limit your potential dating partners.    

Try not to get stuck on one chick.   Fixation may seem cute to guys, but too often, it comes off as creepy to a lot of women.   Don't have super high expectations, don't build up things too much in your mind, and don't overanalyse things.   Women will see it a mile away, and they're not impressed by it.  

If you plan on using a cheesy pickup line or are just looking for nookie, make your move within 10 seconds or else move on.  If you're trying to be more subtle (ie, you're not desperate and nookie isn't your primary motivation), you can take your time.   Don't stare longingly at her when you think she's not watching.  If you're lucky, she'll merely find it annoying.  If you're unlucky, she'll find it creepy.   How the heck would you feel if some strange guy was staring at YOU?  

If you take your time, be cool and tell her the truth.   You're just doing your thing, but you noticed xyz about her.  If you want to be ueber subtle, don't try to pick her up.   Say you'll be at bookstore, coffee shop, whatever next Friday/Saturday night and ask if she's interested in whatever is happening at said place.   Don't use trite expressions, like telling a beautiful girl that she's beautiful or an uber intelligent girl that she's smart.   Be original, and keep her a bit off balance.   You have to be hopeful she'll express interest, but it won't exactly crush your world if she says no.   You can't really fake this, and it's not an easy thing to learn.   Practice makes perfect.  

Don't overdo things.  All things in moderation and all that.  Dress well, be well spoken, have an interesting personality, and don't take rejection as the end of the world.  Don't stare at her interesting bits, especially if/when she tests you.  Over half the world's population is female, so the odds are in your favor.  Take your time, do your thing, and keep trying.   Eventually, you'll find the right girl.  Actually, more likely, you'll run into each other when neither of you are expecting it.
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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« Reply #64 on: April 04, 2006, 12:39:34 AM »
Women are funny. If she LIKES you and you stare at her, suddenly you're not so creepy.

They say the definition of sexual harrassment lies in whether she likes you or not.
Avoid cliches like the plague!


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« Reply #65 on: April 04, 2006, 12:56:50 PM »
RevDisk: Good advice, thanks! you have good points/ideas, most of which i were considering using. the biggest problem will probably be the confidence bit, which i'm trying to work on (usually by saying:"THERES NOTHING TO LOSE!!! WHY ARE YOU HESITATING?!?!?"...heh.)

I haven't asked her out yet, but when i say we barely pass in the halls, i REALLY mean it... and besides, i think just running up to her in the hall isn't do you say...classy?

She's in a few lunch shifts of mine and perhaps i will approach her then...



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« Reply #66 on: April 04, 2006, 06:11:17 PM »
Quote from: TMM
RevDisk: Good advice, thanks! you have good points/ideas, most of which i were considering using. the biggest problem will probably be the confidence bit, which i'm trying to work on (usually by saying:"THERES NOTHING TO LOSE!!! WHY ARE YOU HESITATING?!?!?"...heh.)

I haven't asked her out yet, but when i say we barely pass in the halls, i REALLY mean it... and besides, i think just running up to her in the hall isn't do you say...classy?

She's in a few lunch shifts of mine and perhaps i will approach her then...

Ouch, not to sound negative, but it sounds like you're at the tactical disadvantage.  If she's currently a senior, you'd have only a couple months.  Are you fine with such a short term relationship?  Realistically speaking, she'll probably be going off to college.   I've yet to see a HS/college long distance relationship work.   The scheduling problem can be a small thing, or a big thing.  

I gotta ask.  Why'd you pick this girl out of the crowd?  What made her so special that you're seemingly ignoring easier prospects?  (Easier prospects being girls in some of your classes, part of your existing social network, members of the same club or interest groups, etc)   If you say "just her physical appearance, I don't know jack else about her" I'll smack ya upside the head.

I'm not saying "Don't go for it".  Indeed, give it a shot.  Practice makes perfect and all that.  Just don't get too focused on one girl.   You'll overlook someone truly special if you do so.
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.

Winston Smith

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Asking someone out...
« Reply #67 on: April 04, 2006, 06:14:45 PM »
Revdisk, write a book for young men.
APS #22
I'm eighteen years old. I know everything and I'm invincible.


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« Reply #68 on: April 05, 2006, 03:56:28 AM »
Quote from: Winston Smith
Revdisk, write a book for young men.
He does seem to have a lot of experience and wisdom to share.  I'd second that recommendation.


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« Reply #69 on: April 05, 2006, 11:41:13 AM »
i know, i am at a tactical disadvantage...

i have realized the fact that she'll probably go off to college soon, which would probably suck - hopefully she'd work for a year or somthing, like how some people do.

why'd i pick her out of the crowd? damned if i know. don't even remember when i said to myself, "She's cute", or somthing along those lines. i'm rather picky when it comes to looks (unintentionally... some people just don't *click*, if that makes sence)

Now, the way i see it many relationships start with physical attraction, then mental. same deal here...



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« Reply #70 on: April 05, 2006, 01:59:32 PM »
I hope this isn't interpreted as being condescending, because it's only that I've been there many times, but be careful not to get a case of 'one-itous'. It's a painful road to go down. It just sucks to set yourself up for a fall down the line.

It seems like the deck is needlessly stacked against you in a lot of ways, time not being the least of your concerns. I'd second the notion that looking around to people who will be around for a while (ie classmates) might save your heart some ache'n.

The last two relationships I had were quite important in my life, and both ended up leaving the state for post-grad opportunities. Both ripped me up equally.

If none of that applies to you, the good luck with it! Just be confident, by realizing how small an event it is in the scheme of your life, and that you're just both people.
"She could not have reached this white serenity except as the sum of all the colors, of all the violence she had known." - The Fountainhead
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« Reply #71 on: April 07, 2006, 04:14:03 PM »
Quote from: bermbuster
Quote from: Winston Smith
Revdisk, write a book for young men.
He does seem to have a lot of experience and wisdom to share.  I'd second that recommendation.
Bwahaha, thanks for the kind words.   I've pondered writing before, but hardly a relationship guide.  

Heh, they say experience is the greatest teacher.  And it's very true.   Even if I was to write the ultimate guide to relationships, which isn't possible, it'd be missing a critical point.  Everyone is different, both men and women.   A person is more than the sum of their experiences, but one's life experiences are a huge influence on one's behavior.  Keep in mind, my advice is suited from my own experience.  I have little interest in a meaningless piece of nookie.   I don't go out looking to pick up women.   I look for interesting folk.   If things evolve from there, great.  If not, I've suffered nothing and gained plenty.  Others have different priorities and there's nothing wrong with that.

I suppose I have one final 'trick'.   I employ the services of a 'translator', a friend of mine of nearly a decade, who happens to be a typical woman.   A guy trying to understand the mind of a woman is like a dog trying to understand quantum mechanics.   I don't take her word for holy writ, of course, but having good friends in the 'enemy' camp is always wise.  

i know, i am at a tactical disadvantage...

i have realized the fact that she'll probably go off to college soon, which would probably suck - hopefully she'd work for a year or somthing, like how some people do.

why'd i pick her out of the crowd? damned if i know. don't even remember when i said to myself, "She's cute", or somthing along those lines. i'm rather picky when it comes to looks (unintentionally... some people just don't *click*, if that makes sence)

Now, the way i see it many relationships start with physical attraction, then mental. same deal here...
If you do care for her, even at this stage, why would you want her to shelve her life for you?  

And yes, I can understand the click thing.   It's something inarticulate, but very real.  And yes, looks do make a difference, at least at first.   Don't make it your sole guide, however.   Yea, physical attraction is a big thing.  Experience will teach you that it'll cause you plenty of trouble too.  

I say, go for it if you want to.  You're running low on time, but don't feel pressured to make a move.   If the chance doesn't come up, it doesn't come up.  Tis life.  Tis why you shouldn't become obsessed with one girl and no others.  Keep your eyes open, you might be surprised at what you were previously missing.
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.

Felonious Monk/Fignozzle

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« Reply #72 on: April 07, 2006, 07:18:37 PM »
Yoda just told me:

TMM-- Talking too much you are.  Ask, or do not.  There is no try.